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DO NOW Answer the following: If you were forced to spend the rest of your life in a library, a museum, or a zoo, which would you choose and why? PS: Find.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW Answer the following: If you were forced to spend the rest of your life in a library, a museum, or a zoo, which would you choose and why? PS: Find."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW Answer the following: If you were forced to spend the rest of your life in a library, a museum, or a zoo, which would you choose and why? PS: Find me at the football game tonight for Extra Credit! Go Mustangs!


3 IR Ir: To Go YovoyNosotrosvamos TúvasVosotrosvais Él Ella Usted vaEllos Ellas Ustedes van

4 PRÁCTICA GUIADA Copy down these sentences and complete the with a conjugation of “IR” 1.Tú _____________ al mercado. 2.Yo _____________ a la escuela. 3.Paula y yo _____________ a la clase de historia. 4.Teresa _____________ en el carro. 5.Jorge y Raúl _____________ al cine.

5 PRÁCTICA INDEPENDIENTE Translate the following sentences into Spanish using a conjugation of the verb “Ir”. 1.I go to the movies. 2.Juan and I go to the library. 3.You go to school early (temprano). 4.Patricia goes to the mall with her friends. 5.Ana and Alicia go to Isabel’s house.

6 STEM-CHANGING VERBS With regular verbs, the stem stays the same and the endings change according to the subject. With stem-changing verbs, a letter in the stem changes in all forms except nosotros & vosotros, and the endings change normally.

7 STEM-CHANGING VERBS To conjugate a stem-changing verb, we must 1)Identify the stem 2)Change the stem accordingly 3)Add the appropriate ending based on the subject

8 STEM-CHANGING VERBS- E  IE Example: querer (e  ie) 1)Identify the stem: “quer” 2)Change the stem accordingly “quier” 3)Add the appropriate ending based on the subject” “quier___” 4)Practice: make a conjugation chart for querer

9 NOTE If an e  ie stem-changing verb has more than one “e” in the stem, you always change the SECOND “e” Ex: preferir  prefier_____

10 STEM-CHANGING VERBS- U  UE Example: jugar (u  ue) 1)Identify the stem: “jug” 2)Change the stem accordingly “jueg” 3)Add the appropriate ending based on the subject” “jueg___” 4)Practice: conjugate YO and ELLA

11 STEM-CHANGING VERBS- O  UE Example: almorzar (o  ue) 1)Identify the stem: “almorz” 2)Change the stem accordingly “almuerz” 3)Add the appropriate ending based on the subject” “almuerz___” 4)Practice: conjugate TÚ and ELLOS

12 STEM-CHANGING VERBS- E  I Example: pedir (e  i) 1)Identify the stem: “ped” 2)Change the stem accordingly “pid” 3)Add the appropriate ending based on the subject” “pid___” 4)Practice: make a conjugation chart for pedir

13 PRÁCTICA GUIADA Copy down these sentences and complete with a conjugation of a stem-changing verb. 1.Tú _____________ pollo. (preferir, e  ie) 2.Yo _____________ arroz. (pedir, e  i) 3.Paula y yo _____________ al beisol. (jugar, u  ue) 4.Teresa _____________ tarde. (almorzar, o  ue) 5.Jorge y Raúl _____________ juntos. (merendar, e  ie)

14 PRÁCTICA INDEPENDIENTE There are four stations around the room. Go to teach station, follow the directions, and complete each station for full credit today.

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