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PHOTOSYNTHESIS What is the MAIN purpose of photosynthesis?

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Presentation on theme: "PHOTOSYNTHESIS What is the MAIN purpose of photosynthesis?"— Presentation transcript:

1 PHOTOSYNTHESIS What is the MAIN purpose of photosynthesis?

2 PHOTOSYNTHESIS What is the MAIN purpose of photosynthesis? To make: GLUCOSE (food) Carbon + Hydrogen + Oxygen

3 What organisms can make their own food?


5 What organisms must obtain their food?

6 HETEROTROPHS (CONSUMERS) Examples: Mushrooms, cows, bacteria, humans, fish, birds

7 How is energy stored and released from ATP? Where is the chemical bond broken to release energy?

8 How is energy stored and released from ATP? Where is the chemical bond broken to release energy? Energy is stored in chemical bonds and released when bond is broken between 2 nd & 3 rd Phosphate groups. 1 2 3

9 Why is ATP compared to a battery?

10 ATP contains energy like a battery ADP + P (Uncharged Battery) 2 phosphate groups has low energy ATP (Charged Battery) 3 phosphate groups has high energy

11 What color wavelengths are best for photosynthesis?


13 What is important about absorbed and reflected light?

14 Absorbed Light is Used Light!!! Green is reflected by the green chlorophyll (pigment/ protein)

15 Which kind of wavelength has more energy? Longer? or Shorter?

16 Longer or Shorter Which kind of wavelength has more energy?

17 What are pigments? What do pigments do?

18 What are pigments? What do pigments do? Pigments are proteins! Pigments absorb light!

19 What makes plants green?

20 CHLOROPHYLL (Pigment)

21 What are the 3 reactants in the photosynthesis chemical reaction? Hint: 3 things to make a plant grow

22 Sunlight H₂O CO₂ What are the 3 reactants in the photosynthesis chemical reaction?

23 What is the equation for photosynthesis? _____+ _____+ _____ → _______ + ___ REACTANTS → PRODUCTS

24 What is the equation for photosynthesis? REACTANTS → PRODUCTS

25 What is oxygen in the photosynthesis process?

26 What is oxygen in the photosynthesis process? WASTE PRODUCT!!

27 Scientists of Photosynthesis

28 Intentionally left blank

29 Who conducted the experiment that determined plant growth needed water and was important part of photosynthesis equation? CO2 + H₂O → Sunlight → C6H12O6 + O2

30 Van Helmont Hint: “H” for H2O CO2 + H₂O → Sunlight → C6H12O6 + O2 Van Helmont’s experiment concluded that the plant must have gotten its additional mass from H2O since that was all that the plant received.

31 Who conducted the experiment that determined plants release oxygen (O₂) and was an important part of the photosynthesis equation? CO2 + H₂O → Sunlight → C6H12O6 + O2

32 Priestly (Think: Priests put candles in churches) Priestly found the plant released OXYGEN from his experiment keeping mouse and flame alive. CO2 + H2O → Sunlight → C6H12O6 + O₂

33 Who conducted the experiment that determined plants need sunlight and was an important part of the photosynthesis equation? Potato is used as the control

34 Ingenhouz Hint: think “light house” Ingenhouz repeated Priestly’s experiment but tried it with and without sunlight to see if that was necessary. He found sunlight was an important part of photosynthesis. CO2 + H2O → Sunlight → C6H12O6 + O2

35 Who conducted the experiment that determined that photosynthesis had a cycle that created glucose from CO₂ and was an important part of the photosynthesis equation? ? GLUCOSE CO₂

36 Calvin Calvin came up with the Calvin Cycle and showed how plants take ATP and NADPH to change CO2 →C6H12O6 (glucose) CO2 + H2O → Sunlight → C6H12O6 + O2 GLUCOSE CO₂

37 What is this organelle?


39 Complete this diagram of photosynthesis

40 C₆ H₁₂ O₂ (glucose) Thylakoids Light Dependent Reaction SUNLIGHT H₂O O₂ (waste product) CO₂ ATP NADPH Calvin Cycle Light Independent Reaction



43 How is energy carried in ATP? How is energy carried in NADPH?

44 How is energy carried in ATP? How is energy carried in NADPH? In the CHEMICAL BOND In the H+ and Electrons

45 LIGHT INDEPENDENT REACTION (DOES NOT NEED SUNLIGHT) Where does Glucose C₆H₁₂O₆ get its carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in the Calvin Cycle? Glucose C₆H₁₂O₆

46 LIGHT INDEPENDENT REACTION (DOES NOT NEED SUNLIGHT) Where does Glucose C₆H₁₂O₆ get its carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in the Calvin Cycle? CO₂ and NADPH Glucose C₆H₁₂O₆

47 10 PGAL Where does the Calvin Cycle (Light Independent Reaction) take place? 2 PGAL 12 PGA RuBP 10 PGAL GLUCOSE CO₂ 12 PGAL CALVIN CYCLE

48 10 PGAL Where does the Calvin Cycle (Light Independent Reaction) take place? 2 PGAL 12 PGA RuBP GLUCOSE CO₂ 12 PGAL 10 PGAL “The Stroma is the space where the cycle takes place.” CALVIN CYCLE

49 10 PGAL Must know the flow of carbon molecules through the Calvin Cycle 2 PGAL 12 PGA RuBP 10 PGAL GLUCOSE CO₂ 12 PGAL CALVIN CYCLE

50 PGAL RuBP PGA GLUCOSE C₆H₁₂O₆ CO₂ Must know the flow of carbon molecules through the Calvin Cycle Let’s simplify it!!! ATP & NADPH (Energy) CALVIN CYCLE

51 10 PGAL 2 PGAL 12 PGA RuBP GLUCOSE CO₂ 12 PGAL How many times does the Calvin Cycle go around to make glucose (C₆H₁₂O₆)? 10 PGAL CALVIN CYCLE

52 10 PGAL 2 PGAL 12 PGA RuBP GLUCOSE CO₂ 12 PGAL How many times does the Calvin Cycle go around to make glucose (C₆H₁₂O₆)? 10 PGAL CALVIN CYCLE


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