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THE ENVIRONMENTAL CASE FOR PAPER HENRY COPPENS Sappi emissions and energy technical specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "THE ENVIRONMENTAL CASE FOR PAPER HENRY COPPENS Sappi emissions and energy technical specialist."— Presentation transcript:


2 THE ENVIRONMENTAL CASE FOR PAPER HENRY COPPENS Sappi emissions and energy technical specialist

3 Riddle #1

4 WOW Factors What is this ‘THING’ ? A perpetual motion device ? Almost – anyway, the nearest you’ll ever get to one Riddle #2! - a thing, device, machine, giant factory? WOW factors 1. Makes own energy 2. Guzzles Carbon Dioxide 3. Can Re-use its product 4. Outputs (products, waste) biodegradable 5. Contributor to Life itself 6. Quarter mile times

5 Sappi, Mondi Plantations

6 The Sappi Story LET’S EXPAND ON THE WOW FACTORS Straw WWII – raw material shortages Build its own machine Amazing by-products Starting from a base of zero resources. Amazing example of zero based raw material development not reliant on a natural door step resource

7 1. Makes own energy Nearly 50 % of the energy used to make paper by Sappi & Mondi comes from the raw material – the wood chips  It’s renewable  Non -fossil  Carbon neutral This means this energy is:

8 WOW factors 1.Makes own energy 2.Guzzles GHGs/ LOCKS UP Carbon 3.Re-uses its output 4.Outputs (product, wastes) biodegradable 5.Contributor to Life itself 6.Quarter mile times Wow Factors

9 This ‘machine’ that our industry has built is one of the largest built and developed GHG clean-up devices in the world. 2. GUZZLES GHGs BIOMASS cultivation is the ONLY means we have to clean up the GHG mess Trees are the most efficient species at doing this Our plantations have specially developed trees that are 6 - 10 times more efficient at doing this than the trees of the northern boreal forests, tropical forests

10 If it were not for the forestry industry world wide operating over 150 years the GHG level in the atmosphere would be 5% higher than it is at present. USA National Council for Air And Stream Improvement 2. GUZZLES GHGs (cont.) Our paper mills draw wood from this huge machine! – 1 200 000ha plantations This ‘machine’ absorbs 27 million tonnes CO 2 annually – 1 kg/hr This ‘machine’ produces 19 million tonnes O 2 annually – 600 kg/hr No other man made type of machine comes anywhere close to doing this!!!

11 2. GUZZLES GHGs (cont.) The BIG difference between Forestry industry and virtually all other: ITS ABILITY TO TAKE UP CARBON FROM THE ATMOSPHERE AND LOCK IT UP. Other industries certainly lock up carbon but this is – fossil carbon – a limited resource. When lock up of this carbon ends, as it eventually will – where does it go – INTO THE ATMOSPHERE. Sugar industry nearest, but they don’t lock up for very long, can’t recycle sugar

12 2. GUZZLES GHGs CARBON FOOTPRINT (tonne CO 2 /tonne product) Manufacturing (Raw/recycled) Final Fate Paper Plastic Total Fossil CO 2 Release 2.97 t CO 2 per ton Product 5.3t CO 2 * per ton polyethylene *Based on 1.75t petroleum per ton of polyethylene produced. Raw Material Prod’n Check on boundary conditions: We use CRADLE to GATE but take into account final fate of paper

13 3. Re-uses its input

14 WOW factors 1.Makes own energy 2.Guzzles GHGs 3.Re-uses its output 4.Outputs (product, wastes) biodegradable 5.Contributor to Life itself 6.Quarter mile times

15 Unlike other materials, paper waste needs no segregation before recycle processing. Simply put it all in the same pot and make paper 3. Re-uses its input Up to 80% of kraft packaging paper in SA is recovered for recycling We consumes almost 3.5 million tonnes of waste paper Sappi has one entire paper mill that ONLY uses recycled paper Recycled paper has zero carbon footprint Paper fibre can be recycled up to 6-7 times. Waste paper collection is a significant player in the informal labour sector – benefiting thousands of otherwise unemployed people.

