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AOS 100/101 Cloud Project. Tweet Pictures of Weather Phenomena with a link to a picture that you took! Upload through Twitter, Instagram,

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Presentation on theme: "AOS 100/101 Cloud Project. Tweet Pictures of Weather Phenomena with a link to a picture that you took! Upload through Twitter, Instagram,"— Presentation transcript:

1 AOS 100/101 Cloud Project

2 Tweet Pictures of Weather Phenomena Tweet @uwaos100_2014 with a link to a picture that you took! Upload through Twitter, Instagram, etc.


4 Example Tweet Use a hashtag to identify your tweet First two letters of first name First three letters of last name Greg Tripoli #GrTri


6 Example Tweet Greg Tripoli @uwaos100_2014 Stratus clouds not quite reaching the horizon produced a vivid sunset on the west side tonight! #GrTri

7 Example Tweet


9 Cloud Project The Rules: Tweet 12 pictures with short explanation Must be UNIQUE pictures At least 3 pictures per month Extra pictures will be counted towards extra credit (max. 1 per month) One picture of optical phenomena per month can also be taken for extra credit Put three of your pictures into cloud scrapbook (due at end of the semester)

10 Academic Misconduct Caution: If we find any picture sharing or fraudulent pictures… –You will receive -15% for the project –Maximum course grade of 70%

11 1.Date and Time: Friday, October 21, 2011 at 3 pm 2.Original Tweet and Picture: @uwaos100_2014 Cirrus clouds at Picnic Point. A warm front is moving in. #GrTri 3.Location and circumstance: This picture was taken while walking along the path on Picnic Point in Madison. 4.Direction: The camera was pointing northeast and at the horizon 5.Description: Mares tail cirrus. These are thin fibrous clouds composed entirely of ice which have a distinctive hooked appearance resulting from wind shear across the falling ice particles. 6.Estimated Height or Temperature: The cloud is estimated to be at approximately 30000 ft above the ground. 7.Weather Situation and Web Weather Map: These clouds were formed on the northeast side of a warm front that stretched from the Minneapolis, Minnesota area southeastward to Dubuque, Iowa (see figure xx). 8.Theory on How It Was Formed: These clouds were likely formed by the rising currents of air over the top of the warm front. Example Scrapbook Entry

12 Point Structure Total Project is worth 15% of overall grade 12 Tweets are worth 7.5% Cloud Scrapbook 7.5%

13 Questions? Stephen Ogden @uwaos100_2014

14 Useful Links Surface weather maps going back to 1996: Guide to optical phenomena: (no, blue skies won't count for extra credit) Guide to cloud types:

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