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Chapter 2.   Please as soon as the bell rings start answering the warm-up questions individually and in complete sentences. Thanks! Warm – up.

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1 Chapter 2

2   Please as soon as the bell rings start answering the warm-up questions individually and in complete sentences. Thanks! Warm – up

3   What do you think led Europeans to explore distant lands?  What reasons would make you want to join a voyage of exploration?  What reasons would keep you from joining such a voyage? Warm - up

4   How did European ideas affected colonial America? Essential Question

5  Many different European countries paid for explorations for many different reasons. Some of the reasons that they explored were:  Sea route -To find a sea route to the spices of Asia  Wealth - To find gold, silver, and precious stones  Learning - To expand their knowledge of the world  Expansion - To control a larger empire  Religion / Faith - To expand Christianity  Business - To find animal furs So why did Europeans explore the world during the Age of Exploration?

6  CausesEffects  European desired for new trade routes European Exploration  New knowledge of Africa, Asia & the Americas  New spirit of adventure Adventure  Clash of Europeans & Native American cultures  Desired for Power & wealth of European nations Curiosity about the world  Transportation and Enslavement of Africans  Competition among nations Learning  New plants & animals in Europe & the Americas  Spread of Christianity  Rivalry/ competition of European nations in the Americas Age of Exploration

7   1400s - no refrigeration  Needed salt & spices to prevent meat from spoiling & to cover up the taste of the salted or spoiled meat.  Spices not grown in Europe only in Asia ( China, Japan, India) It was very difficult and dangerous to get the spices from Asia to Europe.  Dangerous : Bandits, mountains, deserts, storms  Very expensive New Routes to Asia

8   In 1453 –land route from Asia to Europe was cut-off by the Turkish Empire  Spices became even more expensive and difficult to find in Europe  European nations decided to try to find a route around the Turkish Empire. If a country could find a way to get these valuable spices to Europe, the rulers would be very rich. New routes to Asia

9  While Portugal began the Age of Exploration, England, France and Spain dominated the New World.

10   Late 1400s, Europeans did not know much about the world  Most of them had never been outside of Europe.  The European map of the world included only Europe, Asia, and the top of Africa.  They thought there was only one ocean, the Ocean Sea.  Most thought the world was flat, educated Europeans knew that it was round. The problem was they had no idea how large the world was. Expand Knowledge & Adventure

11   Some European rulers, especially the King of Spain and the King of Portugal, wanted to claim as much land as they could. They wanted to take all of the natural resources from this land and use the people that lived there as slaves to do their work.  Treaty of Tordesillas – Line of Demarcation Larger Empires

12   Christianity - In the late 1400s, only religion in Europe.  Religious conflicts  England/ Protestant  Spain / Catholic  The European rulers were very religious. They wanted to convert everyone to Christianity.  Missionaries / missions  Native Americans Spread of Christianity

13   European nations fought many wars  against each other and against the Turkish Empire  Wars were very expensive  so they needed to find lots of gold, silver, and precious stones to pay for them. They believed that Asia was loaded with gold, silver, and precious stones, so they decided to find it and bring it back. Looking for gold - wealth

14   By increasing their wealth, European countries could gain power and security.  European nations created colonies in the new discover land  Colony / Colonies – a region or people that is politically and economically controlled by another country ( like in a landlord /tenant situation)  Plantations – Large cash crops farms (Spain/ Native Ameri)  Cash crops – crops grown for profit $$$  Columbian Exchange  Mercantilism Economics

15 Columbian Exchange Transfer of plants, animals, & diseases from European, Asia & Africa into the Americas.

16  Mercantilism: is an economic policy…Wealth is power, key to wealth is export more than import European countries competed for world power and needed colonies to provide necessary raw materials. Colonies’ role: provide raw materials (so mother country does not have to import from other nations) and markets for exports Favorable balance of trade for England Mercantilism

17   Economic system in which a nation increases its wealth by exporting more than it imports. Mercantilism For sell ( going out) To buy ( in)

18  Triangular Trade

19  Mercantilism & Triangular Trade  British mercantilism manifested itself in the form of the triangular trade. Trade routes linked the American colonies, West Indies, Africa and England.

20  Triangular Trade - goods

21  Triangular Trade & slavery  Trading people  Africans had traditions of slavery  Europeans started trading goods for slaves  European brought slaves to their colonies in America for labor

22  Middle Passage  Voyage across the Atlantic Ocean  From Africa to America  Slave Trade  Took Months – harsh conditions  Slaves brought to America

23  Summary  CAUSE / Why  Effects / Results National Competition Desired for Wealth Spread Cristianity European Exploration of the Americas Destruction of Aztecs & Incan Columbian Exchange European Colonies in America Slavery


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