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SUN SALUTATIONS. SUN SALUTATIONS MOUNTAIN POSE EXTENDED MOUNTAIN (Baby Back Bend) FUNCTION – postural alignment; spinal extension Breath – inhale Body.

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FUNCTION – postural alignment; spinal extension Breath – inhale Body Part and Direction setup cues (from Mountain Pose): Arms reach over head Shoulders drop away from ears Tail tucks downward Belly draws in Ribs lift off hips Chest opens upward Spine extends back

4 FORWARD FOLD FUNCTION – spinal lengthening and release; gentle hamstring stretch Breath – exhale Body Part and Direction setup cues: Belly draws in Knees bend softly Chest reaches forward and down Body folds over thighs Head relaxes down Eyes look to knees

5 LUNGE FUNCTION – here, it sets the distance for your Down Dog placement; it creates length down the front and back of the body Breath – inhale Body Part and Direction setup cues: Right leg steps as far back as comfortable Front knee sits over ankle Back thigh lifts up Chest opens wide

6 DOWN DOG FUNCTION – both dynamic and restful; spinal alignment and length; overall flexible strength Breath – exhale Body Part and Direction setup cues: Front foot steps back Feet hip-distance apart Tail bone/sit bones lift high Hands press into floor Shoulders lift away from ears Spine lengthens upward to the tail Inner thighs press back Heels drop downward

7 PLANK FUNCTION – upper and lower body integration; builds upper body and core strength (postural awareness) Breath – Inhale Body Part and Direction setup cues: Chest slides forward Shoulders stack over hands Think Mountain Pose... posture Belly draws in Knees drop down (option)

8 CROCODILE FUNCTION – full body stabilization; upper body strength and posture Breath – exhale Body Part and Direction setup cues: Chest moves forward Body lowers down Elbows squeeze inward Shoulders draw back and down

9 UP DOG FUNCTION – stretches the front of the body; strengthens upper body (arms, shoulders, back); encourages spinal length Breath – inhale Body Part and Direction setup cues: Chest curls upwards Butt squeezes (to protect the back) Feet press down Thighs lift off the ground Hands press down Shoulders roll back; collarbones widen Eyes look straight ahead

10 DOWN DOG FUNCTION – both dynamic and restful; spinal alignment and length; overall flexible strength Breath – exhale Body Part and Direction setup cues: Belly draws in Hips lift up and back Arms press away from the ground Inner thighs reach for the back wall (see previous Down Dog description for more details)

11 LUNGE FUNCTION – creates length down the front and back of the body
Breath – inhale Body Part and Direction setup cues: Right leg springs forward between hands Knee stacks over ankle Chest lifts up Shoulders draw back Back leg lifts up

12 FORWARD FOLD FUNCTION – spinal lengthening and release; gentle hamstring stretch Breath – exhale Body Part and Direction setup cues: Back foot steps forward Belly draws in Knees bend/soften Hips tilt forward Spine lengthens downward

FUNCTION – postural alignment; spinal extension Breath – inhale Body Part and Direction setup cues (from Forward Fold): Knees bend Butt sits back Belly draws in Head reaches forward Arms reach wide Chest lifts Spine extends upwards

14 MOUNTAIN POSE FUNCTION – postural alignment; spinal extension
Breath – exhale Body Part and Direction setup cues: Arms release down to sides Body resets in Mountain Pose


16 WARRIOR 1 FUNCTION – lower body strength; internal hip rotation to balance the pelvis; back leg hip flexor/psoas stretch; spinal extension Breath Body Part and Direction setup cues (assuming lengthwise orientation): Right foot steps as far back as comfortable

17 WARRIOR 1 continued Heel anchors down Outer edge of foot presses away
Back thigh lifts upward Hips square up to the front Glutes tuck down (to protect lower back) Belly draws in Chest lifts upward Arms extend overhead Shoulders draw down the back

18 EXTENDED WARRIOR 1 FUNCTION – increased core work (as the body lengthens forward from Warrior 1); back leg works harder to stay grounded (also a challenge for ankle/foot stability) Breath Body Part and Direction setup cues (moving from Warrior 1): Belly draws in (for support) Chest reaches forward Back heel presses down Body extends diagonally Arms reach long

19 WARRIOR 2 FUNCTION – lower body strength (glutes, hamstrings, quads); hip opener; upper body posture Breath Body Part and Direction setup cues (assuming horizontal orientation): Feet step wide Toes turn to the right Front knee bends over ankle, in line with center of foot

