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STFC Research and Innovation University of Leicester 2 April 2014 Colin Vincent & Kim Burchell, Astronomy Division Programmes Directorate.

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Presentation on theme: "STFC Research and Innovation University of Leicester 2 April 2014 Colin Vincent & Kim Burchell, Astronomy Division Programmes Directorate."— Presentation transcript:

1 STFC Research and Innovation University of Leicester 2 April 2014 Colin Vincent & Kim Burchell, Astronomy Division Programmes Directorate

2 We Excite We inspire We Inspire

3 We discover We innovate

4 HM Government (and HM Treasury) RCUK Executive Group Funding Mechanism

5 Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes La Palma UK Astronomy Technology Centre Edinburgh Polaris House Swindon, Wiltshire Chilbolton Observatory Stockbridge, Hampshire Daresbury Laboratory Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus Warrington, Cheshire Joint Astronomy Centre Hawaii Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Harwell Oxford Science and Innovation Campus

6 STFC Structure – Science Programmes John Womersley - CEO Grahame Blair – Executive Director Programmes Janet Seed – Associate Director Programmes Futures Innovations Particle Physics / Nuclear Physics / Particle Astrophysics Astronomy Lasers & light sources Public Engagement Studentships / fellowships Astronomy: Colin Vincent - Head Sharon Bonfield - Facilities Kim Burchell – Grants Matthew Johnson - SKA

7 Astronomy Programme facilities The backbone of the programme is: ESO (VLT, VLTI, ALMA,VISTA, VST, La Silla, APEX, E-ELT) £18M per annum (CERN ~£100M); Island sites: UKIRT, JCMT, ING, LT Local facilities: e-MERLIN, LOFAR, HPC New developments: spectrographs, bilaterals Exploitation – grants (~£30M, ~£10M p.a.) including space missions, theory etc. Training – Studentships / Fellowships

8 UK Space Agency Since 2010 UKSA has: taken over responsibility for UK relations with ESA (NASA etc.) support for the development of space instrumentation post-launch support all aspects of the development of the UK space industry STFC retains science strategy, early technology development and exploitation

9 What drives our priorities? BIS Challenges Global uncertainties Digital economy Ageing and wellbeing Living with environmental change Energy Global food security

10 STFC Programmatic Review The Programmatic Review is designed to inform planning decisions in any financial scenario (positive, negative or neutral) It will: Evaluate the scientific excellence and impact of the scientific aspects of each of STFC's programmes; Consider future programme opportunities against likely budgets; Evaluate the balance of STFC's programmes and to recommend a future research portfolio. Outcomes just published

11 Funding Opportunities Consolidated grants Training Awards Innovations Futures Public Engagement PRD SoIs

12 Consolidated Grants One application per department for each research programme (Astronomy/PP/PP Theory/NP) with one deadline per year. Astronomy award for 3 years. PP awards with core posts are awarded for 4 years. Expectation of continued support following review of existing grant – but not guaranteed. Consortium grants: essentially joint consolidated grants and potentially of more interest to smaller departments. Must have a common research programme between the departments. New Applicant scheme: available for newly appointed academic members of staff joining a department between reviews.

13 Astronomy Grants Panel (AGP) Single Panel comprising 4 sub-panels Astronomy Observation; Astronomy Theory; Solar Studies; Planetary Studies Chair Ian Smail, Durham, Deputy Dan Brown Lancs Members recommended by community but selected to match required expertise

14 AGP Grant Support Approximately 50 groups currently receiving AGP / STFC support Comprising 300 projects 227 PDRAs 28 Technical posts 5 Project students 71 FTE fEC (Applicant time) 5 Consortium grants : Comprising 9 Institutions

15 Training Awards Studentships: would need to have grant funding to be eligible for awards and be included in the algorithm; CASE: could apply for CASE studentships if have collaboration with industry. Fellowships: the quota of allocations to departments is decided by the active staff numbers that have been collected for the studentship algorithm. We are considering the terms of the algorithm so might become easier

16 PhD Studentships 220 PhD places awarded in 2014 Duration of between 3 and 4 years Awarded by an algorithm method 5 Industrial CASE studentships awarded in 2014 (next closing date 10 July 2014) 5 Summer schools and short courses also supported in 2014 STEP (post PhD submission) up to one year of funding

17 Ernest Rutherford Fellowships Scheme is designed for early career researchers of more than 2 years post PhD experience, with clear leadership potential to establish a strong, independent research programme. 12 ERFs awarded in 2013/14 exercise Next closing date 25 September 2014 Returner applications for candidates returning from career breaks or from working outside of academia are encouraged by STFC STFC also support Daphne Jackson Fellowships

18 Ernest Rutherford Grants Additional grants for successful Ernest Rutherford Fellows to enhance their fellowship reach 7 grants awarded in 2014 ~ £600k per annum available

19 Innovation Follow-on funding Innovation Partnership Scheme Challenge-Led Applied Systems Programme Impact Acceleration Account Knowledge Transfer Network

20 Follow-On Funding

21 Innovation Partnership Schemes (IPS) - Full and Mini

22 Challenge Led Applied Systems Programme (CLASP) Applies STFC research to global challenges User community (Industry, Government etc.) define the priority areas. STFC community respond with potential solutions. 2014 theme is Healthcare – Launch Event 20 th May. Deadline September Moving technology from TRL 3-5 (approx). Short technical outline should include impact, timescales, markets and work plan Shortlisted applicants: Develop full proposals with advice from CLASP Panel Industry can offer in-kind support or as a subcontractor

23 Case Study - CLASP: Superior medical imaging Space Research University of Leicester 2011 CLASP Medical call supported the development of imaging technology Gamma Technologies Ltd (GTL) has developed a portable high resolution Mini Gamma Camera Supported by STFC IPS Fellow Tim Maskell Commercial Healthcare Collaboration with Queen’s Medical Centre Nottingham Range of clinical and non-clinical applications Product in pre- commercial prototype stage The CLASP grant helped us to develop a plan for the commercialisation of our product, as well as perform vital research. - John Lees, Technical Director and Project Manager, GTL

24 STFC Impact Acceleration Account – Pilot

25 Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP)

26 RSE Enterprise Fellowships Support an individual to commercialise STFC funded research A year’s salary to develop your commercial proposition Business training to help you to prepare a viable business plan Access to networks of mentors, business experts Must have link to STFC science programme Spin out companies formed with help from Fellows Cella Energy (STFC) – Hydrogen fuel cells for transport Symetrica (Southampton) – Radiation detection for security iKinema (Surrey) – Animation & motion capture for films and computer games Call now open – Deadline 16 th May 2014

27 Thank you Key Contact at STFC:

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