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An Agent Approach for Shard Machine Production Systems Ramiz Assaf Mamoon Abu Helo.

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Presentation on theme: "An Agent Approach for Shard Machine Production Systems Ramiz Assaf Mamoon Abu Helo."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Agent Approach for Shard Machine Production Systems Ramiz Assaf Mamoon Abu Helo

2 Introduction Serial Production systems Two-line system Shared Resource Lines MM B BM Raw Materials Final Products MBM Raw Materials B Final Products B MM B BM Raw Materials A Final Products A M1 M4 M3 M5M2B2 B1 B3 B3’

3 I.M.A Approach M1 M4 M3 M5M2B2 B1 B3 B3’ Product 1 Product 2 Agent 5Agent 2Agent 1 Agent 3 Agent 4 Each agent is connected to a machine and it has the different responsibilities i.e. Production, down message, change, asking to produce..etc

4 M1 M4 M3 M5M2B2 B1 B3 B3’ Product 1 Product 2 Agent 5Agent 2Agent 1 Agent 3 Agent 4 I need 2 parts. I need 3 parts.Yes I can Yes I can, after giving 5 STOP

5 INFO: -------------------------------------- Agent container Main-Container@PC-Mamoun is ready. -------------------------------------------- m1 start running now, m2 start running now, m3 start runnimg now, m4 start running now, m5 start running now, m3: <- stop_1 from m4 m1: <- Stop1 from m3 m1:Stop1 m3: <- send_1 from m4 m1: <- Run1 from m3 m1:Run1 m3: <- stop_2 from m5 m2: <- Stop2 from m3 m2:Stop2 m3: <- send_2 from m5 m2: <- Run2 from m3 m2:Run2 m3: <- stop_2 from m5 m2: <- Stop2 from m3 m2:Stop2 m3: <- stop_1 from m4 m1: <- Stop1 from m3 m1:Stop1 m3: <- send_2 from m5 m2: <- Run2 from m3 m2:Run2 M1 M4 M3 M5M2B2 B1 B3 B3’

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