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TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY WP7 Integrated Transition Strategies TURAS External Review Brussels 24 July 2013.

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1 TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY WP7 Integrated Transition Strategies TURAS External Review Brussels 24 July 2013

2 TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY ITS Context Setting  Professional Culture  Disciplinary Approach  Thematical focus  Explicit objectives  Implicit objectives  Strategic objectives/key terms  Planning strategy on urban-regional scale : Architecture and urban-regional Planning : Spatial Planning and Development : Planning Theory and Methodology : WP Synergies, Project Synthesis : Integrated Planning, Knowledge Transfer : transition, urban, resilience, sustainability, integration

3 TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY objectives  prepare integrated transition approach for combining the outcomes of one or more of the WP 2-6 framework / Matrix: problem definitions, data needed, actors etc. methodology for integration  prepare integrated transition strategy (ITS) for each participating TURaS city further aspects of urban resilience developed and tested in other TURaS cities demonstration and assessment in terms of impact and transferability  prepare transferable final ITS framework / methodology for non-TURAS cities modular structure based on TURaS outcomes user-friendliness, accessibility milestones & deliverables Trans. Strategy Workshop Circulation of (city) ITS  Integrated Transition Report Publication of (city) ITS  Final Transition Guidelines task 7.1 7.2 7.3 … 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Year 4 Year 5 … WP7 content & objectives

4 TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY milestones & deliverables Transition Strategy Workshop Circulation of (city) ITS  Integrated Transition Report Publication of (city) ITS  Final Transition Guidelines ◦ Draft of integrated ( ≙ urban) transition strategy milestones & deliverables Transition Strategy Workshop Circulation of (city) ITS  Integrated Transition Report Publication of (city) ITS  Final Transition Guidelines task 7.1 7.2 7.3 ◦ Project Stakeholder Analysis objectives ◦ Methodology for „common terminology“ ◦ Literature review & contribution to „urban resilience theory“ 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 7.0 ◦ Methodology for „integration“ ◦ WP 7 Risk Analysis  assess status and risks of WP7 within project knowledge gaps vs. holistic approach project terminology capacities for WP7 (per partner / WP)  conceptualise “urban resilience” as a strategic objective for WP7 (planning) resilience vs. sustainability different sectorial conceptualisations vs. integration in “overall” urban strategy operationalisability vs. uncertainty/complexity  conceptualise “transition strategy” in context of “urban resilience” strategic planning vs. bottom-up & flexibility transition management towards urban resilience Key steps „black box“ WP7 content adaptation

5 TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Capacity Inventory in Excel  Uneven distribution of ressources WP7 status & risk analysis WP7 working paper on website WP7 part of Project Periodic Report M1-18  Topical (sectorial) selection vs. holistic (urban) overall project goal  Lack of „time framing“ of transitions aimed for in WP 2-6  Very heterogeneous, wide & flexible use of „resilience“ through all WPs  Sectorial professional language vs. Common terminology  Lack of examples of operationalisable definitions/conceptualisations of „urban resilience“ (literature & practice)  Lack of indicators for/of resilience (literature & project‘s research capacity)  Tension between need/expectation for „ready-to-use“ working definitions and evolutionary bottom-up structure of project


7 TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Common Terminology Methodology – Key Terms to Glossary  Collection of potential key terms: Kick-off working sheets, DoW, SCMeetings  Pre-selection (and reduction) of key terms on people level: partner (individual) survey (questionnaire)  TURAS Operational Vocabulary  Selection of key terms on WP level: WP leader survey (questionnaire) in collaboration with task leaders  WP key terms  Collocation of working groups (lead by WPs) & allocation of key terms  Definition (& differentiation) of key terms: (interdisciplinary) dialogues  Turas expert groups (Wiki)  Edition & publication for partners  TURAS Glossary (ready for public site)

8 TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Common Terminology WP7 key terms on TURAS Wiki  Example for Wiki use  Conceptual frame to substantiate & detail the terms for WP context  Open to discussion

9 TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY  What means resilience in the disciplinary context of planning (vs. sustainability)?  What means URBAN resilience (versus e.g. ecological or psychological resilience)?  How can urban resilience be operationalised (integration, evaluation etc.)? Conceptualising Urban Resilience  What means resilience in the disciplinary context of planning (vs. sustainability)?  What means URBAN resilience (versus e.g. ecological or psychological resilience)?  How can urban resilience be operationalised (integration, evaluation etc.)?

