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Cultural Intelligence 5 Oct 2007 Beijing Satellite School Programme.

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1 Cultural Intelligence 5 Oct 2007 Beijing Satellite School Programme

2 Objectives: What is culture? What is cultural intelligence? Increasing your cultural intelligence.

3 An anecdote  Identifying your levels of response James is excited about his 5-day home stay at his host’s Xiao Ping’s house. Knowing that Xiao Ping is from a middle-income family consoled him as he has heard horror stories of the more rural settings from his classmates. On the first day of the visit, James was shocked to discover that in the 3- storey house that Xiao Ping lives in, the 1 st storey was bare and fowls ran freely. When showed to his room, James was disappointed to see that the bedroom was basic, without air-conditioning.

4 An anecdote  Identifying your levels of response Later in the evening, the host family warmly welcomed him to the dinning area. They have invited some relatives over to meet James. James felt uncomfortable, surrounded by many strangers. It didn’t help that the few dishes served were bland and not to his taste. As dinner drew to an end, Xiao Ping pulled James aside and asked if he’d enjoyed himself? Before you respond, consider the following:

5 An anecdote  Identifying your levels of response How do you respond to a situation that you are unfamiliar with? Level 1  initial response Level 2  seek to understand What skills do you need to cope with the unfamiliar circumstances? What skills do you need in expressing your opinion?

6 Our perception of a culture Formed by –Experiences –Stereotypes, prejudices –Family, friends, media –Tours?

7 Our Assumptions… That our culture is universalist That everyone is basically like us If they are not  they are less developed

8 Implications Narrows our perspective Sense of superiority/ arrogance! assumptions ToleranceAcceptance

9 What shapes a culture?

10 Culture Not just what we see as obviously different… Costumes Language Practices Religion

11 Culture …but how behaviour is understood. Behaviour obtains its meaning from the role it plays in a social practice & the way people respond to it.



14 Cultural Values …are principles or qualities that a group of people will tend to see as good, right or worthwhile

15 One Perspective… Equality  Hierarchy Direct  Indirect Individual  Group Task  Relationship Risk  Caution Taken from Brooks Peterson’s ‘Cultural Intelligence’, 2004

16 What is Cultural Intelligence? …the ability to engage in a set of behaviours that uses skills and qualities that are tuned appropriately to the culture-based values and attitudes of the people with whom one interacts

17 Knowledge about Cultures + Awareness + Attitude & Specific Skills II C ULTURAL I NTELLIGENCE

18 Increasing your Cultural Intelligence Keeping an open mind –‘My way is the only way’ ‘there are many valid ways’ –Willingness to adjust

19 Some skills… Work on your communication skills –Clarity & simplicity –Avoid expressions that ‘exclude’ –Give & seek feedback Pay attention to formalities & protocols

20 Knowledge about Cultures + Awareness + Attitude & Specific Skills II C ULTURAL I NTELLIGENCE Suspending own assumptions Looking through the issue from their point of view Seek to Understand! Be sensitive to differences! Communica tion  verbal & non-verbal Seek common grounds rather than differences Seek aspects of culture that one can appreciate and learn from Knowing, Recognizing, Understanding

21 Have a fruitful journey…

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