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Goodwood Property Owners’ Association

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Presentation on theme: "Goodwood Property Owners’ Association"— Presentation transcript:

1 Goodwood Property Owners’ Association
Change to Neighborhood Streets Request

2 Committee Members Laurence Lambert, P.E., PTOE (chair) Betsey Tramonte
Ben Laurie, P.E. Mike Cullen, P.E. Paul Higgins Fritz Embaugh Dennis Vidrine, GPOA President Haley Blakeman, RLA (ex-officio)

3 Goals Maintain quality of life Enhance safety
Increase pedestrian / bike use Adhere to City / Parish standards

4 Strategies Look at the GPOA boundary in traffic districts
Have balanced representation on the committee Use the Traffic Engineering Department as a resource for feasibility Use FutureBR as a reference for recommendations

5 GPOA Traffic Districts

6 Toolbox Partial street closures
Convert two-way streets to one-way with bike lanes / shoulders Speed humps STOP signs

7 Partial Street Closure

8 Partial Street Closure

9 Speed Hump

10 One-Way Signage

11 One-way bike lane / shoulder

12 District 1 Solutions Limit access from Florida Avenue to Government Street at heaviest cut-through streets (Cloud, S. Carrollton and Kenwood) Employ the use of partial closures at intersections with Florida to maintain two-way residential access while restricting through traffic Install STOP signs and speed hump at key locations

13 District 1 Solutions Proposed All-Way STOP Sign Existing Speed Humps
Existing One Way Proposed Partial Closure Proposed Speed Humps

14 District 2 Solutions STOP signs
LaSalle Avenue at LaSalle Parc Drive / Carter Avenue LaSalle Avenue and Cyril Avenue Speed humps Carter Avenue Shawn Drive Normandy Drive Cyril Avenue

15 District 2 Solutions Speed Hump Proposed STOP Sign Existing STOP Sign

16 District 3 Solutions Thibodeaux Avenue and Finchley Avenue: one- way streets towards Jefferson Highway. Partial one way couplet with Keed Avenue and Audubon Avenue. Maintain two-way from Annabelle Avenue to Jefferson Highway to maintain access to businesses. Maintain two-way from Goodwood Blvd to Government Street to maintain access to residences on the end of the street.

17 District 3 Solutions Proposed Sidewalk Proposed One Way
Existing Two-Way

18 Overall Plan

19 Path to Implementation
Committee Board City Review Membership / Neighborhood Temporary Installation (test period) Permanent Installation (if approved)

20 Survey Results Over 1,700 open house invitations mailed to every resident within GPOA boundaries (this included members and non-members) Hundreds of people attended open house on 02/16/14 GPOA Membership Meeting attended by hundreds of people on 03/18/14 Results about the plan from both meetings 86% Positive 6% Neutral 8% Negative

21 Schedule Open House: February 16
Traffic Committee Meeting: February 20 General Membership: March 18 Temporary Installation: November 04 Evaluation Period End: January 30 (3 Months) Permanent installation (if approved): Spring 2015

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