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Annual Inspections of First Nation Water and Wastewater Facilities Derek Hill, P.Eng., Senior Engineer Mohammed Karim, P.Eng., Senior Engineer, Water\Wastewater.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Inspections of First Nation Water and Wastewater Facilities Derek Hill, P.Eng., Senior Engineer Mohammed Karim, P.Eng., Senior Engineer, Water\Wastewater."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Inspections of First Nation Water and Wastewater Facilities Derek Hill, P.Eng., Senior Engineer Mohammed Karim, P.Eng., Senior Engineer, Water\Wastewater 1

2 Background As part of the Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) documents “Protocol for Centralised Drinking Water Systems in First Nations Communities” and “Protocol for Centralised Wastewater Systems in First Nations Communities”, an annual performance inspection is to be completed. OFNTSC was approached by AANDC – HQ to administer and conduct the Annual Inspections of First Nation Water and Wastewater facilities in Ontario. 2

3 Objectives - Water Systems The main objectives of the Water System Inspection are to ensure: The water treatment process performs to meet design standards, The operator level of certification meets the appropriate level of the treatment plant and distribution system, No potential for microbilogical contamination of the water works and to identify operational and physical improvements to mitigate any potential. 3

4 Objectives – Wastewater Systems The main objectives of the Wastewater System Inspection are to ensure: The wastewater treatment process performs as designed and as per permits, The operator level of certification meets the appropriate level of the treatment plant and collection system. 4

5 Inspection and Reporting In response to AANDC’s request, OFNTSC has prepared and submitted a formal Proposal to oversee the completion of the Annual Inspections for the fiscal year 2011-2012. There is a total of 203 water (135) and wastewater (68) facilities in Ontario to be inspected. OFNTSC will provide overall project management and administration and will also inspect 76 facilities (45 water, 31 wastewater) and engage up to 4 consultants to inspect the remaining 127 facilities (90 water, 37 wastewater). 5

6 Inspection and Reporting OFNTSC will be inspecting all the fly-in communities (29). The remaining 127 facilities are all accessible by car. OFNTSC will utilize three (3) in-house engineers and six (6) Senior CRTP trainers to complete the OFNTSC inspections. If the OFNTSC Proposal is accepted, the inspections will likely start before the end of October 2011 and be completed by February 29, 2012. All Final Reports are to be submitted to AANDC by March 31, 2012. 6

7 Water & Wastewater Plant Inspection TEMPLATES Water plant inspection template consists of collecting information following steps as follows: Water treatment system general questions Water treatment system key performance parameters (KPI) Water treatment system Risks Water treatment system deficiencies 7

8 Water System General Population Number of hours/month the operator works Latitude and longitude for the treatment plant Inspection period (usually one year from last date of inspection) Treatment System Design Distribution system (piped or trucked) 8

9 Water System General (contd.) Maintenance Operations Test equipment Record keeping Trucked water system 9

10 Water Treatment System Key Performance Indicators (KPI) General questions Health Canada parameters Operator parameters Drinking water advisories Source Water Protection Plan 10

11 Water Treatment System Key Performance Indicators (KPI) – Cont’d. Emergency Management Plan Maintenance Management Plan System Classification information Operator Information Health & Safety deficiencies if any 11

12 Water Treatment System Risks Water Source Risks Design Risk Operation Risk Reporting Risk Operator Risk evaluation 12

13 Water Treatment Systems Deficiencies Information to be provided by Plant operator/Supervisor ACRS report could be used as a reference for list of deficiencies 13

14 Wastewater Treatment Plants Wastewater plant inspection template consists of collecting information following steps as follows: Wastewater Systems General Questions Wastewater Systems Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Wastewater System Risks Wastewater System Deficiencies 14

15 Wastewater Systems General Questions Population Sensitivity of the receiving environment Treatment System Design Effluent quality criteria Location of outfall (Latitude & longitude) 15

16 Wastewater Systems General Questions (Cont’d.) Maintenance Operations Test equipment Record keeping 16

17 Wastewater System Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Summary of test results Emergency Management Plan Maintenance Management Plan System Classifications Operator Certification status information Health & Safety deficiencies if any 17

18 Wastewater System Risks Effluent Receiver Risk Evaluation Design Risk Operation Risk Reporting Risk Operator Risk Evaluation 18

19 Wastewater System Deficiencies Information to be provided by Plant operator/Supervisor on operational deficiencies ACRS report could be used as a reference for coming up with the list of deficiencies 19

20 Thank You 20

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