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De-mystifying Google’s hottest binary protocol Prasanna Kanagasabai Jovin Lobo.

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Presentation on theme: "De-mystifying Google’s hottest binary protocol Prasanna Kanagasabai Jovin Lobo."— Presentation transcript:

1 De-mystifying Google’s hottest binary protocol Prasanna Kanagasabai Jovin Lobo

2 About us :  Prasanna Kanagasabai :  Security Engineer @ ThoughtWorks  Member of null- The Open Security Community.  Author of IronSAP a module over IronWASP.  Speaker @ nullcon-Delhi, Clubhack, IIT Guwahati and various null meetups.  Jovin Lobo :  Associate Consultant @ Aujas Networks  Member of null- The Open Security Community.  Author of GameOver – Linux distro for learning web security.  Spoken at nullCon, GNUnify before.

3 Agenda  Introduction.  Anatomy of Protobufs  Defining Message formats in.Proto files.  Protobuf compiler  Python API to read write messages.  Encoding Scheme  Problem Statement.  Decoding like-a-pro with IronWasp ‘Protobuf Decoder’.

4 Introduction:  Protocol Buffers a.k.a Protobufs :  Protobufs are Google's own way of serializing structured data.  Extensible, language-neutral and platform- neutral.  Smaller, faster and simpler to implement.  Java, C++ and Python

5 Anatomy:  Over view :

6 Defining a.Proto file.  #> less Example.proto message Conference { required string conf_name = 1 ; required int32 no_of_days = 2 ; optional string email = 3 ; } // * 1,2,3 are unique tags. These are used by the fields in binary encoding. * For optimization use tags from 1-15 as higher nos. will use one more byte to encode.

7 Compiling  Syntax:  protoc –I=$_input_Dir --python_out=$_out_Dir $_Path_ProtoFile  Eg:  protoc –I=. --python_out=. Example.proto This will generate a file in the specified destination directory.

8 $  The Protobuf compiler generates special descriptors for all your messages, enums, and fields.  It also generates empty classes, one for each message type:  Eg:

9 Reading and writing messages using the Protobuf binary format :  SerializeToString()  serializes the message and returns it as a string.  ParseFromString(data)  parses a message from the given string.

10 Demo: Protobuf… how it wrks

11 Encoding.  example2.proto message Ex1 { required int32 num = 1; // field tag }  Code snippet: obj = example2_pb2.Ex1(); obj.num = 290; // field value obj.SerializeToString();  Output : 08 A2 02 #hex 000010001010001000000010 #binary

12 Problem statement.

13 This is what freaked him out 08 A2 02 000010001010001000000010

14 Lets Decode it..  Step 1 :  Find the wire type.  Step 2:  Find the field number.  Step 3:  Find the field tag.

15 Step1: finding wire type.  0000 1000 1010 0010 0000 0010  To find wire type take the first byte:  0000 1000 1010 0010 0000 0010  [0]000 1000 Drop MSB from First byte.  0001 000 The last 3 bits give wire type.  Wire type is 000  type = 0 is Varint.

16 Wire types

17 Step 2: Field tag.  What we already have is 0001000  Now we right shift value by 3 bits and the remaining bits will give us the field tag.  0001000  ‘0001 ‘ i.e. ‘ 1’  So we get the field tag = 1

18 Step 3: Find the field value  0000 1000 1010 0010 0000 0010  We drop the 1 st byte  1010 0010 0000 0010  Drop the MSB’s from each of these bytes  1010 0010 0000 0010  010 0010 000 0010  Reverse these bytes to obtain the field value.  000 0010 010 0010  000 0010 010 0010 i.e 256 + 32 + 2 = 290  So we finally get the value of the field = 290.

19 So we successfully decoded  example2.proto message Ex1 { required int32 num = 1; }  Code snippet: obj = example2_pb2.Ex1(); obj.num = 290; obj.SerializeToString();  Output : 08 A2 02 #hex 000010001010001000000010 #binary  We successfully Decoded Value : “290”

20 Demo : Lets do this live

21 Automating all this with IronWasp Protobuf Decoder:  About IronWasp :  IronWasp is an open-source web security scanner.  It is designed to be customizable to the extent where users can create their own custom security scanners using it.  Author – Lavakumar Kuppan (@lavakumark)@lavakumark  Website :

22 ProtoBuf Decoder

23 Road Map for Protobuf Decoder

24 0110100000111101000001011011 1001111001001000000101000101 1101010110010101110011011101 0001101001011011110110111001 1100110010000000111111


26 Hmmm … Decoding ……

27 Any Questions ? Done … It says ……

28 Any Questions ? Done … It says ……

29 Thank You

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