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2 Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

3 Click here for Final Jeopardy

4 People/Places Miscellaneous T/F 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 3 WordsVocabulary

5 Used by the revolutionaries to execute opponents

6 What is the guillotine?

7 France’s chief tax

8 What is the taille?

9 A sudden overthrow of the government

10 What is a coup d'état?

11 The unique cultural identity of a people based on their common factors

12 What is nationalism?

13 The five men selected by the Council of Elders who served on an executive committee to rule alongside with the Legislative Assembly

14 Who are the Directory?

15 Island off the coast of Italy, where Napoleon was first exiled

16 Where is Elba?

17 The island to which Napoleon was exiled after his final defeat

18 Where is St. Helena?

19 The storming of this began the French Revolution

20 What was the Bastille?

21 The brutal head of the Committee of Public Safety

22 Who was Maximilien Robespierre?

23 Where the Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon in Belgium

24 What is Waterloo?

25 What the French National Assembly swore after being locked out of their meeting place (a vow to continue to meet until a constitution had been drafted)

26 What was the Tennis Court Oath?

27 A time where the Committee of Public Safety was in complete control and 40,000 people were executed

28 What was the Reign of Terror?

29 In his final battle, Napoleon was defeated by this person

30 Who was the Duke of Wellington?

31 Napoleon’s most lasting contribution

32 What was the Codification of Laws?

33 These were the areas that made up Napoleon’s “Grand Empire”

34 What was France, dependents, and allies?

35 This proclaimed equal rights for all men, but no political rights for women

36 What was the Declaration of the Rights of Man?

37 The policy that the National Convention tried to follow to reflect its belief in reason, not religion

38 What was Dechristianization?

39 The most important of the legal codes established by Napoleon

40 What was the Civil, or Napoleonic, Code?

41 Under the Constitution of 1791, this group would make the laws

42 Who were the Legislative Assembly?

43 The two major reasons Napoleon’s Grand Empire collapsed

44 The Survival of Great Britain and the force of Nationalism?

45 The Third Estate was the only estate NOT exempt from France’s chief tax.

46 True

47 The Committee of Public Safety was given broad powers to defend France from threats.

48 True

49 Promotion within Napoleon’s new bureaucracy was designed to benefit the nobility and keep the middle class from obtaining high- rankings

50 False

51 Napoleon’s coup d'état overthrew the British government to establish his consulate

52 False

53 The Russians defeated Napoleon’s superior Grand Army by waiting to attack during the brutal Russian Winter

54 False

55 Make your wager

56 The group of radicals who organized a mob attack on the Legislative Assembly and the royal palace; they successfully suspended the limited monarchy and called for a National Convention to be chosen on the basis of universal male suffrage

57 Who was the Paris Commune?

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