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Unit 6 Where the Grass is Greener Deborah Soong.

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6 Unit 6 Where the Grass is Greener Deborah Soong

7 Teaching ActivitiesIndex

8 Teaching Activities 1st period 1.Warm-upWarm-up 2.The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 1-4The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 1-4 3.Reading – Paragraphs 1-4Reading – Paragraphs 1-4 2nd period 1.The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 5-11The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 5-11 2.Reading - Paragraphs 5-11Reading - Paragraphs 5-11 3.Post-readingPost-reading 3rd period 1.Word FileWord File 2.Sentence PatternsSentence Patterns 3.ExpansionExpansion 4.Writing PracticeWriting Practice 4th period Conversation and Listening Practice

9 Warm-up Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Reading -Paragraphs 1-4

10 Warm-up Traveling helps you relax and forget your worries. It also helps you broaden your mind. Many people feel there is no better way to spend their vacation than by Traveling.


12 YESNO a place off the coast of Taiwan a place with an air of mystery and a touch of romance a place with a pleasant climate and an ideal location a place to meet friendly people and enjoy varied scenery a place with beautiful beaches and marine life a place to enjoy various water sports and fresh seafood a place with saltwater hot springs Suggestion Back

13 Listen to paragraphs 1-4. Skip

14 Now, answer the following questions.

15 ____ As a getaway destination, Green Island is most famous for its _______. (A) camping areas (B) boat trips (C) scuba diving (D) bicycle riding C

16 ____ Which of the following is Green Island's main attraction? (A) All kinds of coral. (B) An abundance of tropical fish. (C) A stunning variety of sponges. (D) Saltwater hot springs. D

17 Reading

18 Green Island lies some 18 miles off the southeast coast of Taiwan. the introduction of Green Island

19 綠島 (Green Island) 原名「火燒嶼」,亦稱 「雞心嶼」,位在臺東東方約十八英里的海 上,南距蘭嶼 (Orchid Island) 四十八英里, 外圍呈不等邊四角形,為本省附屬第四大島 ,僅次於澎湖本島、蘭嶼和漁翁島。本島為 一山徑縱橫的火山島,地質主要為安山岩與 集塊岩。全島四周海岸為裾狀珊瑚礁所圍繞, 其東南臨海處多為斷崖、峭壁,極為險峻, 西北為礁岩海岸,尖骨嶙峋,惟有西南角為 平原、沙灘。綠島約於二千年前之新石器時

20 the introduction of Green Island 代末期至金石併用時期就已有人類定居。於 島上史前遺址中發現的大量石器如石網墜、 陶片、石斧等先民遺物證明當時人類活動已 頗活躍。綠島史前文化遺址已知者有柚仔湖 、呂麻蛟、大白沙、南寮等處。歷史上先後 有臺灣東海岸各族人及少數雅美族人居住此 地,迨清乾隆、嘉慶年間,漢人才開始於綠 島開墾。 Next

21 Green Island lies some 18 miles off the southeast coast of Taiwan. lie = be located/situated 座落於 … The wooden house lies/is located/is situated in the middle of the forest. 英文與中文在表示方位的差別是順序 顛倒: northeast ( 東北 ) southeast ( 東南 ) northwest ( 西北 ) southwest ( 西南 )

22 On your trip south, clouds covering the capital of Taipei disappear, making way for the warmth and color of the sun. clouds covering...disappear,.... → clouds which cover...disappear,.... the capital of Taipei 為同位語用法 (the capital = Taipei) , 表「首都臺北」, 而不是「臺北的首都」。 making way for... = pass 讓位;讓路 The fans stepped aside to make way for their favorite movie star. Next

23 On your trip south, clouds covering the capital of Taipei disappear, making way for the warmth and color of the sun. On your trip south, clouds covering the capital of Taipei disappear, making way for the warmth and color of the sun. → On the south-bound trip, you’ll find the sky is beginning to clear up/ become a lot brighter.

24 Compared with dull northern Taiwan, the island is a sparkling paradise set in a deep blue sea. compared with = in comparison with 比起 … Taxes this year are unreasonable, compared with previous years. compared to 除了指「比起 … 」外, 還指「被喻為 … 」。 Life is often compared to a voyage....set in... → which is set/situated in...

25 The island has many diversions— submarine rides, boat trips, bicycle riding, hiking, fishing and camping—and makes a welcome change from the bustle of Taipei. The island has many diversions.... → The island offers many forms of entertainment.... Next

26 The island has many diversions— submarine rides, boat trips, bicycle riding, hiking, fishing and camping—and makes a welcome change from the bustle of Taipei. make a change from 不同於 … 的改變,通常指令人愉快的 變化。 Camping in the mountains makes a refreshing change from my daily life. for a change 改變一下 Don’t always eat eggs for breakfast. You should try sandwiches for a change.

