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2005 Educause Midwest Regional Conference1 Pre-ERP IT Organization (1994-1998)

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Presentation on theme: "2005 Educause Midwest Regional Conference1 Pre-ERP IT Organization (1994-1998)"— Presentation transcript:

1 2005 Educause Midwest Regional Conference1 Pre-ERP IT Organization (1994-1998)

2 2005 Educause Midwest Regional Conference2 Pre-ERP IT Organization Employee with tech support & training responsibilities was not part of the IT unit and had no formal relationship with network administrator No administrative support for IT manager Assistant director had no direct reports and a minimal management role

3 2005 Educause Midwest Regional Conference3 “ Early ERP” IT Organization (1999-2002)

4 2005 Educause Midwest Regional Conference4 Shifting Gears: The First Major Changes 1998: Net admin moved from original IT unit to a new and separate IT unit. 1999: Added administrative support position to original unit Transferred mainframe programmer from Records to IT Replaced student technicians with a permanent position Replaced graduate assistant with permanent position Hired DARS Specialist as an IT position 2000: Added Technical Training Specialist 2001: Added two visiting positions as “backfill” for project participants. (One employee was later retained in a permanent position.)

5 2005 Educause Midwest Regional Conference5 Current IT Organization (2003 - present)

6 2005 Educause Midwest Regional Conference6 The Continuing Evolution 2002: Consolidated IT units under single management; defined positions more precisely. Lost position to budget cuts in 2002, but reacquired as temp position in 2004. Also in 2004:  Transferred DARS position to Records  Added Web Specialist position

7 2005 Educause Midwest Regional Conference 7 Living in the Gap: Recovering from an ERP Implementation Patricia G. DeWalt Joan L. Flessner-Filzen Glenn E. Pence Copyright Patricia G. DeWalt, Joan L. Flessner-Filzen, and Glenn E. Pence, 2005. This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be shared, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the authors. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the authors.

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