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ButterfliesButterflies Butterfly Life Cycle Click too see butterfly life cycle!!!!!!!!!!! The first stage is the egg. The second stage is the larva.

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2 ButterfliesButterflies

3 Butterfly Life Cycle Click too see butterfly life cycle!!!!!!!!!!! The first stage is the egg. The second stage is the larva. The third stage is the pupa. The last stage is an adult butterfly.

4 Butterfly Egg The butterfly egg is the first stage. The monarch butterfly egg is green. The butterfly egg is the first stage. The monarch butterfly egg is green. Monarch egg

5 Larva The Larva is the second stage of the monarch butterfly. A larva is also known as a caterpillar. A larva eats milkweed all day long. In two weeks it grows from less then an a quarter inch to two inches.

6 Chrysalis The chrysalis is the third stage. The larva is in the chrysalis for about ten days.

7 Butterfly The butterfly is the last stage. The butterflies veins stiffen, only after one hour after it comes out of the chrysalis will monarch be ready to fly.

8 Butterflies can be found: – Lake – Pond – Garden – Parks – Any Place with flowers Habitat

9 Diet A Monarch Caterpillar will ONLY Eat Milkweed Plants.

10 Enemies The butterflies enemies are wasps, ants, frogs, bats, lizards, and spiders.

11 Adaptations The monarchs have white, black, and orange markings this coloring actually sends a warning to predators that the monarch is BAD tasting and poisonous. The monarch wingspan goes out five inches for it to carry it body for a long distance.

12 Species


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