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CGI Scripting and Vulnerabilities COEN 351: E-commerce Security  Thomas Schwarz, S.J. 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "CGI Scripting and Vulnerabilities COEN 351: E-commerce Security  Thomas Schwarz, S.J. 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 CGI Scripting and Vulnerabilities COEN 351: E-commerce Security  Thomas Schwarz, S.J. 2006

2 CGI with Perl Fundamentals Webserver passes information to the CGI script via environmental variables. %ENV hash CGI scripts produce output by printing an HTTP message on STDOUT CGI scripts need to put out an HTTP header, but it does not have to be a full one.

3 CGI with Perl Fundamentals Perl has three standard file handles. STDIN Webservers passes request (with the header removed) to the cgi script. If there is post data, it will be available for reading from STDIN. There is no end-of-file marker, so read the content-length header to decide when you read the end-of-input, otherwise the script will hang. STDOUT Perl writes HTTP header and body through STDOUT. Different webservers have different buffering policies. STDERR Perl can send error messages to STDERR. However, webservers differ in how they treat the output. Apache puts STDERR output into the log. iPlanet puts STDERR into the HTTP, but probably out of order, because STDERR traffic is not buffered.

4 CGI with Perl Fundamentals You are now ready to create a webpage in your home directory index.html Next step is to try a cgi script. #!/perl/bin/perl -wT print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print " Hi \n"; Path to the perl executable. Different from UNIX!

5 CGI with Perl Fundamentals Creating dynamic web-pages with PERL Web server passes information to CGI scripts via environment variables. CGI scripts produce output by printing the HTTP message on STDOUT. CGI scripts do not need to printout full headers.

6 CGI with Perl Fundamentals

7 This script uses only a simple header. Notice the double lines in the first print statement. This generates a basic HTTP message. HTTP requests:

8 CGI with Perl Fundamentals The minimum requirement for a static website are: The “Content-Type” line. The document itself. Need to include the she-bang line. Use taint mode as a generic precaution. Use the CGI::Carp Perl module Perl has a handy short-cut to print out many lines of text.

9 CGI with Perl Fundamentals Header Types Content-type header Redirection Status Message

10 CGI with Perl Fundamentals #! /perl/bin/perl -wT use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser); print <<EHTML; Content-type: text/html Environmental Variables Hi Server $ENV{SERVER_NAME} Listening port $ENV{SERVER_PORT} Server software $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} Server protocol $ENV{SERVER_PROTOCOL} CGI version $ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE} EHTML Shebang with path to Perl Sends diagnostic messages to the browser. Remove before posting it. This allows you to just type in code instead of using individual print statements. The closing EHTML (or whatever token you choose) needs to be in the first position in the line and followed by an empty line. Environmental variables

11 CGI with Perl Fundamentals #! /perl/bin/perl -wT use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser); print <<EHTML; Content-type: text/html Environmental Variables Hi Server $ENV{SERVER_NAME} Listening port $ENV{SERVER_PORT} Server software $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} Server protocol $ENV{SERVER_PROTOCOL} CGI version $ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE} EHTML


13 CGI with Perl Fundamentals Environmental Variables QUERY_STRING REMOTE_ADDR REMOTE_HOST REMOTE_IDENT Ident daemon: UNIX and IRC clients only REMOTE_USER REQUEST_METHOD



16 CGI with Perl Fundamentals Environmental Variables Secure server adds many more environmental variables. X.509 server / browser certificates HTTPS Used as a flag to indicate whether the connection is secure. Values vary by server “ON”, “on”, “Off”, “off”

17 CGI with Perl Fundamentals #!/perl/bin/perl -wT use CGI qw(:standard); use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser); my $email = "tjschwarz\"; my $url = ""; print header; print start_html("Scalars"); print <<EndHTML; Hello My e-mail address is $email, and my web url is $url. EndHTML print end_html;

18 CGI with Perl Fundamentals

19 CGI can output full or partial headers. Partial headers: One of Content-type header Location header Specifies URL to redirect the client to. Status header E.g. “204 No response” Delimited by TWO new-lines

20 CGI with Perl Fundamentals

21 When using a code, remember that the HTTP status message is not displayed. Therefore, you might want to formulate your own error page.

22 CGI with Perl Fundamentals Complete Headers: Need status line. Need Content-type line Need Server header. The last two are given to you as environmental variables. Called nph (non-parsed header) scripts

23 CGI: Forms COEN 351

24 CGI: Getting Data from Client HTML provides forms as a means to gather information and send them to the server. Use either POST or GET method.

25 CGI: Getting Data from Client HTML form tags METHOD: Either GET or POST ACTION: URL of the script that should receive the HTTP request. Default is the same URL ENCTYPE: Specifies the media type used to encode the request. Default is usually adequate. onSubmit: Javascript handler.

26 Getting Data from Client


28 Script register.cgi receives data. HTTP request looks like this: POST register.cgi HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 11 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencode name=thomas

29 Getting Data from Client


31 To read the data: Read the data from the query string: $ENV{QUERY_STRING} Determine the method $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} If the method is POST, determine the size of the request $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH} Read that amount of data from STDIN Parse the data and process it. Getting Data from Client

32 Determine the request method Read up to $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH} from stdin

33 Getting Data from Client


35 In principle, you can write a perl parse function that will parse the input and give it to you in nice value-pair form. In reality, you want to use a perl module that prepares the input for you. See next week’s cgi lesson. Getting Data from Client

36 CGI: COEN 351

37 Perl Modules Pre-written code. Standard library modules. Other modules e.g. at Comprehensive Perl Archive Network. module Load with “use CGI qw(:standard);” Has various function names: header start_html end_html

