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Research Paper Due 7/21/08. Important Dates: No Exceptions! Topic and Argument View: 7/11/08 List of Sources: 7/11/08 *minimum of 6* Outline: 7/11/08.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Paper Due 7/21/08. Important Dates: No Exceptions! Topic and Argument View: 7/11/08 List of Sources: 7/11/08 *minimum of 6* Outline: 7/11/08."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Paper Due 7/21/08

2 Important Dates: No Exceptions! Topic and Argument View: 7/11/08 List of Sources: 7/11/08 *minimum of 6* Outline: 7/11/08 *1 page* Introduction: 7/11/08 *1- 1½ pages* Appointment: 7/15/08 Final Paper: 7/21/08

3 Format for Introduction 1-11/2 pages only! Use the 1-2-3 formula Remember that: The introduction introduces factual information about the topic (argument in this case) to the reader. The thesis is stated in the introduction along with the writer’s point-of-view. Make sure to briefly state your position and mention the views of the opposing party, provide some insight on the topic by mentioning facts without going into detail.

4 Format for Body This is the “meat and bread” of your argument. Your argument will be supported and explained to the reader. Not only will your position be presented, but so will opposing views. It will be 3-4 pages long.

5 For Example of Argumentative Research Paper and Citation For sample research paper, page 301- 313 For sample of works cited or bibliography page on page 313 MLA Citations, page 257- 297 Use the MLA format for citation in paper and bibliography

6 Format of Research Paper 6- 8 pages, not including the bibliography page Double-spaced Arial Only! Number each page in the upper right corner, ½ inch from the top. Precede each page number with your last name. Starting 1 inch from the top of the first page, type your full name, the instructor’s name, the course designation, and the date, all on the left side. Double-space below the date, and center the title; then double-space before starting the first paragraph.

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