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 Definition refers to excess fluid in the lung, either in the interstitial spaces or in the alveoli.

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Presentation on theme: " Definition refers to excess fluid in the lung, either in the interstitial spaces or in the alveoli."— Presentation transcript:

1  Definition refers to excess fluid in the lung, either in the interstitial spaces or in the alveoli

2  1-It impedes gas exchange  Causes:  Heart failure  Circulatory overload  Drug hypersensitivity  Lung injuries  CNS injuries  Infections and fever  Postcardioversion  Opioid overdose

3  Cough and restless  Dyspnea & orthopnea  Frothy sputum  Extreme anxiety  Cyanosis  Distended jagular veins  Tachycardia  Precordial pain (if from MI)

4  Chest X-ray.  Echocardiography.  Pulmonary artery wedge pressure  Blood C/S.  ABG studies.  Cardiac markers (if suspected MI)

5  Oxygen therapy  Morphine  Vasodilator  Diuretic therapy  Contractility enhancement therapy

6  Dysrhythmias  Respiratory failure


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