NCLB Basics From “What Parents of Students with Disabilities Need to Know & Do” National Center on Educational Outcomes University of Minnesota

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1 NCLB Basics From “What Parents of Students with Disabilities Need to Know & Do” National Center on Educational Outcomes University of Minnesota

2 NCLB & IDEA NCLB seeks to improve the education of all children IDEA focuses on providing specialized individual services to each child with disabilities so that they can access the general curriculum The last IDEA reauthorization aligned it more closely with NCLB

3 NCLB Based on 4 Principles Accountability for results Emphasis on doing what works based on scientific research Expanded parental involvement Expanded local control and flexibility

4 Goals of NCLB Raise academic achievement of all students Close the achievement gap between groups of students that historically perform poorly and their higher performing peers

5 What All States Must Do Develop challenging academic standards that are the same for every student Develop annual academic assessments for all students Ensure that here is a highly qualified teacher in every classroom Define the amount of academic progress schools must achieve each year to reach proficiency goal by 2014

6 What States Must Do (continued) Ensure the availability of reasonable adaptations and accommodations for students with disabilities Produce an annual statewide “Report Card” of performance and make the report available to the public

7 The NCLB Bottom Line Schools are graded on how well all students are learning the knowledge and skills defined by the content standards Schools’ grades are based on how well subgroups of students are learning – Economically disadvantaged students – Students with disabilities – Students of color – English language learners

8 NCLB and IDEA Working Together Academic content and achievement standards Annual assessments & accountability Qualified general education teachers IEPs & access to general curriculum Participation in all state and school assessments Qualified special education teachers

9 Two Types of Standards Content standards Achievement standards

10 Two Types of Standards Content standards – Reading – Math – Science Achievement standards

11 Two Types of Standards Content standards Achievement standards – Performance levels Advanced (e.g., 85% to 100% correct) Proficient (e.g., 60% to 84% correct) Basic (e.g., 0% to 29% correct)

12 Two Types of Standards Content standards Achievement standards – Performance levels – Performance descriptors

13 Example Performance Descriptor Grade 4 Proficient When reading 4 th grade text, the student demonstrates an understanding of the main idea and key points of the text supported by literal and inferential information. The student draws clear connections between information and the text and inferences and conclusions.

14 Two Types of Standards Content standards Achievement standards – Performance levels – Performance descriptors – Exemplars—sample student work at each level of achievement

15 Testing Requirements Language arts & math – Annual testing – Grades 3,4,5,6,7 & 8 – Sometime during grades 10 – 12 Science – Once annually during – Grades 3-5 – Grades 6-9 – Grades 10-12

16 What Makes It Work? Stakeholder agreement on standards Alignment of standards, curriculum, instruction, and assessment Use of evidence based strategies and programs Highly qualified teachers Public accountability

17 Pending EDA Reauthorization Adopt a state’s accountability system – Content standards – Achievement standards – Assessments Make “report card” of results available to the public

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