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Media Ownership in Japan. Misa Sato Newspaper Newspaper Corporation TV corporation TV The Asahi Shimbun -The Asahi Shimbun Company → TV Asahi Corporation.

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1 Media Ownership in Japan


3 Misa Sato

4 Newspaper Newspaper Corporation TV corporation TV The Asahi Shimbun -The Asahi Shimbun Company → TV Asahi Corporation -TV Asahi Yomiuri Shimbun -Yomiuri Shimbun Company → Nippon Television Corporation -NTB Sankei Shimbun -Sankei Shimbun Co., Ltd ← Fuji TV Network, Inc. - Mainichi Shimbun - The Mainichi Newspaper Co., Ltd Nihon Keizai Shimbun -Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. → TV Tokyo Corporation -TV Tokyo Tokyo Broadcasting System Holdings, Inc. -TBS Yukari A mano

5 Yuki Ito

6 読売新聞 = 日本テレビ 朝日新聞 = テレビ朝日 毎日新聞 =TBS 産経新聞 = フジテレビ 日経新聞 = テレビ東京 There has been these connections between newspapers and TV stations since the administration of Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka, 1972. Newspapers share capital with broadcasting. The system is called CROSSOWNERSHIP. We can see it only in Japan. It is unusual in the world. I am afraid that variety of speech might be lost by media itself. I saw these Websites. クロスオーナーシップ( wiki) : E3%83%BC%E3%83%8A%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B7%E3%83%83%E3%83%97 E3%83%BC%E3%83%8A%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B7%E3%83%83%E3%83%97 Mamo's Site 放送事件史「田中角栄」≪後篇≫: http://www.aa.alpha- http://www.aa.alpha- CNET Japan 日本にジャーナリズムが育たない理由: Hanako Seo

7 GROUPNEWSPAPER ( 朝刊部数 2005) TV STATIONOTHER YOMIURIYOMIRUI (10m) 日本テレビ読売ジャイアンツ 日本放送 ASAHIASAHI (8.2m) テレビ朝日雑誌 ANN ( オールニッポン ニュースネットワー ク ) 東映株式会社 MAINICHIMAINICHI (4m) TBS雑誌 文化放送 NIKKEINIHON KEIZAI (3m) テレビ東京雑誌( business) FUJI-SANKEISANKEI (2.1m) フジテレビ美術館など Source: Japan Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC 協会 ) 公認平均部数 Notes: (1) NYT circulation around 1.1m; People’s Daily (China) around 2.1m; (2) In 1996 Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp bought 20% of TV Asahi; this was sold the following year

8 Total Advertising Spending 2004 ( 総公告日 ) SOURCE: Japan Almanac 2006: 252

9 □ In 2003 Hakuhodo, Daiko, Yomiko consolidated →became Hakuhodo DY Dentsu: The Main Player



12 Media Ownership in Japan



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