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Education and Culture 1.Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions in Horizon 2020 2.Opportunities in and advantages of MSCA 3.Participants, sectors and different.

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2 Education and Culture 1.Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions in Horizon 2020 2.Opportunities in and advantages of MSCA 3.Participants, sectors and different kinds of involvement 4.The different actions and their specificities 5.Calls, applications and data 6. Where to get more information

3 Education and Culture


5 Includes all domains of research and innovation Strong accent on participation of industry, SMEs and non-academia A global scope with cross-border and cross-sector mobility as key components Education and Culture Level of involvement is proportional to the participant's needs

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7 9400 projects financed by FP7 MCA 86% beneficiaries strengthened existing R&I collaborations with partner organisations 73% of organisations observed or expect improvement in the quality of training Education and Culture >140 nationalities of researchers and staff mobile thanks to FP7 MCA 50 000 researchers supported

8 Strong international profile of the Marie Curie Actions 2007-13 *Not including secondments in IRSES and with partial data on fellows in COFUND and ITN/IAPP CIGCOFUNDIAPPIEFIIFIOFITNTOTAL* 18410725773279171828655960/25880 Over 23% of MCA researchers are from Third Countries Education and Culture



11 Universities IEIOsIndustry Business and non- academia Academia Other socio- economic actors SMEs Broad definition: Any socio-economic actor not included in the academic sector definition Public or private HEI awarding academic degrees Public or private non-profit research organisations International European interest organisations Non-profit research institutes

12 Education and Culture


14 Research, networking, training costs 1800 € Management and indirect costs 1200 € Living allowance3110 € Mobility allowance600 € Family allowance500 €

15 Education and Culture Research, networking, training costs 800 € Management and indirect costs 500 € Living allowance4650 € Mobility allowance600 € Family allowance500 €

16 Education and Culture Research, networking, training costs 1800 € Management and indirect costs 700 € Top-up allowance2000 €

17 Education and Culture Management costs325 € Minimum remuneration Early-stage researchers 2597 € Minimum remuneration Experienced researchers 3675 €

18 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions Innovative Training Networks ITN early-stage researchers (< 4 years) Doctoral and initial training: European Training Networks, European Industrial Doctorates, European Joint Doctorates Individual Fellowships IF experienced researchers (> 4 years) Support for experienced researchers to undertake international and inter-sector mobility, incl. career restart and reintegration Research and Innovation Staff Exchange RISEInternational and inter-sector cooperation through the exchange of staff Co-funding of programmes COFUNDCo-funding of regional, national and international programmes: - doctoral programmes - fellowship programmes Researcher vacancies published online: EURAXESS EURAXESS Researcher applies directly to European Commission Consortia apply directly to European Commission Education and Culture

19 ITN11/12/2013-09/04/2014 02/09/2014-13/01/2015 OPEN! EUR 405.18 million EUR 370.00 million IF12/03/2014-11/09/2014 12/03/2015-10/09/2015 EUR 204.50 million EUR 215.00 million RISE11/12/2013-24/04/2014 06/01/2015-28/04/2015 EUR 70.00 million EUR 80.00 million COFUND10/04/2014-02/10/2014 14/04/2015-01/10/2015 EUR 80.00 million NIGHT11/12/2013-04/03/2014EUR 8.00 million

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