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Semester II Week 3 Test will be given on…2-2-15. denounce (di NOWNS) (v.) to condemn; to expose critically As an act of conscience, the young terrorist.

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Presentation on theme: "Semester II Week 3 Test will be given on…2-2-15. denounce (di NOWNS) (v.) to condemn; to expose critically As an act of conscience, the young terrorist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Semester II Week 3 Test will be given on…2-2-15

2 denounce (di NOWNS) (v.) to condemn; to expose critically As an act of conscience, the young terrorist DENOUNCED his fellow terrorists and confessed their criminal acts to the police.

3 torque (tork) (n.) A turning or twisting force The wrench handle was too short to generate the TORQUE required to loosen the bolt.

4 fathom (fa THUM) (v.) to understand fully; to penetrate the meaning of The jury found it hard to FATHOM how the defendant could commit such a terrible crime.

5 docile (DAHS ul) (adj.) Easily taught or controlled; obedient, easy to handle A desirable quality of basset hounds is that they are DOCILE, and that is why they are sought as house pets.

6 hovel (HUV ul)) (n.) a small, miserable dwelling; an open, low shed Compared to the Summertons’ palatial estate on Long Island, Jane said her apartment in the Bronx was HOVEL.

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