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Human Resources Management ---Group 9 梁晓莹,孙雅琪, 李青云,罗韵蘅, 梁秋菊,陈柳青.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Resources Management ---Group 9 梁晓莹,孙雅琪, 李青云,罗韵蘅, 梁秋菊,陈柳青."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Resources Management ---Group 9 梁晓莹,孙雅琪, 李青云,罗韵蘅, 梁秋菊,陈柳青

2 Questionnaires Analysis Structure Summary

3 Questionnaires 1. 您的性别是 ? 2. 您的年级是? 3. 您的户口类别是 ? 4. 在就业选择时,您所期待的底薪是(单位:元)? 5. 公司的激励措施是否会影响您的就业选择?(若选是,转到 第 6 题;否则直接跳到第 7 题) 6. 下面公司的激励措施中,哪几个更吸引你(最多选 3 项)? 7. 公司的福利制度是否会影响你的就业选择?(若选是,转到 第 8 题;否则直接跳到第 9 题) 8. 您更看重以下哪些福利制度?(最多选 3 项)

4 9. 公司的晋升机会是否会影响您的就业选择? 10. 您更偏向哪一种晋升制度? 11. 在就业选择时,您会选择以哪一种方式进行绩效考核的 公司呢? 12. 您认为专业对口重要吗? 13. 当薪酬和兴趣相冲突时,您会选择哪一个? Questionnaires

5 Analysis Respondents :mainly from SCNU and other universities Total: 66 Male:40.91% Female:59.09%

6 Analysis Seniority Freshman: 81.82% Sophomore: 12.12% Junior: 3.03% Senior: 3.03% Region Urban: 62.12% Rural: 37.88%

7 Analysis Base pay Most of the students would like to have their base pay more than 2500 yuan.

8 Analysis Incentives: 93.94% of the respondents think that incentives will influence their choices of job hunting. The top three incentives are bonus, merit pay, gain/profit sharing plan.

9 Analysis Fringe benefits 96.97% of the respondents think that fringe benefits will influence their choices of job hunting. The top three fringe benefits are paid vacation, insurance and transportation and housing subsidy.

10 Analysis Promotion 90.91% of the respondents think that promotion will influence their choices of job hunting. 83.33% prefer open promotion system while 16.67% prefer closed promotion system.

11 Analysis Performance appraisal 71.21% of the respondents prefer the companies that adopt behavior-based appraisal rather than results-based appraisal.

12 Analysis 40.91% of the respondents think that it’s important that their major is related to their future job. The rest don’t think it important.

13 Analysis When conflicts of interest and pay appear, 56.06% will put interest in the first place while the rest will put pay in the first place.

14 Summary Gender, regional, or seniority difference Gender From the data we have collected, we make a conclusion that in nowadays, the pursuits for the base pay, incentives, fringe benefits and the promotion system of male and female are really different. For female members, they would be most likely to have a stable base pay but not a high one as the male members; and the female members prefer the fringe benefits that will provide long term benefit.

15 Summary Seniority The junior and the senior will have a long term plan for their job while the freshman and the sophomore just care their contemporary situations. Because having more opportunities working outside the campus, the junior and the senior will know more about the market than the younger students. Thus, while choosing their job, the junior and the senior will know more about the base pay, incentives, fringe benefits and promotion system.

16 Summary Region In the urban areas, the students have higher expectation for their everything that is related to their jobs. However, because the development in the rural areas cannot keep up with the average levels of the society, so the students in rural areas expect less from their jobs, no matter what seniority they are in.

17 THANKS 谢谢观看

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