10 TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY De-composing Urban Resilience RESILIENCE=System property (neutral) ability (positive) Type:[speak]generalphysicsecologypsychologyengineer.… SCOPE „ of “ systemmaterialecosystemcreaturesnetwork MECHANISM „ to “ resile absorb, release persist sustain, recover, improve maintain, provide MODULUS „ up to“ constant change of status plastic deformation destinction of population adjustment disorder insufficient level of service CONDITION internal „in face of “ disturbancestress change of stable states stressfaults external [caused by] pressure adverse circumstances misconfi- guration, attack

11 TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Framing Urban Resilience RESILIENCE SYSTEMIC DIMENSIONecologicalpsycholog.technicalsocialeconom.organis.… MODES political concept: Resilience Metaphor xxx paradigm of action: Resilience Approach xxxx analytical framework: Resilience Thinking xxxxx system property: Resilience xx descriptive normative

12 TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Conceptualising Urban Resilience  What means resilience in the disciplinary context of planning (vs. sustainability)?  What means URBAN resilience (versus e.g. ecological or psychological resilience)?  How can urban resilience be operationalised (integration, evaluation etc.)?

13 TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY ITS combined approaches Elements Transdisiplinary (sustainability) research Transition Management Strategic Planning… Resilience Assessment TURAS target To attend complex societal problems by combining knowledge of various scientific disciplines with societal expertise To enable transitions towards sustainability by overcoming persisting problems To provide orienta- tion & give a long term dimension to urban-regional development by new & intensive interlinks To assess and resolve specific ressource questions by taking into account social & ecological influences & continuous change To transition towards urban sustainability and resilience by collaboration and innovation scope societySectorial context (e.g. transport) multi-sectorial: economic, ecologic, social (, technical) Social-ecological systems (Multi-)sectorial, Urban system scale Multi-scale (local, urban, regional, national local (community), urban (cluster of municipalities) Multi-scale (local, urban, regional, national local, system boundary (multiple scales) local (community), urban-regional principles Inter- & trans- disciplinary integration, coordination of knowledge social learning, accommodating complexity & uncertainty, steer- ing & dynamics goal-orientation, discursive methodo- logy, multi-stage procedures Complex adaptive systems theory, change & uncertain- ty, adaptive cycle, panarchy … Twinning approach for collaboration (researchers-local enterprises-urban communities) format Inter-disciplinary research teams, practice partners, iterative processes Series of participatory workshops Formal and informal planning instruments Discussion groups/workshops with system‘s stakeholders Classic research (sectorial work packages), demonstration sites Methods/ tools, actors, process, etc. Knowledge objects, common termino- logy, theor. framing … transition arena, experiments (urban labs) … Pilot projects, imple- mentation concepts, monitoring … … Resilience Assess- ment method: system context, scenario … new visions spatial scenarios feasibility strategies guidance tools …

14 TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Strategic Integration Organisational Dimension  Level I-III  Content & Process  Scope: research Methodological Dimension  Level I-III (-IV)  Content & Process  Scope: strategic planning

15 TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Strategic Integration Organisational Dimension  Integration I-III  Evaluation

16 TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Strategic Integration Methodological Dimension  TURAS Core Elements  Stakeholder groups   Integration I  Integration II:  Context for decision making  Mechanism for coordination  Mechanism for delivery  Mechanism for control  Integration III: Navigation  Integration IV: Dissemination Methodological Dimension  TURAS Core Elements  Stakeholder groups   Integration I  Integration II:  Context for decision making  Mechanism for coordination  Mechanism for delivery  Mechanism for control  Integration III: Navigation  Integration IV: Dissemination Methodological Dimension  TURAS Core Elements  Stakeholder groups   Integration I  Integration II:  Context for decision making  Mechanism for coordination  Mechanism for delivery  Mechanism for control  Integration III: Navigation  Integration IV: Dissemination Methodological Dimension  TURAS Core Elements  Stakeholder groups   Integration I  Integration II:  Context for decision making  Mechanism for coordination  Mechanism for delivery  Mechanism for control  Integration III: Navigation  Integration IV: Dissemination Methodological Dimension  TURAS Core Elements  Stakeholder groups   Integration I  Integration II:  Context for decision making  Mechanism for coordination  Mechanism for delivery  Mechanism for control  Integration III: Navigation  Integration IV: Dissemination

17 TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Outlook  Evaluation of key term survey (part I - individual level)  Distribution of WP leader questionnaire (including key term survey part II)  Publication of „contribution to resilience theory“  Furthering the „integrated ( ≙ urban) transition strategy approach“: draft of academic paper for discussion  Preparation of WP7 Kick-Off for local authorities / urban regions at annual meeting (Nov, Rome)

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