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WPC Leadership Conference 26 TO 28 MAY 2015, TROMSØ, NORWAY Sponsorship Prospectus.

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Presentation on theme: "WPC Leadership Conference 26 TO 28 MAY 2015, TROMSØ, NORWAY Sponsorship Prospectus."— Presentation transcript:

1 WPC Leadership Conference 26 TO 28 MAY 2015, TROMSØ, NORWAY Sponsorship Prospectus

2 Benefits per level: PLATINUMGOLDSILVER Inclusion of company name & logo in all printed and electronic promotional media Use of the WPC Leadership Conference logo Acknowledgment with company logo and link on event website Acknowledgement with company logo and link in the electronic newsletters Access to full delegate list prior to and after the conference Complimentary conference delegates 15 105 Complimentary custom built area in the Knowledge Café Package C Package BPackage A Advertisement inclusion in the Official Program Full Page Prime Pos. Full Page Special acknowledgement during Opening Ceremony Complimentary meeting room for the duration of the conference SPONSORSHIP GENERAL BENEFITS (per level)

3 PACKAGES (1 PER SPONSOR) KEY FEATURES INFORMATION POINTS, VENUE PLANS & DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE Exclusive Logo display on all dedicated directional signs Exclusive logo at the information points located in highly visible locations Exclusive logo on Venue plans TECHNICAL PROGRAM 27 MAY Possibility to distribute gifts / brochures Exclusive logo display in the auditorium at all technical and plenary sessions schedules on 27 th May 2015 TECHNICAL PROGRAM 28 MAY Possibility to distribute gifts / brochures Exclusive logo display in the auditorium at all technical and plenary sessions schedules on 28 th May 2015 REGISTRATION & LANYARDS Exclusive branding: online pre-event registration Exclusive branding: on-site registration Logo on Lanyards COFFEE BREAKS & LUNCHEON AREA 27 MAY Exclusive branding of coffee break and luncheon areas Possibility to distribute gifts / brochures COFFEE BREAKS & LUNCHEON AREA 28 MAY Exclusive branding of coffee break and luncheon areas Possibility to distribute gifts / brochures PLATINUM LEVEL OPTIONS – Euro 75,000

4 GOLD LEVEL OPTIONS – Euro 50,000 PACKAGES (1 PER SPONSOR) KEY FEATURES OFFICIAL PROGRAM & MINI PROGRAM Full page advertisement on the back covers & Full page advertisement on the inside front cover of the Official Program Logo inclusion on each page with the mention “Program Sponsored by” STAFF UNIFORMS Exclusive logo on the uniforms worn by the Staff (x30 minimum) MOBILE APP & WEBSITE Exclusive branding of the App Extensive promotion of the App pre-event and on-site Banner on website homepage + dedicated web page DELEGATES LIST & INTERNET POINTS Branding on Delegates list pre-event (online) Branding on onsite Delegates list (printed + app) Exclusive branding of Internet points OFFICIAL GIFT Official gift handed to all delegates Exclusive logo branding OFFICIAL BUSES Logo inclusion on every Shuttle Bus and Bus Stop signage. Logo inclusion on the Maps and Shuttle Bus Timetables which will be displayed in and around the Conference Venues.

5 SILVER LEVEL OPTIONS – Euro 25,000 PACKAGES (1 PER SPONSOR) KEY FEATURES VIP LOUNGE & SPEAKERS ROOMS Extensive and exclusive branding in the Speakers Rooms Extensive and exclusive branding in the VIP Lounge RECYCLABLE BAGS Exclusive logo branding on the visitors’ bags Bags handed to all participants in key areas throughout the venues USB KEY Includes conference materials and handed to all delegates Exclusive logo branding RAFFLE DRAWS & AREA Exclusive Branding of the Raffle Draw Area: 27 th and 28 th May Gifts “compliments of the sponsor” ARTIC WATER BOTTLES Exclusive logo branding on the Artic Water Bottles with the mention: “With compliments of” WPC CSR WORLD MAP AREA Exclusive logo branding of the area located inside the Knowledge Café

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