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Global Planners Network Networking Event Spatial Planning and the Right to the City An RTPI Perspective.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Planners Network Networking Event Spatial Planning and the Right to the City An RTPI Perspective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Planners Network Networking Event Spatial Planning and the Right to the City An RTPI Perspective

2 RTPI: International Focus Founded in 1914 1000+ members live & work in 90 countries Network with planners worldwide Certify planning schools Major contribution to urban research

3 New Vision for Planning 6 core themes: –Spatial: all places have unique needs & characteristics –Integrative: in terms of knowledge, objectives, sectors and actions –Sustainable: looks at the short, medium and long term issues –Inclusive: recognises the wide range of people involved –Value-driven: concerned with identifying, understanding and mediating conflicting sets of values –Action-oriented: concerned with outcomes.

4 2009 International Strategic Review FOCUS concentrate on the things we are good at, which are: -A dvocacy, -B uilding capacity and -C ommunicating and networking. MISSION to promote spatial planning internationally & develop its capacity to secure territorial cohesion and sustainable human settlements in all parts of the world.

5 New Vision for Planning Operates at all scales: –National, –regional, –cities, –towns, –villages and –neighbourhoods.

6 PLANNING SUSTAINABLE CITIES GLOBAL REPORT ON HUMAN SETTLEMENTS 2009 The Global Report argues that future urban planning must take place within an understanding of the factors shaping 21st-century cities including: Environmental Demographic Economic Spatial Inequality Urban Sprawl Democratisation and the rights of ordinary people

7 Successful spatial planning is inclusive... Spatial planning must: –Respect difference, –Include all in the process of change; –Reduce social and spatial inequalities. Not create new ones; –Negotiated through processes that are transparent, and subject to scrutiny and arbitration; –Result in a shared commitment to act.

8 GPN Self Diagnostic Tool Self-diagnostic – respondents position themselves rather than measure against external norms Assess planning capacity to respond to challenges Identify priorities Evidence base for world wide planning capacity Identify gaps – geographically and functionally Helps consider resource priorities 1500 responses from 100+ countries

9 Q2:‘In your country what are the main challenges that require planning skills?’ Open ended question This was their first key thoughts 61 % of all respondents identified issues of Poverty & Inequality Poverty & Inequality are big issues for planners

10 How can planning make a difference? Respondents identify four core priorities: 1.Balanced Settlements 2.Improving Quality of Life 3.Harmonious Environment 4.Stakeholder Engagement

11 Balanced Settlements for addressing poverty and inequality “preventing spatially institutionalised poverty and inequality” Utilising space to encourage - local employment opportunities - service opportunities - viable transport & mobility - affordable housing - capital investment to poorer areas Equitable distribution of - resources - burdens - benefits

12 Engagement & Inclusion for addressing poverty and inequality decision making about land use affects people unequally planning processes using mediation can offer a structured way to negotiate interests balance competing, economic, social and environmental objectives in a transparent way

13 Perceived barriers to planning Respondents think planners should be doing more Big differences between what planning could do and what it is doing.

14 What holds planning back? 1.Context Institutional Lack of support by Government and wider society 2.Capacity Skills Information Resources

15 Contact the GPN Contact the RTPI Self assessment of the capacity for planning Find Out More

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