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Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) Department of Community Development May 13, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) Department of Community Development May 13, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) Department of Community Development May 13, 2009

2 HPRP Overview Part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 HUD established formula for funding allocations ($3.2 billion nationwide, $567,612 Miami Gardens) Funding Notice published on March 19, 2009 2

3 3 HPRP Targeting 1.Homelessness Prevention ◦ Prevent individuals and families at risk of homelessness from becoming homeless 2.Rapid Re-housing ◦ Assist persons experiencing homelessness to be quickly re-housed and stabilized

4 1. Targeting for Homelessness Prevention Persons facing eviction within 2 weeks Discharge from institution with 2 weeks Residency in condemned housing Sudden loss of income or increase in utility costs Mental health and substance abuse issues Physical disabilities and chronic health issues Extremely low income persons Significant medical debt 4

5 2. Targeting for Rapid Re-housing  Sleeping in emergency shelter  Sleeping in place not meant for human habitation  Staying in hospital or institution for up to 180 days, but literally homeless immediately prior to entry  Graduating from or timing out of transitional housing  Victim of domestic violence 5

6 Eligible Activities proposed by CMG Financial Assistance ◦Short term Rental Assistance (up to 3 months) ◦Security Deposits ◦Utility Deposits ◦Moving and Relocation costs Housing Relocation and Stabilization Services ◦Eligibility certification ◦Outreach and engagement ◦Legal services (landlord/tenant issues only) Data Collection and Evaluation ◦Software & Hardware costs ◦HMIS training (user & system admin) ◦Participation fees for providers using the HMIS 6

7 Eligible Participants Eligible participants income limits 50% or less Area Median Income (AMI) 7 Program participants must be homeless or about to become homeless and: ◦Initial consultation to determine appropriate assistance ◦No other housing options ◦No financial resource or support networks to obtain or remain in housing

8 Other Requirements HPRP funds must be issued to a third party (e.g., landlord or utility company), NOT directly to program participants An assisted property may not be owned by the grantee, sub-grantee or the parent, subsidiary or affiliated organization of the sub-grantee Funds used for ineligible activities must be reimbursed to HUD 8

9 Program Budget 9 HPRP Estimated Budget Summary Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re-housing Total Amount Budgeted Financial Assistance169,869$100,000$269,869 Housing Relocation and Stabilization Services $185,500$46,260$231,760 Subtotal $355,369$146,260$501,629 Data Collection and Evaluation$37,602 Administration (up to 5% of allocation)$28,381 Total HPRP Amount Budgeted$567,612

10 HPRP Request for Proposals Solicitation of non profit agencies and organizations to provide services under the HPRP Proposals evaluation will be based on: ◦Effectiveness of providing homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing services ◦Meeting the program intent as described in the HUD Notice ◦Sustaining services beyond the three-year program ◦Ability to complete activities in a timely and efficient manner (inclusive of data collection and evaluation requirement) 10

11 Proposed RFP Timeline: 11 RFP Available:May 18, 2009 Pre-Proposal ConferenceJune 2, 2009 RFP Submission Deadline:June 12, 2009 Staff Review of ProposalsJune 15 – 26, 2009 Notice of Proposed FundingJuly 5, 2009 Appeals of Proposed FundingJuly 6 – 8, 2009 Public Comment PeriodJuly 5 – 15, 2009 Funding Approval by CouncilJuly 29, 2009

12 Public Comments 12

13 13 Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP)

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