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DEsp3/Honores3.   “To not like” / “to be disagreable”  Acts similar to “gustar” in that the SUBJECT in the English sentence is the INDIRECT OBJECT.

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Presentation on theme: "DEsp3/Honores3.   “To not like” / “to be disagreable”  Acts similar to “gustar” in that the SUBJECT in the English sentence is the INDIRECT OBJECT."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEsp3/Honores3

2   “To not like” / “to be disagreable”  Acts similar to “gustar” in that the SUBJECT in the English sentence is the INDIRECT OBJECT in the Spanish:  They don’t like me = Les caigo mal  I like you = Me caes bien CAER MAL

3   “to be in someone’s best interest”  (conjugate like VENIR) – HOWEVER  This verb is ALMOST exclusively used only in the 3 rd person forms (like gustar)  It’s in your best interest to study = Te conviene estudiar CONVENIR

4   “to hurt” / “to cause pain”  Can be conjugated in all forms (o-ue)  ALMOST exclusively used in the 3 rd person forms  My eyes hurt = me duelen los ojos DOLER

5   “to love” (find enchanting)  All 6 conjugations HOWEVER:  ALMOST always conjugated with the “speaker” as the indirect object  He loves me = Le encanto ENCANTAR

6   “to be lacking” “to be missing”  Has 6 conjugations, HOWEVER  ALMOST always the “speaker” is the indirect object  I don’t have words to say what I feel = Me faltan palabras para expresar lo que siento FALTAR

7   “to fascinate”  Has 6 conjugations, HOWEVER  ALMOST ALWAYS the “speaker” is the indirect object  I love theses books = Me fascinan estos libros. FASCINAR

8   “to interest”  Has 6 conjugations, HOWEVER  ALMOST always conjugated in 3 rd person with the speaker being the indirect object  Your ideas interest me = Me interesan tus ideas INTERESAR

9   “to bother” “to annoy”  Has 6 conjugations, HOWEVER  ALMOST ALWAYS the “speaker” is the indirect object  You don’t bother me = no me molestas MOLESTAR

10   “to seem” “to appear”  Has 6 conjugations (yo parezco)  ALMOST always the “speaker” is the indirect object”  What do you think (about this)? = ¿Qué te parece? PARECER

11   “to stay” “to remain”  Has 6 conjugations, HOWEVER  ALMOST always the “speaker” is the indirect object  We have 2 minutes left = Nos quedan 2 minutos QUEDAR

12   1. ¿Qué país te fascina?  2. ¿Qué te duele después de un día largo?  3. ¿Te falta dinero para comprar un Porsche?  4. ¿Qué te molesta más?  5.¿Qué estación del año te encanta? ¿Por qué? CONTESTA en frases completas en español

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