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A Level Spanish H477AS Spanish H077 A Level German H476AS German H076 A Level French H475AS French H075 Hints and tips for teachers AS/A Level GCE Modern.

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Presentation on theme: "A Level Spanish H477AS Spanish H077 A Level German H476AS German H076 A Level French H475AS French H075 Hints and tips for teachers AS/A Level GCE Modern."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Level Spanish H477AS Spanish H077 A Level German H476AS German H076 A Level French H475AS French H075 Hints and tips for teachers AS/A Level GCE Modern Foreign Languages

2 Preparation At the beginning of the course, candidates may benefit from hearing a role play conducted entirely in English. This will help them to understand what they’re aiming for, without the language barrier. Train candidates to use the 20 minutes of preparation time wisely. They should avoid writing out full sentences; instead they might like to jot down key words, highlight statistics, or spend time thinking about their own ideas. ROLE PLAY AS Speaking

3 The initial questions Practise the initial questions which the candidate must ask – e.g. work on all the possible question words. Even able candidates can struggle with this part! Train candidates to decide whether the formal or informal mode of address is appropriate – look closely at the context. Practise changing possessive adjectives – e.g. changing “his/her daughter” to “your daughter”. AS Speaking

4 The conversation Practise some opening gambits for suggesting the activity/ product/job on offer – get candidates off to a confident start. “Use of stimulus” is worth 15 marks (grid A): make sure candidates are aware that they need to convey almost all of the information from the stimulus text, and when you practise past papers, refer to the “main points” on the mark scheme to see what information was credited......However, this is a role play, and not a summary exercise. Candidates need to demonstrate that they can respond to the examiner’s questions (Grid B). Interaction is key – it should sound like a genuine conversation. AS Speaking

5 General tips Spend time practising numbers, addresses, e-mail addresses... Train candidates to find ways of rephrasing words/phrases which they don’t know. It is not normally necessary to use precise wording to gain the mark for a key point, and it’s better to “talk around” a word/phrase than to invent a non- existent cognate! AS Speaking

6 General tips Candidates who play the part and give a convincing performance tend to score more highly than candidates who are worried about making mistakes. Quality of language (Accuracy) is worth just 5 marks (Grid C.1) whereas conveying the information and responding to the examiner are together worth 25 marks. Candidates should aim to use imagination and initiative throughout the role play, not just in the extension questions. They should be encouraged to go beyond the scope of the stimulus material. AS Speaking

7 The teacher/examiner’s role Your role as teacher/examiner is vital! Prepare each role play carefully and ensure you know the full answer to each question about the stimulus material. This will enable you to prompt/encourage candidates to supply missing information. Avoid giving away key vocab – if you say the word/phrase first, the candidate can’t be credited for it! The questions in the booklet are worded to avoid this happening. AS Speaking

8 The teacher/examiner’s role Play the part – e.g. worried parent or concerned customer. Ask questions such as “What if...?”, “Should I...?”, “How can I...?” The two extension questions are important. If the candidate gives very short replies, ask follow-up questions to elicit more ideas and opinions. Finally, timing is important – the limit is 6 minutes. AS Speaking

9 Choice of topic The topic chosen MUST be linked to the AS topics or sub-topics in the specification. The idea is that candidates choose something which has been introduced during the course and which they are interested in researching further. At AS level, candidates should choose something relatively straightforward and should show a personal response. Candidates are more likely to be successful and to enjoy their preparatory work if they choose something which they are genuinely interested in. TOPIC DISCUSSION AS Speaking

10 Choice of topic If candidates choose one of the more common topics, taking an individual angle can catch the examiner’s attention. Candidates are allowed to choose a literary text, film or play... BUT they must concentrate on the ISSUES arising from the work and link it to one of the AS topics/sub-topics – e.g. a film about school might fit under “Education and training”. They must avoid simply describing the plot/characters. TOPIC DISCUSSION AS Speaking

11 Choice of topic The topic discussed MUST be rooted in a target language country/community. Candidates selecting something generic like “Obesity in France” should ensure that the majority of their research is specific to the target language country/community – e.g. what the French government is doing to combat obesity, what French schools are doing... TOPIC DISCUSSION AS Speaking

12 The discussion The discussion should be as natural and spontaneous as possible, based on the five headings the candidate has chosen. Candidates are not penalised when prepared material is used flexibly to respond to the teacher/examiner’s questions......However, discussions should not sound scripted; candidates and teachers should not be working from a prepared list of questions. Train candidates to know the difference between “well- prepared” and “over-rehearsed”. AS Speaking

13 The discussion Giving developed opinions and exploring ideas in depth is important; ideally candidates will do this throughout the discussion, justifying their ideas with the research they have done. Candidates can use this part of the exam to show off their knowledge of the language, but they should use phrases and structures which sound natural in spoken language, rather than more formal, “written” ones. They should pay particular attention to the pronunciation of topic- specific vocabulary. AS Speaking

14 The teacher/examiner’s role Listen carefully to what the candidate has to say. Encourage an exchange of views throughout, rather than a strict “Question and Answer” format. Encourage candidates to speak naturally and take the initiative – they don’t have to wait for the next question. Be ready to challenge and react to statements made by the candidate – e.g. ask “Why?” or “In what way...?” or “What’s your view?” Be ready to interrupt if a candidate seems to be reciting a long paragraph of pre-learnt material. There is a strict time limit of 10 minutes. AS Speaking

15 Candidates should practise completing listening tasks independently so that they are familiar with the equipment they will use in the exam. They may find it beneficial to read the questions BEFORE listening to the text......And they should listen to the whole text BEFORE starting to write their answers. Practise question words regularly. SECTION A: LISTENING AND WRITING AS Listening, Reading & Writing

