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Introduction to Digestion Advanced Animal Science: Intro to Veterinary Medicine Sutherlin AST September 11, 2014.

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1 Introduction to Digestion Advanced Animal Science: Intro to Veterinary Medicine Sutherlin AST September 11, 2014

2 Objectives Define the different types of digestive systems Compare and contrast monogastrics versus polygastrics Describe the actions and steps of ruminant digestion Know the role of microbials in ruminant digestion

3 Types of Digestion Monogastrics – Swine, people Modified monogastrics – Rabbits, horses Ruminants – Cattle, sheep, deer

4 Parts of Digestive Tract Mouth: initial opening of alimentary canal – Salivary Glands Secrete juices with enzymes to help break up the food Ruminants lack these enzymes, different role – Mastication Chewing, crushing, preparing food for swallowing

5 Parts of Digestive Tract Pharynx: funnel shaped muscle between mouth and esophagus – part of digestive and respiratory tracts Esophagus: muscular tube connecting pharynx to stomach – muscle contractions move food down to stomach

6 Parts of Digestive Tract Stomach: located between esophagus and small intestine – Two basics types Simple Ruminant

7 Simple Stomach Found in humans, swine, horses, dogs, cats, etc. Stomach has three “regions” – Cardiac – Fundus – Pylorus

8 Simple Stomach Digestion: – Mechanical: muscle contractions – Chemical: enzymes soften and break down macromolecules of food

9 Simple Stomach Enzymes that break down food – Gastric – break down proteins in stomach – Liver and pancreatic – break down fats in small intestine – Intestinal – break down carbohydrates and proteins in small intestine

10 The Ruminant Stomach

11 Different systems Basic digestion steps Ruminant Stomach parts Rumen Microbes Nutrient Absorption

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