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Advanced Design Principles (otherwise known as PARC)

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1 Advanced Design Principles (otherwise known as PARC)

2 9 Principles 1.Balance 2.Restraint 3.Variety 4.Emphasis or Proportion 5.Direction 6.Unity 7.Rhythm 8.Attention to Detail 9.The Total Picture

3 1.Balance Balance in design is similar to balance in physics.

4 A large shape close to the center can be balanced by a small shape close to the edge. A large light toned shape will be balanced by a small dark toned shape (the darker the shape the heavier it appears to be).

5 2.Restraint Go for simplicity in design. Overuse of gimmicks can lead to clutter. Stick to a few carefully selected typefaces, styles and sizes.

6 Possibly the most difficult principle to follow.

7 3.Variety Repetition with variation is interesting, without variation repetition can become monotonous.

8 The five squares above are all the same. They can be taken in and understood with a single glance.

9 When variety is introduced, the five squares, although similar, are much more interesting to look at. They can no longer be absorbed properly with a single glance. The individual character of each square needs to be considered.

10 If you wish to create interest, any repeating element should include a degree of variation.

11 4.Emphasis or Proportion Element sizes should be determined by its relative importance. Emphasis gives a design interest, counteracting confusion and monotony. Dominance can be applied to one or more of the elements to give emphasis.



14 5.Direction Reader’s natural tendency is to scan from upper left to lower right. Information should appear in a logical sequence. Reader should not have to jump around on the page to get the message.

15 Good graphic design guides the reader through your publication.

16 6.Unity Unity in a design refers to the visual linking of various elements of the work.

17 7.Rhythm Movement or variation characterized by the regular recurrence or alternation of different quantities or conditions.

18 In simpler words, it's just like pattern – it shows that the design has a 'beat' or 'flow' going with it. A plain white box has almost no rhythm what so ever.

19 Some things to consider… Successful design is based on paying close attention to detail, looking at the total picture, and analyzing the work of other professional designs.

20 8. Attention to Detail Beware of spacing that creates rivers of white space. Don’t count on your spell checker to correct all mistakes. Proofread. Have several people proofread.

21 This was a postcard ad I received at my home; they were advertising their grand opening. Unfortunately the designer misspelled the word ‘foreign’.

22 9. The Total Picture Think of graphic design as a jigsaw puzzle. –The various parts of the page need to fit together harmoniously. –Keep in mind where your work will be seen. –Be sure facing pages look good together.

23 Look at Examples Analyze the work of others –Look for examples of work that you like and analyze what makes it good. –Look for examples of work that you don’t like and figure out what makes it bad. –Keep copies of work that you like for inspiration later.

24 Your turn … Can you analyze these ads and name some advanced design principles?






30 Ad Activity You will work in a group of four and find four examples of the first seven Advanced Design Principles from your magazines. This excludes the last two Attention to Detail and Total Picture. You may not repeat any of the principles. You will present your ads in a presentation form created in Google Drive. presentation with an explanation of the design principles you chose.

31 Ad Activity cont. You will cite your ads in your citation journal. Record the name and date of the magazine and the product of each ad. Refer to your MLA handout in the Miscellaneous section of your binder for citing from a magazine (it is different format than citing graphics from the internet). You will scan the 4 ads for placing in your presentation. (Scanning will be done after Spring Break.)

32 Ad Activity cont. Setting up your PowerPoint: –The presentation should contain a Title slide, 4 slides for ads and explanation, and a Reference slide (that’s a total of 6 slides). At the end of this presentation is my references slide you may use as an example. –The 4 slides will have your ad and your description of how the ad demonstrates the particular design principle you chose. –All slides should be completed and ready to place in the scanned ads. This is two grades, one Daily and one Major.

33 References Ads of the World. Advertisements. Retrieved from on January 11, 2011. Information adapted from: Looking Good in Print by Roger C. Parker ©1998 by the Coriolis Group Inc. The Non-Designer’s Design Book by Robin Williams ©1994 by Robin Williams Principles of Design © Copyright Region IV Education Service Center

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