27 But what really sets the location apart as a getaway destination is scuba diving and the saltwater hot springs. set... apart = make...different from or superior to others 明顯地區分出 … The girl’s musical talent sets her apart from other students. This painting set the artist apart from his peers, and made him famous. as 當作,作為 He sees his brother as a role model. Next

28 But what really sets the location apart as a getaway destination is scuba diving and the saltwater hot springs. The Introduction of Scuba Diving

29 scuba diving 為戴氧氣筒潛水,浮潛則為 snorkeling ;不靠潛水器材,只靠憋氣的潛 水運動則稱 free diving 。另外,只有簡單配 備而沒有氧氣筒的潛水稱為 skin diving 。綠 島美麗的海底世界是潛水愛好者的天堂,在 石朗、大白沙等地皆設有潛水步道讓遊客 直接下水,成為最理想的潛水地點。 Next

30 But what really sets the location apart as a getaway destination is scuba diving and the saltwater hot springs. The Introduction of Hot Springs saltwater (a.) 海 ( 裡 ) 的,鹽水的 saltwater fish

31 The Introduction of Hot Springs hot springs 為「溫泉」,當由地下湧出的泉 水之溫度較空氣平均溫度高約 6.5 時,稱之 為溫泉。水溫的增高是因岩漿活動、火山 作用,或因地下水進入地下深處所造成。 一般而言,每深入地下 100 公尺,水溫就增 加 3° C 。 Next

32 The island has scuba diving sites on its north, south and east sides. To reach the sea, there are walkways that extend out from the beaches, over sharp rocks and coral, which provide jumping-off places for divers.

33 The blue waters surrounding Green Island are filled with spectacular corals and an abundance of tropical fish. waters 為複數形,指「某個地區的海域、 領海」。 are filled with = are full of = are crowded with 充滿著 The bar was filled with/full of/crowded with movie stars after the award ceremony.

34 As the island sits in the middle of the Japan Current, a nutrient-rich stream feeds a stunning variety of corals, sponges, together with an astonishing variety of fish, large and small. the Japan Current 亦稱 the Kuroshio , 為一道從菲律賓海向東北方流的暖流, 經日本東南邊,最後流入北太平洋。由 於其中很少有雜質,因此比一般海水更 為清澈,可見度達三十至四十公尺,經 陽光反射後,呈藍黑色, 因此也被稱為「黑潮」。 Next

35 As the island sits in the middle of the Japan Current, a nutrient-rich stream feeds a stunning variety of corals, sponges, together with an astonishing variety of fish, large and small. “-rich” 富有 … 的 nutrient-rich, oil-rich, vitamin-rich, mineral-rich Although the Lin family is poor, Mrs. Lin always manages to prepare nutrient-rich meals for her children. Next

36 As the island sits in the middle of the Japan Current, a nutrient-rich stream feeds a stunning variety of corals, sponges, together with an astonishing variety of fish, large and small. together with = along with = with 連同 … 一起 On your request, I’ll send you the book together with its reviews. 若用 together/along with 連接兩名詞當主 詞時,其後動詞的單、複數視前者而定. I, together with my family, am going to travel to Europe this July. Next

37 As the island sits in the middle of the Japan Current, a nutrient-rich stream feeds a stunning variety of corals, sponges, together with an astonishing variety of fish, large and small. → The island’s special geographic location puts it in the middle of the Kuroshio, a warm current that nurtures various corals, sponges and fish, making for a beautiful and colorful underwater world.

38 The ocean bottom is covered with corals of all kinds. covered with = be littered with 佈滿著 After the car accident, the driver’s face was covered with blood. corals of all kinds 在口氣上比 all kinds of corals 要強。

39 Transformed into a rainbow of bright color by the sun above, Green Island’s 87 varieties of coral are even more remarkable than its sea life. even/still/much/a lot/far 常用來修飾形容詞或副詞的比較級. He’s a lot better off now than he was three years ago. The weather is much hotter today than yesterday.

40 A giant brain coral sits on the rocky bottom like a heap of melting ice cream, while undersea meadows of grass coral wave back and forth in the gentle current. brain coral 一種看似腦的珊瑚,遍佈於 紅海及日本南方海域。 此處是指珊瑚像一堆快融化的冰淇淋, 但通常 ice cream 的量詞為 a scoop of 「一球,一杓」. I’d like a scoop of strawberry ice cream, please. Next

41 A giant brain coral sits on the rocky bottom like a heap of melting ice cream, while undersea meadows of grass coral wave back and forth in the gentle current. back and forth 來回地 = backwards and forwards = to and fro Because of his work, he has to fly back and forth between Taipei and Hong Kong constantly. Sarah is walking back and forth in her room, waiting for the result of the exam. Back

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