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{ NAME: “Marc Esher”, TWEETER: WORK_FOR: “Booz | Allen | Hamilton”, CONTRIBUTE_TO: [ “MXUnit”, “CFMongoDB” ], URL: “”,

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Presentation on theme: "{ NAME: “Marc Esher”, TWEETER: WORK_FOR: “Booz | Allen | Hamilton”, CONTRIBUTE_TO: [ “MXUnit”, “CFMongoDB” ], URL: “”,"— Presentation transcript:

1 { NAME: “Marc Esher”, TWEETER: “@marcesher”, WORK_FOR: “Booz | Allen | Hamilton”, CONTRIBUTE_TO: [ “MXUnit”, “CFMongoDB” ], URL: “”, DATE: new Date(’11/12/2010’) } And I’m going to show you: why MongoDB is Awesome

2 Our Journey  Pop Quiz  Why MongoDB For CF-ers?  The Feel of MongoDB  Why MongoDB?  Why Not MongoDB?  Some more awesomeness  CFMongoDB

3 What datatype is this?

4 And This?



7 And the first picture is different from that last one how? VS.

8 Mindshift From Queries To Arrays of Structures

9 MongoDB is…  A Schema-less, Document-Oriented datastore  Documents are roughly equivalent to CF structs:  Keys, values  Values can be other documents (i.e. embedded)  Documents are searchable

10 MongoDB’s Data Model  A Database has “Collections”  Collections have “Documents”  Documents have “Fields”  Fields are key = value pairs  A Collection does not enforce the structure of its documents* *i.e. Schemaless

11 Our Journey  Pop Quiz  Why MongoDB For CF-ers?  The Feel of MongoDB  Why MongoDB?  Why Not MongoDB?  Some more awesomeness  CFMongoDB

12 Why MongoDB for CF-ers? “It’s so easy, even a ColdFusion ‘programmer’ can use it” -- anonymous PHP scriptmonkey

13 This time, with feeling Familiar Datatypes  MongoDB Document == CF Struct  MongoDB Collection == Arrays of Structs

14 And then…. Ad hoc queries  “language” for querying these collections  Secondary indexes to support these queries

15 MongoDB and ColdFusion  10gen (MongoDB makers) builds the Java drivers  Drop the jars into your cfusion lib  Or use JavaLoader  Then use Mongo like any other object  CFMongoDB can make all of this a breeze

16 Our Journey  Pop Quiz  Why MongoDB For CF-ers? Surprise Pop Quiz!  The Feel of MongoDB  Why MongoDB?  Why Not MongoDB?  Some more awesomeness  CFMongoDB

17 What datatype is this? “2”

18 What datatype is this? “true”

19 What datatype is this? false

20 What datatype is this? {married=“true”, age=35}

21 It ain’t all puppies and unicorns  1 != “1”  true != “true”  2.546 != “2.546”  {age=35} != {AGE=35}  {lastname= 1,firstname= 1 } != {lastname: 1,firstname: 1 }* Lucky for you, CFMongoDB solves *most* of these problems * HUH? When we get to.sort(), you’ll see

22 Get your mind right Think in JavaScript When you’re creating CFML structures, pretend you’re creating JavaScript objects  Case Matters  Datatype matters (unless you use CFMongoDB)

23 Our Journey  Pop Quiz  Why MongoDB For CF-ers?  The Feel of MongoDB  Why MongoDB?  Why Not MongoDB?  Some more awesomeness  CFMongoDB

24 The “Feel” of MongoDB Relax… we’ll do more bullet points later

25 Install and Run MongoDB Download from Unzip Create data directory >mkdir c:\data\db Run MongoDB (mongod): >cd c:\mongodb-1.6.3\bin >mongod Run Mongo shell (mongo): >mongo Yes, that’s it

26 The Mongo Shell >mongo >help() >show dbs >use >show collections >db.collectionName.findOne() >db.collectionName.find() > >