16 Wow Factors WOW factors 1.Makes own energy 2.Guzzles GHGs 3.Re-uses its output 4.Outputs (product, wastes) biodegradable 5.Cause of Life itself 6.Quarter mile times

17 Paper does contribute as a species of ‘Our National Flower’. 4. Biodegradation All paper products biodegrade readily When they do they do not harm the environment

18 Wow Factors WOW factors 1.Makes own energy 2.Guzzles GHGs 3.Re-uses its output 4.Outputs (product, wastes) biodegradable 5.Contributor to Life itself 6.Quarter mile times

19 We can reduce by 10% without affecting life style, but to go greater than this – what is necessary to reverse climate change – is very difficult since we are so dependent on fossil fuels. 5. Contributor to Life itself The CO 2 that the plantations absorb and O 2 produce is what sustains life We only have one atmosphere To continue sustaining life, especially in the age of fossil fuel gluttony we need to reduce fossil fuel consumption.

20 Create a demand for paper products! 5. Contributor to Life itself (cont.) We can develop CO2 storage/absorption systems like ocean storage, disused mine CO2 absorption. All very expensive and far from being operational THERE IS A BETTER WAY, A MUCH BETTER WAY PLANT MORE TREES! How do we do this? Commercially is best – create a demand for more trees How do we do this?

21 Time for an Ad-break

22 T 031 764 2494 sappa

23 5. Contributor to Life itself (cont.) WATER USE Two prime users  Plantation water use  Paper making process water use

24 Sappi plantations divert more rainfall back to the atmosphere (evaporation) than to streams when compared to other agriculture BUT 5. Contributor to Life itself (cont.) Compare plantations with other cultivated agriculture – NOT with indigenous forests Sappi plantations may look like forests – but they are an exotic cultivated agricultural commodity like virtually all SA agriculture - maize, wheat, cabbages, fruit etc PLANTATION WATER USE

25 Sappi plantations are thus far closer to being naturally independently sustainable that virtually any other SA agricultural product or commodity. 5. Contributor to Life itself (cont.) To make all other SA agriculture sustainable, vast expenditure is required on agriculture support and infrastructure (fertiliser, insecticides, dams, canals, etc - all of which are not required for Sappi plantations This is because Sappi plantations NEED NO IRRIGATION. All moisture is derived naturally. (80 – 85% of SA agriculture is dependent on irrigation).

26 PAPER PROCESS WATER USE 2.7% of SA water is used in the process of paper manufacture. 5. Contributor to Life itself (cont) Water use by sector in S.A. 62.2% 23% 6% 2% 2.7% 4.1% Irrigation Domestic & Urban Mining and Industry Power generation Paper Manufacture Rural use

27 WOW factors 1.Makes own energy 2.Guzzles GHGs 3.Re-uses its output 4.Outputs (product, wastes) biodegradable 5.Contributor to Life itself 6.Quarter mile times WOW Factors

28 So they produce fibre 8 – 13 times faster than forests in the northern hemisphere. 6. Quarter mile times Talking about tree growth Traditional fibre sources are the northern hemisphere temperate and boreal forests and the tropic forests. They can take up to 100 years to be ready as pulp wood. The trees in our plantations are ready after 7 (gum) to 12 years (pine). times faster than the prime source of paper fibre in the northern hemisphere So they are 8 – 13 times faster at absorbing CO 2 and producing oxygen. All this at approx 1/6 th the land area of Northern Hemisphere & Tropical forests.

29 Conclusion Neither plastic nor glass biodegrade readily. Plastic can take up to 1,000 years to biodegrade. When plastic photo-degrades, it causes harm to soil and water. Recycling rate in SA 25 % for glass and 32% for plastic. Plastic needs to be segregated. 0% derived from renewable energy Not renewable – increases carbon in the atmosphere when burned Other (glass, plastic, metal) Biodegrades without harming soil or water 100% recyclable, 55% recovery rate for paper in SA, 80% recovery rate for kraft papers Almost 50% derived from renewable 100% renewable – carbon neutral when burned Paper BiodegradabilityRecyclabilityCarbon used in manufacturing Carbon contained in raw material

30 Conclusion Where to we fit in?

31 Conclusion Be part of the Climate change SOLUTION – not part of the Problem THANK YOU!!!! Any questions?. We are one of the few industries whose business is naturally aligned to climate change remediation. Thanks to its forestry operations and its use of renewable energy our industry in SA is right up there as one of the very few, if not the best, that is most aligned to the Climate Change Solution in the world.

32 Conclusion “Please consider the environment before printing this e-Mail……………” GO AHEAD - PRINT A MILLION OF THE DAMN THINGS!!! And do your bit for cleaning up the atmosphere and the environment. THANK YOU!!!! Any questions?. One more thing!!!!


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