20 WARRIOR 2 continued Back heel presses away Back thigh lifts upward
Glutes tuck under Inner thighs open wide Hips, ribs and shoulders stack up vertically Shoulders roll back and down Arms extend wide to the sides Eyes gaze down the front arm

21 EXTENDED WARRIOR 2 FUNCTION – increases workload of lower body muscles as you drop deeper... hamstrings lifting up from underneath and glutes working to maintain knee alignment; upper body weight dropping to the side increases the work of the oblique muscles; back leg works harder to stay grounded (also a challenge for foot and ankle stability) Breath

22 EXTENDED WARRIOR 2 continued
Body Part and Direction setup cues (moving from Warrior 2): Front arm reaches to the side Ribs extend over front thigh Elbow rests down on top of knee Top arm reaches long over head Shoulder draws down and back Bottom ribs move forward Body extends diagonally

23 TRIANGLE POSE FUNCTION – lower body strength; hip opener; stretch over the top hip (IT band) and down the side body Breath Body Part and Direction setup cues: Feet step wide Toes turn to the right Leg muscles lift upwards Hips shift to the back leg

24 TRIANGLE POSE continued
Ribs lengthen away from hips Arms extend to the side walls Chest stays open to the front Arms tip to vertical Belly draws in Top hip opens up Tail tucks down Bottom ribs soften downward Top shoulder draws back and down


26 TREE POSE FUNCTION – standing balance; lower body muscle activation to assist foot/ankle/knee/hip stability; increased ability to focus; awareness of core activation for stability Breath Body Part and Direction setup cues (starting in Mountain Pose): Eyes set a steady gaze forward Belly draws in (for stability)

27 TREE POSE continued Right foot presses against standing leg (optional heights) Standing leg lifts energetically upwards Hips sit level Tail drops down (to lengthen lower spine and anchor the pose) Ribs and chest lift up off hips Chest opens Shoulders roll back and down Hands come together at heart center

28 DANCERS POSE FUNCTION – standing balance with spinal extension; stretch for the abdominals, chest, shoulder and hip flexor area on the lifting side; quads work to push the foot into hand; lengthening of hamstrings on the standing leg; muscles of the standing foot are active to balance as the body shifts forward Breath

29 DANCERS POSE continued
Body Part and Direction setup cues (starting in Extended Mountain Pose): Right hand reaches back for right foot Thumb rotates up inside big toe Knees together Front arm reaches forward Foot pushes back into hand Body suspends forward Chest lifts up and opens Front arm rises up to full Dancer

30 EAGLE POSE FUNCTION – standing balance; internal hip rotation and adduction (inner thigh squeeze) can provide stretch to the glutes/periformis; leg strength increases with knee bend/butt drop; spinal length and integrity as tail drops down; upper back stretch Breath Body Part and Direction setup cues (starting in Mountain Pose): Eyes set a steady gaze forward

31 EAGLE POSE continued Belly draws in Knees bend
Right leg crosses over left and wraps around Inner thighs drop inward and squeeze together Right arm crosses under left and wraps around Thumbs face the body Hips sit back and down Tail tucks under to lengthen spine Elbows lift up Hands press away (to find stretch in the upper back)


33 SWAN POSE FUNCTION – passive position (using body weight) to stretch and release tension in the front hip (mainly periformis muscle): some stretch in the back hip flexor if able to straighten and lengthen the back leg Breath Body Part and Direction setup cues (moving from Down Dog): Right knee comes forward between hands Right hip settles down onto floor

34 SWAN POSE continued Right foot flexes (to protect knee)
Back hip rolls forward (to square the hips) Back leg extends to the back wall Knee and five toes face down to the floor Belly draws in Ribs lift and roll forward away from hips Chest reaches forward Arms lengthen out Hips soften down

35 MODIFIED HALF LOTUS FUNCTION – deep hip and butt stretch; also opening through the pelvis if you move to the lying back positions Breath Body Part and Direction setup cues (moving from seated/cross-legged position): Right ankle sets on top of left thigh (options here)

Sit bones move back and press down Knees drop down and press forward Ribs lift up off hips (spine lengthens upward) Chest reaches forward Hands walk forward along the floor Butt stays back and down Hands can press down to push the butt back


FUNCTION – stabilizing the spine during core movements (for safety and effectiveness); maintaining core connection (neutral rib-hip position) while breathing out the side of the ribs versus expanding the front ribs Breath – lateral thoracic breathing

Body Part and Direction setup cues: Belly draws in Back presses towards the floor (if supine) Back creates platform for belly lift (if prone) Side ribs expand with breath

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