27 Insert  See that new “_id” field? We’ll discuss that later

28 Update

29 Remove

30 Finding by nested fields



33 Finding with Conditionals


35 What happens if I search on a field a Document doesn’t have?



38 Can I Find Documents without XXX?

39 Sorting? Limiting? Skipping? Have you ever had to “Page” in a web app?

40 Sorting? 1 = true, 1 = asc, 1 = include -1 = false, -1 = desc, -1 = exclude (depends on context)

41 Sorting? Limiting? sort(), skip(), limit()

42 Sorting + Limiting + Skipping = Paging sort(), skip(), limit()

43 count() and distinct()




47 And so much more!

48 Schema Design Guideline Embed when you can: { NAME = “Marc”, KIDS = [{NAME=“Lexie”}, {NAME=“Sidney”}] } Relate when you must: { NAME = “Marc”, KIDS = [ ObjectId(4cd0bcc754503766b7dcfd6a), ObjectId(4cd0bcc754503766b7dcfd7a) ] } (and watch the presentations, too)

49 Our Journey  Pop Quiz  Why MongoDB For CF-ers?  The Feel of MongoDB  Why MongoDB?  Why Not MongoDB?  Some more awesomeness  CFMongoDB

50 Why MongoDB: The Official Word MongoDB is Big and Fast (just like every other NoSQL Datastore)

51 Why MongoDB: Performance  No Joins + No multi-row transactions  = Fast Reads  = Fast Writes (b/c you write to fewer tables, no trans. log)  Async writes  = you don’t wait for inserts to complete  (optional, though)  Secondary Indexes  = Index on embedded document fields for superfast ad-hoc queries  Indexes live in RAM

52 Why MongoDB: Scalability / Availability  No Joins + No multi-row transactions  = Horizontally Scalable  = Built for Distribution of data and computation  Sharding for distributed data  MapReduce for distributed computation  Built-in Replication  Easy to configure  Reads can be distributed across slaves  Automatic failover when using Replica Sets Shard for scalability, replicate for availability

53 Why MongoDB: R.A.D.  Documents (think: objects) with embedded documents feel more natural compared with DB / ORM  Ad-hoc queries don’t require “view” creation or other config… code-n-go  No penalty for schema evolution (true for most NoSQL stores)  Atomic Modifiers for safe in-place updates (no locking code around single documents)  Built-in functions for Mongo-as-a-queue (I LOVE these!)

54 Why MongoDB: Friendly License  You can use MongoDB in your corporate app  You do not have to open source your corporate app  From the docs: “ To reiterate, you only need to provide the source for the MongoDB server and not your application”

55 Why MongoDB: Marc’s Favorite Things  Structs, how do I love thee?  Inserts/Updates/Upserts are soooo easy  Most days, I want to kneecap ORM… not so with Mongo  Frequently “embedded” more natural than “relational”  Queries, queries, queries. Indexes, Indexes, Indexes  Functionality built for “paging”: sort, limit, skip, count, size  Horizontal Scaling makes sense to me  Docs are Fantastic  Examples, examples, examples  One word: findAndModify(). U-Ni-Corns MongoDB has brought Joy into my development

56 Our Journey  Pop Quiz  Why MongoDB For CF-ers?  The Feel of MongoDB  Why MongoDB?  Why Not MongoDB?  Some more awesomeness  CFMongoDB

57 Why Not MongoDB? Vs. Relational DBs  No Joins  You’ll embed instead  You’ll join in your application code when necessary  No Transactions  Might want to rethink using MongoDB for bank account transfers  Though if you consider a “trade” as a single document representing both sides of the transaction… remember, mindshift  You WILL miss SQL!  Though you’ll get used to MapReduce (which is just JS functions!)  Perhaps not a great fit for Reporting-heavy apps  Though die-hards would debate this  It simply may not be a best fit for your app  Relational databases are not going anywhere  CoSQL?

58 Why Not MongoDB? Vs. Itself  Still kinda new  Though used in production at major sites  Evolving rapidly  This is a good thing, though you’ll want to keep up with new releases  Not meant for 32Bit  You’ll have a 2GB limit per mongod process if you do  No single-server durability  If you’re not running replication, and it crashes, you will lose data (they’re working on this)  Just replicate, period

59 Why Not MongoDB? Vs. ColdFusion 2 != “2” And fixing that is either: A) Ugly as hell: javacast(“int”, 2)… everywhere! B) slow(ish) if using CFMongoDB I get 1000 inserts in @1sec on a raggedy-ass laptop

