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The Tetra - An Open-Source Organizational Design To foster Group Innovation and Creativity Group Innovation and Creativity.

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Presentation on theme: "The Tetra - An Open-Source Organizational Design To foster Group Innovation and Creativity Group Innovation and Creativity."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Tetra - An Open-Source Organizational Design To foster Group Innovation and Creativity Group Innovation and Creativity

2 “I'm not a genius.” “I'm just a tremendous bundle of experience.”

3 “Bucky’s… understanding of universe was through his dancing in his mind.” - Allegra Fuller Snyder My Invitation… Come dance with me through an idea on how to ignite a Cambrian Explosion In Human Adaptation and Creativity The Tetra will foster a group “experience” of Authentic Human Connection and Creativity My Untested Claim…

4 Bucky’s Tetrahedron – “The most utilized structural system in the Universe.” The simplest structural system The simplest structural system with insideness and outsideness

5 The Tetra TM – A crucible of collaborative creativity holding dynamic tension between four people From Ego-Systems (separation) to Eco-Systems (connection) Create a “Cambrian Explosion” in human connection Crucible – “a severe, searching test or trial”

6 What have our Egosystems Wrought? “We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions, and god-like technology.” E. O. Wilson E. O. Wilson

7 The Ecological Bubble 1.5 Man vs. The Planet The Inequity Bubble 2.5 Man vs. Man The Burnout Bubble 3.0 Man vs. Himself Our Wicked Problem (separation in 3 numbers) Source – Otto Scharmer, MIT

8 These wicked problems are systemic.. …caused because we see ourselves and our society as separate from nature, isolated from each other and not as nested living systems …Only by evolving our worldview and learning to think differently can we emerge from these wicked problems and learning to think differently can we emerge from these wicked problems

9 …The more open and free-flowing the connections between people, the more resilient, adaptive and creative our living system will be. AMERICA is a nested living system…. America needs to wake up and recognize...

10 ….recognize that we all are connected connected We Must think Differently….. “We live in community, not alone, and any sense of the separateness that we harbor is illusion.”

11 “If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don't bother trying to teach them. Instead, give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of thinking.” - Bucky The Tetra is such a Tool!

12 A 3-D Crucible of Learning…of Action Two Roles… …Observer …Decision Triad Learning… …about Self …about Self …about Other …about Other Mission –Driven by Agreement by Agreement

13 Evolutionary and Cultural Obstacles to Creativity and Innovation We are genetically competitive with each other – People are naturally coercive kills honesty and authenticity – “ Group think” – kills honesty and authenticity – The group censor - often goes unrecognized Cultural imprinting of disconnection – America is propagating a global culture of materialism, individualism and structural violence Examples - globalization, corporate hegemony, racism, football, movies, TV, lotteries, Hummers, drone kills – "Football combines two of the worst things in American life. It is violence punctuated by committee meetings." George Will

14 Why we need a 3-D Learning Tool? We all…”go along to get along” “Timidity produces nothing of value, and the timid are legion. They wonder if they are sufficiently original or sufficiently with the trend. ” Fernand Pouillon "Most people are unaware of the degree to which they're not trusting and open, of the extent to which their conversations don't reflect what they actually think and feel." - Chris Argyris

15 Why Three Dimensions ? The Tetra – A no-nonsense Nurture Machine Tetra Culture… …Truth-telling …Truth-telling …Transparency …Transparency …Diversity …Diversity …Deep listening …Deep listening “Geniuses are just people who had good mothers.” - Bucky Be willing to…. …be vulnerable …allow intimacy

16 Escaping the destructive conflict of the Hegelian dialectic Thesis vs. Antithesis BAM! – CONFLICT “Either war is obsolete or men are. ” or men are. ” - Bucky - Bucky

17 What happens with Three people? “Two’s Company …Three’s a Crowd” …Three’s a Crowd” The triad dynamic is such that one person will always be isolated – left out…. Enter 3-D

18 Decision Triad – …Decide - act …Decide - act …True to self …True to self …True to the whole …True to the whole …Deep listening …Deep listening …Acting with courage …Acting with courage “ Tension is the great integrity.” - Bucky - Bucky Observer – …Keeper of the mission …Guardian of the “process” …Uplift the Triad

19 Creating a Unified Action Field Qualities of the High Performance Tetra – High energy – Heightened awareness – Deep level of knowing – Time slows down – People are acting as one organism – Shockingly effective “Courage lies in being oneself ……and loving what one loves, in discovering the deep roots of one's feelings.” - Fernand Pouillon Getting to know someone, entering that new world, is an ultimate, irretrievable leap into the unknown. The prospect is terrifying. The stakes are high. -- Eldridge Cleaver, Soul on Ice Being in the ZONE!

20 Not Labeled as a Crucible for nothing… …Participants go on a courageous Journey The Desired End-State - ….Four hearts beating as one heart …Four minds become one …Intimacy and Trust in action Wisdom-in-Action

21 Remember Bucky’s Words… “…give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of thinking.” What Others Say of the Tetra’s end-state? “[T]he borders of our minds are ever shifting, and... many minds can flow into one another... and create or reveal a single mind, a single energy” - William Butler Yeats “This becoming one instead of two [is] the very expression of humanity's need. And the reason is that human nature was originally One and we were a whole, and the desire and pursuit of the whole is called love.” - Plato

22 The Tetra Applied to a business…. Three Basic Functions: - Make it - Sell it - Count it Benefits: Eliminates Silos Eliminates Silos Alignment Alignment Collaboration Collaboration Creativity Creativity Faster Adaptation Faster Adaptation Profit is like air….. like air…..

23 Now that we’ve Danced together…. ….thru this idea of The Tetra Help me test my claim… …that the Tetra can generate a Group “experience” of Authentic Human Connection and Creativity This concept is open-source …Take it and Run with It …Take it and Run with It …Just let me know …Just let me know what you discover! what you discover!

24 Bucky gets the last word…. “…traditional human power structures and their reign of darkness are about and their reign of darkness are about to be rendered obsolete.” to be rendered obsolete.” “…dare to think, “…dare to think, And dare to go with the truth, And dare to go with the truth, And dare to really love completely.” And dare to really love completely.”

25 Ignite Your Evolutionary Search Engine! – Innovate, fail, innovate, fail, innovate What now? Entice the American Imagination to go beyond cultural violence! “Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast” - Mark Fields, Ford Motor Company - Mark Fields, Ford Motor Company

26 "Our task is to read things that are not yet on the page.” - Steve Jobs Thanks for your attention Any questions? Frank Nuessle Organizational Dynamics University Of Pennsylvania (610) 356-0936

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