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Order of the Roman Catholic Mass

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1 Order of the Roman Catholic Mass
Part C The Liturgy of the Eucharist

2  Preparation of the Gifts
Altar1 is prepared: linens, Missal, chalice Book containing rules and texts for Mass

3 Gifts of Bread and Wine presented
Procession with Gifts/optional music  Prayer Over the Offerings (Gifts)

4 Go to bottom of page #3 for the following:
 Eucharistic Prayer3 Go to bottom of page #3 for the following: ”recalls saving events from Scripture”(The Bible: The Living Word of G-d, St. Mary’s Press, 2011, p214); The part of the Mass that includes the Consecration of the bread and wine, beginning with the Preface and concluding with the Great Amen (Glossary, The Bible: The Living Word of G-d, St. Mary’s Press, 2011).

5 (“center and summit of the entire celebration”) GIRM 78
 Eucharistic Prayer3 What does this mean? (“center and summit of the entire celebration”) GIRM 78 Preface Dialogue The Lord be with you. And with your spirit

6 We lift them up to the Lord.
Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our G-d. It is right and just. What makes this a dialogue?

7 Preface (“glorifies God the Father and gives thanks”) GIRM 79

8 Preface Acclamation (Holy, Holy)

9 Anamnesis (remembrance acclamation)
Example: We proclaim your death, O Lord, and profess your resurrection, until you come again. Greek for “memorial” and “call to mind” Final Doxology and Great Amen Greek for PRAISE

10 Rite of Peace (“express charity before Communion”) GIRM 82
 Communion Rite Lord’s Prayer (Our Father) Rite of Peace (“express charity before Communion”) GIRM 82 The Fraction (Lamb of G-d or Agnus Dei) Why is Jesus the “Lamb of G-d?”

11 Communion (Response: Amen.)
Communion Chant (expresses unity) Prayer after Communion Concludes the Communion Rite

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