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ΗΥ-566 ΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΗ ΓΝΩΣΗΣ ΣΤΟ ΔΙΑΔΙΚΤΥΟ Ασκηση 1 Πεδρο, Κατη και Μπεριτ Ελενη.

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Presentation on theme: "ΗΥ-566 ΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΗ ΓΝΩΣΗΣ ΣΤΟ ΔΙΑΔΙΚΤΥΟ Ασκηση 1 Πεδρο, Κατη και Μπεριτ Ελενη."— Presentation transcript:

1 ΗΥ-566 ΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΗ ΓΝΩΣΗΣ ΣΤΟ ΔΙΑΔΙΚΤΥΟ Ασκηση 1 Πεδρο, Κατη και Μπεριτ Ελενη

2 The zoo ontology Description and diagram of the domain. RDFS. RDF Data. RQL Queries.

3 Description and diagram.diagrams_and_concepts.pdfdiagrams_and_concepts.pdf

4 Description and diagram II

5 RDFS (1 of 4) The class of all the persons. Implemets the first name of Person. Person's phone number.

6 RDFS (2 of 4) The class of Employee is a subclass of Person The id for the Employee.

7 RDFS (3 of 4) The class AnimalWorker is a sublass of Employee This is the class of the Animals. The class of all the Cages for the Animals

8 RDFS (4 of 4) Property which makes a relation between an AnimalWorker and an Animal. An AnimalWorker can take care of one or more Animals. Property which makes a relation between an AnimalWorker and a Cage. An AnimalWorker can clean one or more Cages. Property which makes a relation between an Animal and a Cage. One Animal lives in one Cage.

9 RDF Data (1 of 3) <rdf:RDF xml:lang="en" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:zoo="myZoo"> <zoo:Cage rdf:ID="cage2" zoo:cageID="002" zoo:size="10x10x10" zoo:buildingDate="12/12/2000" /> <zoo:AnimalWorker zoo:firstName="Janis" zoo:lastName="Halkiadakis" zoo:telephoneNumber="123456789" zoo:addressStreet="Dimokratias 22" zoo:addressCity="Iraklion" zoo:addressCountry="Greece" zoo:dateOfBirth="21/11/71" zoo:sex="male"

10 RDF Data (2 of 3) zoo:employeeID="0004" zoo:salary="1000" zoo:absentDays="44" zoo:hiredDate="12/12/2000" zoo:contractType="Full time" zoo:specialization="land" zoo:freeDay="Tuesday" zoo:animalPreferences="cats“>

11 RDF Data (3 of 3) <zoo:WaterAnimal rdf:ID="animal2“ zoo:animalID="0002" zoo:latinName="Fishus" zoo:englishName="Fish" zoo:birthDate="12/12/2001" zoo:length="1m" zoo:weight="8kg" zoo:height="10cm" zoo:arrivalDate="12/12/2001" zoo:plantEater="yes" zoo:threatened="no" zoo:dailyFoodAmount="1kg" zoo:temperature="33" zoo:poisonous="no" zoo:saltPercentageInWater=“3" zoo:minVolumeInWater="90“>

12 RQL (1 of 4) -Find english name of all animals who are threatened: select N from Animal{X}, {Y}englishName{N}, {Z}threatened{P} where X=Y and X=Z and P="true" -Find first and last name of all animal workers who takes care of poisonous animals: select F,L from AnimalWorker{X}, {Y}firstName{F}, {Z}lastName{L}, AnimalWorker{S}.takesCareOf{T}, {U}poisonous{V} where X=Y and X=Z and X=S and T=U and V="true"

13 RQL (2 of 4) -Find first name, last name and telephone number of employees more than 5 absent days: select F,L,PH from Employee{X}, {Y}firstName{F}, {Z}lastName{L}, {U}telephoneNumber{PH}, {V}absentDays{W} where X=Y and X=Z and X=U and X=V and W>5 -Find all classes: Class

14 RQL (3 of 4) -Find the animal workers (first and last name), and the animals (animal ID) they take care of: select F,L,AID from AnimalWorker{X}.takesCareOf{Y}, {V}firstName{F}, {W}lastName{L}, {U}animalID{AID} where Y=U and X=V and X=W - Find which animal (animal ID) lives in the cage with id="cage1": select AID from Animal{X}.livesIn{Y}, {Z}cageID{W}, {U}animalID{AID} where Y=Z and W="cage1“ and X=U

15 RQL (4 of 4) - The employees (first and last name) who works in the department with id="01": select F,L from Employee{X}, {U}belongsTo{B}, {Z}deptID{W},{V}firstName{F}, {S}lastName{L} where X=U and B=Z and W="01 and V=X and S=X - Find the english name for the animal which is taken care of by the animal worker with ID=“0001" select N from animal{A}.isTreatedBy{W}, {C}englishName{N}, {W}employeeID{X} where X=“0001" and A=C

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