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Presentation on theme: "Strategies for INNOVATIVE DESIGNING"— Presentation transcript:

Design strategies

2 We are now going to look at a range of design strategies to inspire ideas.
There is no wrong or right way to design but the strategies can give you a starting point or help when you get ‘designers block’. Natural Forms Morphing Geometrical shapes Combine

3 Using geometrical shapes for inspiration
Design strategy…. Using geometrical shapes for inspiration

4 Using geometrical shapes as inspiration for your ideas.
Combine Nature Morphing Using geometrical shapes as inspiration for your ideas. You could use geometrical shapes as a starting point for your ideas.

5 Combining geometrical shapes for inspiration
Design strategy…. Combining geometrical shapes for inspiration

6 Combine shapes as inspiration for your ideas
Nature Geometrical Morphing Combine shapes as inspiration for your ideas You could combine shapes as an idea for your product.

7 Morphing shapes for inspiration
Design strategy…. Morphing shapes for inspiration

8 Morphing shapes as a possible design idea for your product.
Natural Combine Geometrical Morphing Morphing is a design strategy where you gradually change the shape step by step. Morphing shapes as a possible design idea for your product.

9 Using natural forms for inspiration
Design strategy…. Using natural forms for inspiration

10 Using natural forms as inspiration for your design ideas.
Geometrical Combine Morphing Natural Find interesting shapes within natural forms as an idea for your container

11 Using natural forms as inspiration for your design ideas.
Geometrical Combine Morphing Natural Find interesting shapes within natural forms as an idea for your container

12 Using the range of designing strategies previously shown, attempt the following design tasks.

13 Geometrical Combine Nature Morphing Task - Using geometric shapes. Develop a range of ideas for storing the pens, pencils and scissor shown below. Now start Start the task – you have 5 minutes to quickly sketch a range of ideas in 2D. Possible ideas

14 Geometrical Combine Nature Morphing Task - Using geometric shapes. Develop a range of ideas for storing the pens, pencils and scissor shown below. Now start Start the task – you have 15 minutes to quickly sketch a range of ideas in 3D. Possible ideas.

15 Task – Combining geometric shapes
Task – Combining geometric shapes. Develop a range of ideas for storing a mobile phone. Combine Nature Geometrical Morphing Start the task – you have 15 minutes to present your ideas in 2D/modeling format. You could use coloured paper and scissors to complete this task. An example has been completed for you. Now start Possible ideas.

16 Task – Combining geometric shapes
Task – Combining geometric shapes. Develop a range of ideas for storing a mobile phone. Combine Nature Geometrical Morphing Start the task – you have 25 minutes to present your ideas in 3D format/model. You could use coloured paper/card and scissors to complete this rapid prototyping task. Possible ideas.

17 A possible idea - combine & merge circles of the same size
Task – Combining geometric shapes develop a range of ideas for storing the hair brushes. Combine Nature Geometrical Morphing Start the task – if available use computer modelling to complete this task. A possible idea - combine & merge circles of the same size

18 Combine & merge circles
Task – Combining geometric shapes. Develop a range of ideas for storing the hair brushes. Combine Nature Geometrical Morphing Start the task – if available use computer modelling to complete this task. Combine & merge circles Use for the base and top of the storage unit

19 Task – Using the morphing design strategy, develop a range of ideas for storing loose change .
Natural Combine Geometrical Morphing Start the task – you have 15 minutes to present your ideas in 2D or 3D format. Possible ideas.

20 Task – Using buildings as an inspiration source, develop a range of ideas for storing watches/jewellery. Try using the SCAMPER design strategy – S – substitute C – combine A – adapt M – minimise P – put to use E – eliminate R - reverse E – eliminate C – combine Start the task – look at the picture bank above and select your inspiration source. Paste this in the centre of the page as shown opposite. Select four of the SCAMPER approaches. R - reverse A – adapt

21 E – eliminate E – eliminate S C S A C S M A C S P M A C E P M A R E P
Design Strategies that can be used to develop ideas Design Strategies that can be used to develop ideas Design Strategies that can be used to develop ideas Design Strategies that can be used to develop ideas S C A M P E R Substitute Combine Adapt Minimize Put to use Eliminate Reverse S C A M P E R Substitute Combine Adapt Minimize Put to use Eliminate Reverse S C A M P E R Substitute Combine Adapt Minimize Put to use Eliminate Reverse S C A M P E R Substitute Combine Adapt Minimize Put to use Eliminate Reverse Eliminate Combine Eliminate Combine Eliminate Combine Eliminate Combine Reverse Adapt Reverse Adapt Reverse Adapt Reverse Adapt

22 R - reverse R - reverse S C S A C S M A C S P M A C E P M A R E P M R
Design Strategies that can be used to develop ideas Design Strategies that can be used to develop ideas Design Strategies that can be used to develop ideas Design Strategies that can be used to develop ideas S C A M P E R Substitute Combine Adapt Minimize Put to use Eliminate Reverse S C A M P E R Substitute Combine Adapt Minimize Put to use Eliminate Reverse S C A M P E R Substitute Combine Adapt Minimize Put to use Eliminate Reverse S C A M P E R Substitute Combine Adapt Minimize Put to use Eliminate Reverse Eliminate Combine Eliminate Combine Eliminate Combine Eliminate Combine Reverse Adapt Reverse Adapt Reverse Adapt Reverse Adapt

23 C – combine C – combine S C S A C S M A C S P M A C E P M A R E P M R
Design Strategies that can be used to develop ideas Design Strategies that can be used to develop ideas Design Strategies that can be used to develop ideas Design Strategies that can be used to develop ideas S C A M P E R Substitute Combine Adapt Minimize Put to use Eliminate Reverse S C A M P E R Substitute Combine Adapt Minimize Put to use Eliminate Reverse S C A M P E R Substitute Combine Adapt Minimize Put to use Eliminate Reverse S C A M P E R Substitute Combine Adapt Minimize Put to use Eliminate Reverse Eliminate Combine Eliminate Combine Eliminate Combine Eliminate Combine Reverse Adapt Reverse Adapt Reverse Adapt Reverse Adapt

24 A – adapt S C S A C S M A C S P M A C E P M A R E P M R E P R E R
Design Strategies that can be used to develop ideas Design Strategies that can be used to develop ideas Design Strategies that can be used to develop ideas Design Strategies that can be used to develop ideas S C A M P E R Substitute Combine Adapt Minimize Put to use Eliminate Reverse S C A M P E R Substitute Combine Adapt Minimize Put to use Eliminate Reverse S C A M P E R Substitute Combine Adapt Minimize Put to use Eliminate Reverse S C A M P E R Substitute Combine Adapt Minimize Put to use Eliminate Reverse Eliminate Combine Eliminate Combine Eliminate Combine Eliminate Combine Reverse Adapt Reverse Adapt Reverse Adapt Reverse Adapt

25 Final range of design ideas using the SCAMPER strategy.

26 Geometrical Combine Nature Morphing Task – Using any of the strategies or a combination of them to develop a range of ideas for storing …. The class can decide on the item/s to be stored.

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