60 Our Journey  Pop Quiz  Why MongoDB For CF-ers?  The Feel of MongoDB  Why MongoDB?  Why Not MongoDB?  Some more awesomeness  CFMongoDB

61 Awesome: Query Operators $ne: db.people.find( { NAME: { $ne: “Shaggy”} } ) $nin: db.people.find( { NAME: { $nin: [“Shaggy”, “Daphne”] } } ) $gt and $lt: db.people.find( AGE: { {$gt: 30, $lt: 35} } ) $size (eg, people with exactly 3 kids): db.people.find( KIDS: {$size: 3} ) regex: (eg, names starting with Ma or Mi) db.people.find( {NAME: /^M(a|i)/} ) More at

62 Awesome: Atomic Modifiers $inc db.pageviews.update( {URL: ‘’}, {$inc: {N: 1}} ) $set db.people.update( {NAME: ‘Steve’}, {$set: {Age: 35}} ) $push (for atomically adding values to an array) db.people.update( {NAME: ‘Steve’}, {$push: {KIDS: {NAME: ‘Sylvia’, AGE: 3}}}) findAndModify() db.tasks.findAndModify( query: {STATUS: ‘pending’}, sort: {PRIORITY: -1}, update: {$set: {STATUS: ‘running’, TS: new Date()}} ) More at

63 Awesome: ObjectId  BSON (binary-encoded JSON)  Unique: combination of  Time  Machine  Process id  Incrementer  Mongo will automatically add this _id field  Language-specific drivers automatically add this, too (BEFORE saving!)  Your documents get a timestamp for free  CFMongoDB has a function that gives it to you

64 Awesome: The DOCS RTFM

65 Our Journey  Pop Quiz  Why MongoDB For CF-ers?  The Feel of MongoDB  Why MongoDB?  Why Not MongoDB?  Some more awesomeness  CFMongoDB

66 CFMongoDB: Description and Goals  Description  Founded by Bill Shelton, MXUnit founder (@virtix on Twitter)   Library for using MongoDB in CFML  Supported on CF9.0.1 and Railo 3.2  Wraps around the Official MongoDB Java driver  Goals  “Smooth the rough edges” of CFML & MongoDB  Query DSL for “joyful” querying and easier debugging  2 == “2”, dammit!  “Struct transparency”: you save structs, you get structs  Easy access to Java drivers so you can everything the Java drivers provide  More to come (object persistence/mapping, etc)

67 CFMongoDB: Getting Started  Download CFMongoDB and put in your webroot  Install MongoDB and confirm it works  It ships with the latest 10gen Java drivers  It ships with Mark Mandel’s JavaLoader… you needn’t add any jars to your path  Open examples/gettingstarted.cfm  Inspect code  Run code  Rejoice

68 CFMongoDB: Init the Config object  We need to create some Java objects. Who’s gonna do it?  The “factory”: ooooooh, spoooooooky!  In English:  “Hey, ColdFusion”, create these java objects for me  OR  “Hey, JavaLoader, you create these objects cuz I don’t wanna put jars in my lib folder”

69 CFMongoDB: Init the Config object  Typical CF  You must put the mongo jar and cfmongodb jar in your cfusion/lib mongoConfig = createObject('component','cfmongodb.core.MongoConfig').init(dbName="mongorocks");  JavaLoader  You don’t need to put any jars in your path javaloaderFactory = createObject('component','cfmongodb.core.JavaloaderFactory').init(); mongoConfig = createObject('component','cfmongodb.core.MongoConfig').init(dbName="mongorocks", mongoFactory=javaloaderFactory);

70 CFMongoDB: Init the Mongo object mongo = createObject('component','cfmongodb.core.Mongo').init(mongoConfig);

71 CFMongoDB: Saving


73 CFMongoDB: Querying





78 CFMongoDB: Search Result

79 CFMongoDB: Find by ObjectID

80 CFMongoDB: findAndModify()


82 CFMongoDB: Off you go! See cfmongodb/examples for search examples, master/detail examples, And more examples forthcoming

83 Resources   Click “Try It Out” for an in-browser shell!   Coding Docs:  Admin Docs:  Possibly the single best MongoDB resource next to the docs:   More presentations   Articles 

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