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BY: Alex Rochowski, Braxton Caldwell, Lexi Johnson, and Sara Heppard.

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Presentation on theme: "BY: Alex Rochowski, Braxton Caldwell, Lexi Johnson, and Sara Heppard."— Presentation transcript:

1 BY: Alex Rochowski, Braxton Caldwell, Lexi Johnson, and Sara Heppard

2  Witches were believed to be agents of Satan on Earth.  Anyone could be a witch.  Witches can force others to do their will.  They can also cause pain for others just with body movements.

3  Trials prosecuting young people in Salem.  Mainly women.  Sentences were based on the Bible.  All were found guilty.  Similar to modern day hate and persecution of Muslims.  Accusers later apologized because they knew it was fake.

4  Puritan ideas became extreme.  People feared anything involving the Devil.  Medical knowledge at the time could not explain severe illnesses.  Easy way to settle disputes.  People were paranoid about witchcraft, so any hint of it freaked people out.

5  Either they admit to being a witch and are executed or they refuse and get banned from their village.

6  As soon as the people of Salem expected that there were witches in their town ; they began manhunts and arrested anybody who they thought was a witch.

7  The Salem Witch trials began in January 1692 and lasted until May 1693.

8  Convulsive seizures  Screaming  trance like states  talking to yourself  not going to church  speaking in foreign languages

9  Yes, in other countries people still accuse others of witchcraft

10  The Red Scare: when many innocent people got in trouble out of the fear that they could be communists.


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