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Animal Phyla: Porifera & Cnidaria

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1 Animal Phyla: Porifera & Cnidaria

2 Phylum Porifera (Sponges)
Porifera means “__________________” Their bodies are perforated with holes that lead to an inner water chamber They pump water through these pores and expel it though_____________(large opening at top)

3 Anatomy of a Sponge F A G B D E C D E Key A) Osculum Pore Amoebocyte
D) Spicule E) Choanocyte F) Flagella G) Microfilaments C D E E

4 Anatomy of a Sponge (Cont.)
_____________________(Choanocytes) Inner layer of cells Contain flagella and microfilaments Flagella = suck water through pores Microfilaments = trap food particles ___________________(Amebocytes) Middle layer Take up food from choanocytes, digest it, and carry nutrients to other cells Form ________________ ____________________ Scaffolding that give sponge shape Used by scientists to identify different species of sponges

5 Water Flow in Sponges… Pores Internal Cavity  Osculum

6 Phylum Porifera (Cont.)
___________________(no symmetry) Lack __________________ Represent the most ________ animals They have been evolving the ___________! Where do they live? (Habitat) ________________________________ How big are they? (Size) _________________________

7 Phylum Porifera (Cont.)
What do they eat? (Diet) ______________________ Filter bacteria, protists, and small crustaceans from the water How do they move? Mobile _____________________ ___________ (do not move) as adults

8 Phylum Porifera (Cont.)
How do they reproduce? Asexually ____________________ Produce internal buds called ______________which grow into new sponges Regeneration Able to ________________ missing parts Sexually Both male and female sex cells made by _______________ Sperm released from _______________of one sponge and enters the _________________ of another sponge– sperm of one sponge fertilizes the egg of another sponge

9 Red Barrel Sponge Image Source:

10 Branching Sponge

11 Tube Sponge

12 Indonesian Sponge

13 Examples of Sponge Spicules

14 Life Cycle of a Sponge Larva Released Sexual Reproduction
Egg and sperm meet New sponge is not identical to parents Flagella (movement) Sperm Egg New Sponge Dividing Cells Larva

15 Phylum Cnidaria (Jellyfish, Sea Anemones, & Corals)
Exhibit________Symmetry 2 Forms __________ Sessile form (vase shape) ___________ Swimming form (umbrella shape)

16 Phylum Cnidaria (Cont.)
2 Body Layers Epidermis (outer layer) & Gastrodermis (inner layer) Mesoglea Jelly-like substance in between inner and outer layer Gastrovascular Cavity (GVC) Empty space where digestion takes place

17 Anatomy of a Jellyfish

18 Phylum Cnidaria (Cont.)
Cnidocytes and Nematocytes _________________ = specialized cells used for defense _____________ = structures inside the cnidocyte that contain stinging filaments The filaments have sharp tips that can inject _________________ into victims

19 Phylum Cnidaria (Cont.)
1st Nervous System Porifera have _______ developed nervous system Cnidarians have _________________system No brain, but rather a loose collection of nerves called a __________________ ___________________throughout the whole body

20 Phylum Cnidaria (Cont.)
Where do they live? (Habitat) Mostly ______________ ____________ found in fresh water How big are they? (Size) Can be up to 6.5 feet in diameter and have ~_________________long tentacles

21 Phylum Cnidaria (Cont.)
What do they eat? How do they eat? Tentacles _______________________. Nematocysts ___________ poison. _____________ push food into mouth How do they move? If mobile, move by contraction and expansion of body

22 Phylum Cnidaria (Cont.)
How do they reproduce? Asexually Budding & Regeneration Sexually Adult ____________releases ________ and __________ into the water where external fertilization takes place  zygote Zygote forms the ___________________ (hollow ball of cells) and then forms a ___________ (ciliated larva) ______________attaches to the ocean floor and develops mouth and tentacles Stacks of _______________ form and then detach to form individual jellyfish

23 Life Cycle of Jellyfish
Adult Female Medusa Adult Male Medusa Young Medusa Sperm Egg Blastula Planula Polyp

24 Class: Hydrozoa Portugese Man-of-War Hydra Found in tropical oceans
Polyp form found in __________________ Portugese Man-of-War Found in tropical oceans Very _________________ to fish and even humans

25 Class: Scyphozoa Over ___species Common jellyfish exist as
both _______ _____________ Image Source:

26 Class: Anthozoa Includes __________________________ Corals
All marine Medusa stage ________________________ Corals Are polyps that live in _______________________ Use nutrients from algae for energy ________________________________ Largest coral colony on earth _______________________ Are polyps that use poisonous tentacles to feed on small fish

27 Coral Reef Coral Polyps

28 Sea Anemone Image Source:

29 Cnetophora (Comb Jellies)
Cnetophora are technically a _____________________from Cnidaria, but they are closely related. For our purposes, we’ll group comb jellies with __________ Cnetophora Found in ______________ ______________________

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