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Steve Maxfield. 920 GeV protons on 27.6 GeV electrons or positrons →318 GeV centre of mass H1 (was) in the HERA ep ring at DESY.

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Presentation on theme: "Steve Maxfield. 920 GeV protons on 27.6 GeV electrons or positrons →318 GeV centre of mass H1 (was) in the HERA ep ring at DESY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steve Maxfield

2 920 GeV protons on 27.6 GeV electrons or positrons →318 GeV centre of mass H1 (was) in the HERA ep ring at DESY

3 Data taking ended in July 2007… HERA-I HERA-II e-e- ~20 pb -1 ~290 pb -1 e+e+ ~100 pb -1 ~270 pb -1 ~1 fb -1 collected by H1+ZEUS Finale: Low Energy Run 460-575 GeV to measure F L structure function. Finale: Low Energy Run 460-575 GeV to measure F L structure function. Meanwhile…

4 H1 Liverpool has grown! John Dainton Erwin Gabathuler Tim Greenshaw Max Klein Thomas Kluge Paul Laycock Steve Maxfield Andy Mehta Girish Patel AJ Rahmat

5 …and H1 remains Active: Huge amount of data still to be analysed. Program to produce combined H1+ZEUS results underway Huge amount of data still to be analysed. Program to produce combined H1+ZEUS results underway

6 H1 Publications in 2007: Three- and Four-jet Production at Low x at HERA Measurement of Isolated Photon Production in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA Measurement of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering and its t-dependence at HERA Dijet Cross Sections and Parton Densities in Diffractive DIS at HERA Measurement of Inclusive Jet Production in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at High Q 2 and Determination of the Strong Coupling Charged Particle Production in High Q 2 Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA Search for Baryonic Resonances Decaying to Xi pi in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA Tests of QCD Factorisation in the Diffractive Production of Dijets in Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Photoproduction at HERA Search for Lepton Flavour Violation in ep collisions at HERA A few recent and/or ongoing analyses…

7 Cross section at Low Q 2 and x (Preliminary) Reduced Cross section at Low Q 2 Uses normal and shifted vertex data Uses events with ISR. Mom conservation and careful track validation with the BST. Will be Final results for Q 2 <~1GeV 2 more to come for higher Q 2 Precursor to F L measurement at low Q 2 Other measurements underway: σ at high Q 2, y 920 GeV beam → F L high Q 2 ‘Bulk’ 2000 data: highest precision F 2 data in range Q 2 12 – 100 GeV 2 NC high Q 2 : dσ/dQ 2 :all HERA data (I+II) Pol n asymmetry: 0304e + / 0405e - xF 3 : 0304e + / 0405e - Analysis of 460 / 575 GeV data started (Preliminary) Reduced Cross section at Low Q 2 Uses normal and shifted vertex data Uses events with ISR. Mom conservation and careful track validation with the BST. Will be Final results for Q 2 <~1GeV 2 more to come for higher Q 2 Precursor to F L measurement at low Q 2 Other measurements underway: σ at high Q 2, y 920 GeV beam → F L high Q 2 ‘Bulk’ 2000 data: highest precision F 2 data in range Q 2 12 – 100 GeV 2 NC high Q 2 : dσ/dQ 2 :all HERA data (I+II) Pol n asymmetry: 0304e + / 0405e - xF 3 : 0304e + / 0405e - Analysis of 460 / 575 GeV data started Results out next year

8  S determination from Inclusive jets in DIS Use ratio of incl. jet to NC cross sections →reduced systematic, pdf errors Dominating theory error still scale uncertainty ( can reduce at expense of increased stat errors by limiting Q 2 range. ‘Best’ result: Dominating theory error still scale uncertainty ( can reduce at expense of increased stat errors by limiting Q 2 range. ‘Best’ result:

9 Charm and Beauty Measurements – an ongoing analysis Now: Combining info from track and secondary vertex significances using Neural Net S 1, S 2, S 3, N TRACK, P T TRACK1, P T TRACK2, P T Jet, SV Sig., SV Mult. Very good b/c discrimination S 1, S 2, S 3, N TRACK, P T TRACK1, P T TRACK2, P T Jet, SV Sig., SV Mult. Very good b/c discrimination Results with full 06/07 data out next year Prelim result in 2007

10 FTD Major Improvements in track reconstruction FTD segment linking cuts tuned. Use beam line constraint for 1-module tracks. Pick up more clusters in the Kalman filter step. Outlier rejection implemented in Kalman filter track fit. Primary vertex fit cuts tuned.  70% more vertex-fitted tracks! Major Improvements in track reconstruction FTD segment linking cuts tuned. Use beam line constraint for 1-module tracks. Pick up more clusters in the Kalman filter step. Outlier rejection implemented in Kalman filter track fit. Primary vertex fit cuts tuned.  70% more vertex-fitted tracks! “use FTD tracks in the HFS” FTD finally ‘comes of age’: So where is it now?

11 Is that Irony or Ironmongery?

12 HERA=H1+ZEUS Combine H1 and ZEUS analyses 2 x statistics ~1fb -1 Improved systematics Make combined fits  best possible precision for seminal HERA results Combine H1 and ZEUS analyses 2 x statistics ~1fb -1 Improved systematics Make combined fits  best possible precision for seminal HERA results

13 e.g.  S from inclusive jets in DIS N ext   p

14 NC e + p NB still only HERA I!

15 Multi-lepton final states…

16 Conclusions H1 data taking has finished but the exploitation phase is in full swing and the highest precision results are still to come. H1+ZEUS → HERA results beginning to appear. Effort will still be needed – this is good physics cheap at the price. May not be the end of ep collider physics… For now…we note that: H1 data taking has finished but the exploitation phase is in full swing and the highest precision results are still to come. H1+ZEUS → HERA results beginning to appear. Effort will still be needed – this is good physics cheap at the price. May not be the end of ep collider physics… For now…we note that:

17 H1 in 2007 Took its last data on 30th June… …in the capable hands of experts from Liverpool…


19 H1 legacy to Liverpool: Knowledge Transfer via people… already soon

20 …including some with extremely useful skills: (The ‘Christmas Tree’ Nebula) Happy Christmas!

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