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National Fraud Initiative – preparing for the future

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1 National Fraud Initiative – preparing for the future
North West Auditors Forum 2014 Kevin Boon

2 NFI – preparing for the future
Pre NFI recap Data/Match Quality Smarter Working What’s new in NFI 2014/15 NFI and the Future Other purposes Fraud Flexible matching Application checker

3 Pre NFI recap

4 NFI: Key Facts Sophisticated batch data matching exercise designed to prevent and detect fraud Established in 1996 and undertaken every 2 years Incorporates England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland Over 1,300 mandatory and voluntary participants provide 8,000 datasets In m data matches released (Recommended Filter Matches 15%) Over £1bn of fraud, error and overpayments identified to date

5 NFI Batch Data Matching: The Process
Participating bodies submit specified data The NFI Team feeds back the outcomes within the National Report The NFI matches data within and between bodies, to identify anomalies Participants investigate matches, to establish fraud, error or other another cause The data matches are returns matches to participants

6 NFI Batch Data Matching: The Data Pot
Blue Badges Concessionary Travel Pass Creditors Council Tax DWP & DDRI Deceased Persons Deferred Pensions Electoral Roll Fraud Data Housing Benefit Claimants Housing Tenants Insurance Claimants Market Traders Occupational Pensions Payroll Right To Buy Personal Alcohol Licences Private Residential Care Homes Student Loans Taxi Drivers UKBA Immigration Data Waiting Lists

7 The NFI Web Application
The NFI is delivered via a specially developed web application designed to place the user in control of their investigation The Web Application Key Features Secure facility for submitting data and for distributing matches Hierarchal and controlled user access Case management control features Management information Online training programme Data quality assessment Kevin – you can come in here.

8 NFI Cost Benefit per Organisation Type
Type of mandatory body Number of bodies (across UK) 2012/2013 fee Average financial outcomes this reporting period London borough council 33 £4,150 £1,534,167 Metropolitan borough council 36 £4,000 £559,391 Unitary authority 76 £3,650 £489,781 County council and fire authority 62 £3,750 £376,443 District council 228 £2,100 - £2,300 £94,238 Police body 53 £1,000 £53,792 NHS organisation 441 £15,598 Other local government bodies 65 £4,639

9 Key Outcomes of the 2012/13 exercise - across England
£203 million in fraud and error was detected 571 prosecutions 120 people employed without the right to work in the UK were identified and as a result were dismissed or asked to resign 86 properties recovered for social landlords 21,396 blue badges and 78,443 concessionary travel passes cancelled

10 Data Quality

11 Garbage in, garbage out Data Quality is high priority (after Security)
Why is it so important? Meeting specifications Poor data produces spurious matches Wasted time and effort Garbage in, garbage out Duplicate invoices Duplicate creditors

12 How can you check Data Quality?
Using Excel/IDEA Date sorting for completeness Numeric sorting and control totals for reasonableness Alpha sorting for completeness and rogue data/records Excel format checking Record count – truncation Gap detection for quality and completeness Duplicate invoices Duplicate creditors

13 Smarter Working

14 Smarter working Data Quality Early engagement of investigators
Timing of follow up e.g. students Key reports Recommended matches Using NFI as case management system Filtering and sorting matches Visual sifting using vertical view Multiple match opening/closing Larger reports e.g. Creditors Exporting Filtering in Excel (guidance available) Summary recording of outcomes

15 What’s new for 2014/15?

16 What’s new in 2014/15? Security Policy Move to SFIS PSN UPRNs
Annual Council Tax SPD exercise Outcomes MI report separate Fraud and Error More match filters introduced Extending the vertical view quick tick function New Benefit ‘customer’ or ‘official’ error categories Improved search, navigation, export and shared comment facilities More efficient further information enquiry process for:- Home Office immigration Pensions Students

17 Other Purposes and The Cabinet Office
NFI and the Future Other Purposes and The Cabinet Office

18 The Future: Other purposes
The Serious Crime Act 2007 gave powers to the Secretary of State to extend the purposes of data matching beyond fraud. Data matching through the NFI could help public bodies to reduce the significant levels of debt owed to them. Arrears matching could identify details of those with tenant arrears, court fines, parking notices, child support payments and student loans. Locating absconders. The powers were never enacted. However, the future looks better….. Top areas of expansion.

19 The Future: The Cabinet office
What the move to the Cabinet Office will mean for NFI:- Transfer of mandatory powers before March 2015 Updated Code of Data Matching Practice Inherit existing powers Extend mandatory participants (including government departments) Legal power of Secretary of State to change purpose Extension to error, debt/arrears recovery, maladministration, crimes other than fraud Top areas of expansion.

20 Fraud and The Cabinet Office
NFI and the Future Fraud and The Cabinet Office

21 NFI Fraud Detection and Prevention
We intend to… “deploy the National Fraud Initiative more widely as a near real-time tool to enable data matching between departments, and between central and local government” The NFI has traditionally focussed on fraud detection We are developing services to also assist with fraud prevention

22 The Flexible Matching Service (FMS)
NFI and the Future The Flexible Matching Service (FMS)

23 What is Flexible Matching?
The NFI flexible matching service is a powerful and sophisticated data matching engine that instantly identifies matches for counter-fraud investigation A new NFI web application has been built which includes a facility to create and manage data matching jobs and an interactive data submission wizard It can run batch data matching as stand-alone tasks at a time and frequency that suits your organisation’s operational requirements All existing NFI matching options are available to participants

24 What can The Flexible Matching Service be used for?
Internal/Project Data Matching Participants upload data for internal matching only The datasets are only be matched to each other Optional data matching against the NFI core datasets Multi-Organisation Data Matching Regional data matching initiatives where a group of participants wish to submit data for local cross matching Optional data matching against the NFI core datasets Talk about personal budgets pilot.

25 FMS: Existing Uses Housing benefit to student loans
Council Tax to Electoral Register Mortality Screening Personal budgets

26 The Application Checker
NFI and the Future The Application Checker

27 An Overview of the Application Checker
Our new service that we are about to launch Matches applications on a record by record basis with instant results Designed to help prevent fraud at the point of application Prevents fraud getting into your systems by data matching against the core NFI data

28 Application Checker: Basic Principles
Names Address Date of Birth Payroll, Housing Benefit, Fraud Data and Immigration Data Matches

29 Further information regarding the NFI can be found on our website.
Alternatively please contact the NFI team via NFI queries My contact details Kevin Boon Top areas of expansion.

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