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1 NAFE 2005 CS616 and Meteorological data T.Wells, C. Martinez, G. Hancock and J.D.Kalma Plan of talk: 1.Overview of the collected and missing data 2.Data/calibration.

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Presentation on theme: "1 NAFE 2005 CS616 and Meteorological data T.Wells, C. Martinez, G. Hancock and J.D.Kalma Plan of talk: 1.Overview of the collected and missing data 2.Data/calibration."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 NAFE 2005 CS616 and Meteorological data T.Wells, C. Martinez, G. Hancock and J.D.Kalma Plan of talk: 1.Overview of the collected and missing data 2.Data/calibration issues 3.Data examples. NAFE workshop Feb 2006

2 2 1. NAFE/SASMAS Site data Overview. 26 SASMAS sites in total – 16 directly involved with NAFE Data collected at NAFE/SASMAS sites: Soil Moisture (20min)0-50mm Hydraprobe 0-300mm, 300-600mm, 600-900mm CS616 Soil Temperature(20min)0-50 mmThermistor 0-300mmT107 Rainfall (0.2mm, timed to second)Tipping bucket raingauge Radiation, Air T, humidity, wind speed, added soil T (20min)K6, S2 weather stns Majority of data was successfully collected over the 31 st Oct to 30 th Nov period:  100% of available data collected at 9 sites  Data awaiting final data collection (this week) at 2 sites  Data lost due to mechanical failure at 5 sites NAFE workshop Feb 2006

3 3

4 4 i.e. collected all data from Stanley weather station but none from Spring Hill over the NAFE campaign period due to logger failure NAFE workshop Feb 2006

5 5 2. Data/calibration Issues.  Relays were installed to allow sampling of Hydraprobe data  Relay failures at 8 sites (usually ~3 to 7 days after installation)  K1,K2,M1- (fixed) and K5, M4, M6, M7, G1 – to be fixed  Relay operation at G2-G6 will be assessed in the next few weeks.  Faulty relays will either replaced or repaired over next 2 months b. Battery failures  12V battery failures at Illogan, Roscommon and Spring Hill  Cause: additional load due to installation of Hydraprobe, relay and telemetry  Solution: upgrading of solar panels and replacing batteries (done).  Sites are now functioning normally a. Relay failures. NAFE workshop Feb 2006

6 6 c. Increased data traffic  Installation of Hydraprobes and rain gauges -> increased data collection rate ~×2  Reducing data logger storage capacity from ~65 days to ~35 days  Solution:  8 sites => upgraded data 2Mb loggers  13 sites with telemetry,  5 sites to be further assessed for telemetry with directional antennae  Installing of telemetry and 2Mb data loggers underway (~1/2 completed). NAFE workshop Feb 2006 2. Data/calibration Issues (cont).

7 7 d. Data Processing.  All available SASMAS data for 2005 has been processed.  Processing of Hydraprobe data awkward esp. when data is intermittent  Will chase up Hydraprobe manufacturer for maths to input directly into XL  Processed data now includes Chris R.’s new CS616 calibration equations.  Have assumed that deeper probes at each site share the same calibration equation  Data will be available on SASMAS website in next few weeks. NAFE workshop Feb 2006 2. Data/calibration Issues (cont).

8 8 NAFE workshop Feb 2006 e. Calibration  Several sites do not have separate calibration equations for 0-300mm CS616 probes (K1, K4, S5, S7)  Equations for deeper probes v. limited  Program of taking routinely 300mm soil cores at random sites during download field trips has commenced to check calibration equations.  Are the remaining (0-300mm) calibrations to be done in Newcastle or Melbourne?  Calibrations for deeper probes?

9 9 NAFE workshop Feb 2006 3. Data examples – T variation Cullingral (M2) over NAFE period.

10 10 NAFE workshop Feb 2006 3. Data examples – Variation of near surface moisture. S1-Stanley; M2-Cullingral

11 11 M2 M3 M5 NAFE workshop Feb 2006 3. Data examples – Spatial variation of rainfall along Merriwa Catchment Midlothian Merriwa park Cullingral

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