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Informal Commands WALK! EAT! SLEEP!. In Spanish… When we want to tell a friend to do something we use informal (tú) commands… ¡Come! – EAT! ¡Camina!-

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Presentation on theme: "Informal Commands WALK! EAT! SLEEP!. In Spanish… When we want to tell a friend to do something we use informal (tú) commands… ¡Come! – EAT! ¡Camina!-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Informal Commands WALK! EAT! SLEEP!

2 In Spanish… When we want to tell a friend to do something we use informal (tú) commands… ¡Come! – EAT! ¡Camina!- WALK! ¡Duerme!- SLEEP! What looks familiar about these endings?

3 Commands are used for both do’s and don’ts Lets begin with the do’s (positive tú commands) STATEMENTCOMMAND (tú) caminas¡Camina!Walk! (tú) comes¡Come!Eat! (tú) duermes¡Duerme! Sleep! Positive Commands

4 Let’s work on positive commands… Open the window!… –Verb Abrir Put it in the él, ella, usted form = abre ¡Abre la ventana! (You) Open the window!

5 Speak now!... -Verb hablar -Put hablar in the él, ella, usted form = habla ¡Habla ahora! Let’s work on positive commands…

6 Drink water!... -Verb beber -Put beber in the él, ella, usted form = bebe ¡Bebe agua! Let’s work on positive commands…

7 Negative Commands To state the don’ts- negative (tú) commands 1.Put the verb in the Yo form. 2.Drop the ‘o’ ending and add - es for –ar verbs - as for –er and –ir verbs 3. Put ‘no’ in front of the verb. STATEMENTCOMMAND (tú) fumas¡No fumes! Don’t smoke! (tú) corres¡No corras! Don’t run! (tú) duermes¡No duermas! Don’t sleep!

8 Don’t buy pizza!... -Verb comprar -Put comprar in the yo form = compro -Drop the ‘o’ = compr -It is an –ar verb, so add –es= compres -Put ‘no’ in front of verb = no compres ¡No compres la pizza! Let’s work on negative commands…

9 Don’t open the door!... -Verb abrir -Put abrir in the yo form= abro -Drop the ‘o’ = abr -Abrir is an –ir verb, so add –as= abras -Put ‘no’ in front of the verb = no abras ¡No abras la puerta! Let’s work on negative commands…

10 Don’t drink soda!... -Verb beber -Put beber in the yo form= bebo -Drop the ‘o’ = beb -Beber is an –er verb, so add –as= bebas -Put ‘no’ in front of the verb = no bebas ¡No bebas los refrescos! Let’s work on negative commands…

11 Verbs with spelling changes… -car/-gar/-zar There are several verbs that change spelling when made into negative commands to keep their sound… 1.Verbs ending in –gar like Jugar- ¡No juegues! - g changes to gue to keep the hard g sound 2. Verbs ending in –car like Practicar - ¡No practiques! -c changes to a que to keep the hard k sound 3. Verbs ending in –zar like Empezar ¡No empieces! -z changes to a ces

12 Eat more fruit! ¡Come más frutas! Sleep 8 hours a day! ¡Duerme ocho horas al día! Te toca a ti…

13 Don’t run in the house! ¡No corras en casa! Don’t open the book! ¡No abras el libro! Te toca a ti…

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