16 Practise language manipulation exercises – e.g. verb to noun, noun to adjective. Starter activities in class can be good for this. Train candidates to look at the mark allocations – two marks means two distinct points are required. Task 4 is always related to Task 3. It may be possible to glean some relevant vocabulary for the writing task from the listening text. Train candidates to find alternative ways of expressing the same idea, rather than attempting a literal translation in Task 4. It is the meaning which matters! SECTION A: LISTENING AND WRITING AS Listening, Reading & Writing

17 In Task 6 (answers in the target language), candidates may lose marks if they copy phrases of more than FIVE words from the text......BUT they do not need to find a synonym for every single word – a change in a grammatical structure may suffice. For Task 7a, candidates should concentrate solely on the text. They do not need to interpret it, draw conclusions or offer personal opinions... SECTION B: READING AND WRITING AS Listening, Reading & Writing

18 ...However, for Task 7b candidates DO need to move away from the text, expressing and justifying their own opinions. An idea/opinion will only be credited once, so there is no point in repeating or rewording it. In 7b, the better responses are often those which consider both sides of the argument. Candidates should be encouraged to plan and organise their ideas before starting their essay – it is time well spent. They should also allow time for checking once they finish the essay. SECTION B: READING AND WRITING AS Listening, Reading & Writing

19 Experience suggests that “longer” does not necessarily mean “better” – longer essays often contain more errors and lack concision. Quality of language is assessed over both 7a and 7b. Finally, candidates may like to think about what order they do the paper in. Some like to start with Section B (Reading & Writing) and finish with Section A (Listening & Writing). Try it different ways and see what works! SECTION B: READING AND WRITING AS Listening, Reading & Writing

20 Articles cover both AS and A2 topics. There is no randomisation sheet: you as teacher/examiner can choose which article to use for each candidate. Just make sure it doesn’t overlap with the candidate’s chosen topic for the Topic Conversation. Discourage candidates from writing extensive notes during the preparation time – they should not write out summaries of each paragraph! Encourage them to jot down key words/phrases, highlight important information and think carefully about their own opinions. Practise numbers, dates, unfamiliar names, acronyms... ARTICLE DISCUSSION A2 Speaking

21 As the teacher/examiner, ensure that you are as familiar as possible with the articles before the exams start. You do not have to stick to the “suggested questions”: use all, some or none of them! Feel free to adapt them, extend them, simplify them......Because it is good practice to differentiate according to the candidate in front of you. Some questions are designed for “stretch and challenge” – you don’t have to use these, or you can adapt them to suit your candidates. Keep track of the time – as for the AS role play, the limit is 6 minutes. ARTICLE DISCUSSION A2 Speaking

22 (Please note that many of the tips given for Unit 1 Topic Discussion are also relevant here.) The topic chosen MUST be linked to the A2 topics or sub-topics. The A2 topics reflect the need for candidates to demonstrate greater analytical/evaluative skills than at AS......However, ideas and opinions are still essential (see Grid M – Development of Ideas). For A2, candidates prepare TWO titles, but the second is only discussed if the candidate cannot sustain 10-12 minutes of discussion on their first topic. TOPIC CONVERSATION A2 Speaking

23 If they want to discuss a literary text, film or play, but find that it does not work under the “Culture” topic, they can choose a work which they can link to one of the other A2 topics/sub-topics – e.g. A sci-fi novel might work under “Science and technology”. There is not always a literary question on the Listening, Reading & Writing paper (F704/F714/F724), so the Topic Conversation is a good opportunity for candidates to discuss literature. As at AS, the aim is a genuine conversation between candidate and teacher/examiner. The time limit is 12 minutes. TOPIC CONVERSATION A2 Speaking

24 General For the Listening element, train candidates to work under timed conditions – 30 minutes for the two texts. Section B carries 5 marks for Quality of Language – therefore candidates should spend a few minutes checking accuracy. In the “Transfer of meaning” exercise candidates should use good English. They should not be afraid to alter word order etc to achieve this......However, they should stick closely to the original meaning and should avoid missing out any information. Beware of words which look like English but have a different meaning – false friends! A2 Listening, Reading & Writing

25 Candidates should keep an open mind about which topic they will choose in the exam. The essay titles give scope for a whole range of answers, drawing on what individual candidates have studied. There is nothing to stop candidates from choosing a title on the same topic as their Topic Conversation (F703/F713/F723). However, they should take care to answer the question in front of them and avoid including irrelevant material. Practise essays of the required length – 250-400 words. There is no advantage to writing more. THE ESSAY QUESTION A2 Listening, Reading & Writing

26 Train candidates to identify factual evidence which will justify their argument. Avoid putting in facts just for the sake of it! Encourage candidates to read and research outside of class. Information, facts and public opinion can be gleaned on newspaper websites, target language radio, TV etc. THE ESSAY QUESTION A2 Listening, Reading & Writing

27 Tips for candidates on approaching the essay Decide what your overall argument will be, what points you wish to make and what evidence you can use to back these up (“Relevance and points of view” – 10 marks, Grid N). Work out a logical plan for your essay and be clear from the start about the conclusion you will reach, so that the essay has a sense of purpose and direction. Ensure that your analysis of the question flows from the introduction through to the main body and finally to its conclusion (“Structure and analysis” – 15 marks, Grid O). Leave time to check accuracy (“Quality of language” – 20 marks, Grids C.2 & F.2). A2 Listening, Reading & Writing

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