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I WILL ENTER HIS GATES I will enter His gates With thanksgiving in my heart I will enter His court with praise.

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Presentation on theme: "I WILL ENTER HIS GATES I will enter His gates With thanksgiving in my heart I will enter His court with praise."— Presentation transcript:

1 I WILL ENTER HIS GATES I will enter His gates With thanksgiving in my heart I will enter His court with praise

2 I will say this is the day That the Lord has made I will rejoice for He has made me glad

3 He has made me glad O… He has made me glad I will rejoice for He has made me glad… 2 X

4 THAI Rao cha khao ma san-soen dua chai mo-tha-na Phra-kun Rao cha khao ma dua kan rong phleng Rao cha rong wan-ni pen wan thi phra-chao song sang Hai rao prem pri lae yin di nai phra-ong

5 Chong chuen chom yin di chong chuen chom yin di Hai rao prem pri lae yin di nai phra-ong Chong chuen chom yin di chong chuen chom yin di Hai rao prem pri lae yin di nai phra-ong

6 当我进入祂的门 当我进入祂的门, 我的心要称谢祂, 当我进入祂的院, 赞美, 因为这是耶和华所定的日子,我要欢欣,因 祂使我喜乐, 祂使我喜乐,祂使我喜乐,我要欢欣,因祂 使我喜乐, 祂使我喜乐,祂使我喜乐,我要欢欣,因祂 使我喜乐

7 JAPANESE Kokoro ni kansha wo mochinagara Shu no niwa ni hairo

8 JAPANESE Atarashi hi ha Shu ga tsukarareta Tomo ni yorokobi utao

9 JAPANESE Sanbi Shiyou Kansha shiyou Tomoni yorokobi utao (2x)

10 Melayu Ku masuki gerbangNya dengan hati bersyukur halamanNya dengan pujian

11 Melayu Kataku hari ini harinya Tuhan Ku bersuka s’bab Dia girangkanku

12 Melayu Dia girangkanku o Dia girangkanku Ku bersuka s’bab Dia girangkanku (2x)

13 I will enter His gates With thanksgiving in my heart I will enter His court with praise

14 I will say this is the day That the Lord has made I will rejoice for He has made me glad

15 He has made me glad O… He has made me glad I will rejoice for He has made me glad I will rejoice for He has made me glad (3x) 2 X

16 ALL WE LIKE SHEEP All we like sheep Have gone astray Each of us turning our own separate way We have all sinned and Fallen short of Your glory

17 But Your glory is what we desire to see And in Your presence is where We long to be

18 O Lord show us Your mercy and grace Take us to Your holy place Forgive our sin and heal our land We long to live In Your presence once again

19 Taking our sickness Taking our pain Jesus the sacrifice Lamb has been slain He was despised rejected by men He took our sin

20 Draw us near to You, Father Through Jesus Your Son Let us worship before You Cleansed by Your blood

21 O Lord show us Your mercy and grace Take us to Your holy place Forgive our sin and heal our land We long to live In Your presence once again

22 But Your glory is what we desire to see And in Your presence is where We long to be

23 O Lord show us Your mercy and grace Take us to Your holy place Forgive our sin and heal our land We long to live In Your presence once again

24 1. Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee HOLY, HOLY, HOLY!

25 Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty! God in three Persons, blessed Trinity

26 (Brothers) 2. Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore Thee Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea

27 Cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee Who wert and art and evermore shall be

28 (SISTERS) 3. Holy, holy, holy! Though the darkness hide Thee Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see

29 Only Thou art holy! There is none beside Thee Perfect in pow’r, in love and purity

30 4. Holy holy holy Lord God Almighty All Thy works shall praise Thy name In earth and sky and sea

31 Holy holy holy Merciful and mighty God in three persons Blessed Trinity

32 LORD LET MY HEART BE GOOD SOIL Lord let my heart be good soil Open to the seeds of Your word Lord let my heart be good soil Where love can grow and peace is understood

33 When my heart is hard, Break the stone away When my heart is cold, Warm it with the day When my heart is lost, Lead me on Your way

34 Lord let my heart, Lord let my heart be good soil

35 LORD LET MY HEART BE GOOD SOIL Lord let my heart be good soil Open to the seeds of Your word Lord let my heart be good soil Where love can grow and peace is understood

36 When my heart is hard, Break the stone away When my heart is cold, Warm it with the day When my heart is lost, Lead me on Your way

37 Lord let my heart, Lord let my heart be good soil

38 SONG FOR THE NATIONS 1. May we be a shining light to the nations A shining light to the peoples of the earth Till the whole world sees the glory of Your name May Your pure light shine through us

39 2. May we bring a word of hope to the nations A word of life to the peoples of the earth Till the whole world knows there’s salvation through Your name May Your mercy flow through us

40 (SISTERS) 3. May we be a healing balm to the nations A healing balm to the peoples of the earth Till the whole world knows the power of Your name May Your healing flow through us

41 (BROTHERS) 4. May we sing a song of joy to the nations A song of praise to the peoples of the earth Till the whole world rings with the praises of Your name May Your song be sung through us

42 5. May Your kingdom come to the nations Your will be done in the peoples of the earth Till the whole world knows that Jesus Christ is Lord May Your kingdom come in us

43 (CODA) May Your kingdom come in us May Your kingdom come on earth

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