38 handles Input Replaces environment variables with environment methods HTML output Easy handling of http headers start_html, end_html Error handling

39 Comes with two small vulnerabilities of the DOS type Can be fixed by setting values in Allows uploading arbitrarily large files. Set $DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1. Allows arbitrarily large post messages Set $POST_MAX = 102_400; #100KB max

40 module print start_html(“hello”) Prints out: hello end_html Prints out:

41 can be used in an object-oriented and in an imperative style. Imperative version use CGI qw(:standard); print header; print start_html("Hello World"); Object-Oriented Version use CGI; # don't need qw(:standard) $cgi = CGI->new; # ($cgi is now the object) print $cgi->header; # function call: $obj->function print $cgi->start_html("Hello World");

42 CGI.PM Output

43 CGI.PM Handling Output Simple method calls to generate html output: $q->header q->header( -type => "text.html", -target => "main_frame", -expires => "+30m", -status => "444 What's that");

44 CGI.PM Handling Output q->start_html q->end_html $q->hr $q->h1(...) $q->h2(...) $q->p(…)

45 CGI.PM Handling Output Form Elements such as: start_form end_form textfield password_field filefield button submit reset hidden...

46 CGI.PM Handling Output #!/perl/bin/perl.exe use strict; use CGI; my $q = new CGI; print $q->header("text/html"), $q->start_html( -title => "Env Var", -bgcolor => "#f0f0f0"), $q->h3("HTTP Environmental Variables"); foreach( $q->http) { print $q->p($_.": ",$q->http( $_ ), " "); } $q->end_html;

47 CGI.PM Handling Output The example demonstrates output as well as access to the http environmental variables. The latter are accessed through the http method.

48 CGI.PM Handling Output #!/perl/bin/perl.exe use strict; use CGI; my $q = new CGI; print $q->header("text/html"), $q->start_html( -title => "Env Var", -bgcolor => "#f0f0f0"), $q->h3("HTTP Environmental Variables"); foreach( $q->http) { print $q->p($_.": ",$q->http( $_ ), " "); } $q->end_html;

49 Alternatives for output CGI methods Compact, but limited expressionability Lots of print statements Lots of typing, easy to control “here document” feature in Perl Straight html text from perl

50 CGI.PM Handling Input

51 Input with Use Methods instead of Environmental Variables. content-typeCONTENT_TYPE query_stringQUERY_STRING remote_hostREMOTE_HOST server_softwareSERVER_SOFTWARE urlNot available CONTENT_LENGTH virtual_hostHTTP_HOST

52 Input Forms Allow browser to post data to server. Uses GET or POST message

53 Input Form using POST method

54 Input Form using GET method Notice query string

55 Input HTTP request with POST is POST f1.cgi HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost Content-Length: 40 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencode name=Thomas+Schwarz& HTTP request with GET is /f1.cgi?name=Thomas+Schwarz&

56 Input We get input from both POST and GET methods with the param method. param determines whether POST and GET is used. Under normal circumstances, param does not give you access to the query string if you are using POST. Work-around: Use url_param Change CGI.PM

57 Using the module makes things much easier.

58 Accessing environmental variables http method Without argument: Name of the environmental variable currently available. With argument: The value of that environmental variable.


60 We access parameters through the param method.

61 Trapping Errors: Standard Perl construct “or die” sends output to stderr, which may or may not be sent to the client. Trapping die will work: eval { dangerous_stuff(); 1; } or do { error ($q, $@ || “Unknown Error” );

62 Trapping Errors Trapping die will generate difficult to read code. Use CGI::Carp Clean interface and code Quite powerful

63 CGI: Maintaining State COEN 351

64 CGI: Maintaining State HTTP is a stateless protocol. TCP connection might be closed after each request! In order to maintain state, we can use: Hidden Fields: Fat URLs Extra path information: Fat URLs Cookies

65 CGI: Maintaining State with Cookies Cookie Mechanism Webserver sends a Set-Cookie HTTP header to the browser. Browser returns cookie in its cookie header.

66 CGI: Maintaining State with Cookies Netscape Cookies Parameters: -name Name of cookie We can set several cookies -value -domain Browsers will only return the cookies for URLs within this domain. -expires -path -secure Browser will only return the cookie for secure URLs using https

67 CGI: Maintaining State with Cookies Setting cookies: has a cookie constructor: allows you to construct headers easily: my $cookie = $q->cookie( -name => "student_id", -value => 11111, -domain => "", -expires => "+1y", ); print $q->header( -type => "text/html", -cookie => $cookie );

68 CGI: Maintaining State with Cookies Capture of cookie slapping

69 CGI: Maintaining State with Cookies Getting cookies Available in the HTTP_COOKIE environment. Can get value directly from my $cookie = $q->cookie( "student_id"); print $q->header( -type => "text/plain" ), $cookie;

70 CGI: Maintaining State with Cookies Security Issues with Cookies: Cookies can be altered Sensitive cookie values need to be fully encrypted Cannot trust expiration date

71 CGI: Maintaining State: Query Strings Query strings are set by the GET http method To maintain state via query strings: 1. Handling all requests through cgi Change web-server settings 2. Use regular expression to parse query string for fields

72 CGI: Maintaining State: Query Strings Performance suffers Static webpages impossible Use mod-perl etc. to speed up cgi processing

73 CGI: Maintaining State: Hidden Fields Hidden fields in forms are not displayed in browser, but are still sent to web- server. Hidden fields have no performance overhead and always work, BUT Hidden fields are easily altered and cannot be trusted

74 CGI: Maintaining State: Hidden Fields Maintain state at web-server Use persistent files or database to maintain state. Performance suffers, but security is highest.

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