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M ATH P ROJECT Why Should I Pay?.Brooklyn-Arnold’_.

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1 M ATH P ROJECT Why Should I Pay?.Brooklyn-Arnold’_

2 H ISTORY OF T AXATION In 1812 they made tax cheaper so people could be able to afford items. We pay taxes to support the governments mandates enshrined in the constitution. We use our taxes for money on the neighborhoods and the schools etc….

3 A GREE OR D ISAGREE WITH TAXATION ? We agree…. Because they help us go to school and the policeman keep their jobs that’s why we agree with taxation.

4 G EORGIA The rate of Georgia’s sales tax is 4 percent. The local counties and cities implement additional sales tax that may vary from 1 percent to 3 percent.

5 M ISSISSIPPI Mississippi sales tax rate is 7%, Mississippi sales tax because of its single state tax rate is one of the few states that does not require extensive maintenance.

6 N EW JERSEY New Jersey levies state taxes at rates ranging from 1.4 percent to 8.97 percent, assessed

7 N EW Y ORK The New York state rate 4% in it decreased 4.25% on June,1, 2005 New York city have a state income taxes.

8 F LORIDA Florida law mandates a minimum sales tax rate of 6%, collected by the state government to provide services to all Floridians.

9 W ISH L IST New Cell Phone (Droid) XBOX Kinect MP3 player New Laptop (DELL) iPad

10 DROID CELL PHONE Name: DROID cell phone Purchase: Verizon Wireless Cost: $149.99 Tax:.04 Total Cost: $155.99 Justificatican: I deserve a DROID because I have done everything that I have been asked to. I have good grades and my

11 X BOX K INECT Name: Xbox Kinect Purchase: you can purchase it at Best Buy Cost:$150.00 Taxes:.06 Total Cost: Justification: I want this Xbox Kinect because I have good grades and I clean up my room every chance I can get. I’m very respectful that’s why I think I should get an Xbox Kinect.

12 MP3 P LAYER Name: Hip Street MP3 player Purchase: Best Buy Cost:$49.99 Tax:.04 Total Cost: $50.01 Justification: because it’s a cool MP3 player. It’s a touch screen and I think that I deserve it because I respect my teachers, my parents and my friends.

13 D ELL LAPTOP Name: Inspiron Laptop Purchase: DELL Cost: $299.99 Tax:.04 Total Cost: $300.07 Justification: I can get on a lot of stuff with my own laptop. If I need to do some projects I can do it on my own lap top. Also in case I need to download or print something I can use my laptop.

14 I P AD Name: Apple iPad Purchase: Wal-Mart Cost: $499.99 Tax:.04 Total Cost: $500.19 Justification: I can do a lot of things with a Apple iPad so that’s why I want it. It has Internet and more.


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