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THE WAR IN THE WEST By: Sophia LaBianco, Renee Swider, Maura O’Keefe, Cassidy Reed, and Katie Kenah.

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Presentation on theme: "THE WAR IN THE WEST By: Sophia LaBianco, Renee Swider, Maura O’Keefe, Cassidy Reed, and Katie Kenah."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE WAR IN THE WEST By: Sophia LaBianco, Renee Swider, Maura O’Keefe, Cassidy Reed, and Katie Kenah


3 UNION STRATEGY IN THE WEST Ulysses Grant wanted to be on the attack The western campaign focused on taking control of Mississippi River Strategy would cut off Confederate’s source of food production Cassidy Reed

4 UNION STRATEGY IN THE WEST (CONT.) February of 1862- Grant leads assault into Tennessee February 6- Grant captured Fort Henry on Tennessee River Later, he took over Fort Donelson on Cumberland River Cassidy Reed

5 BATTLE OF SHILOH Grant advanced south in Tennessee, Grant paused near Shiloh Church awaiting the arrival of the Army of Ohio Grant knew the rebel army of General A. S. Johnson was nearby, but he didn’t expect an attack Early morning of April 6, 1862- Battle of Shiloh occurred Battle of Shiloh- the battle in which the Union army gained greater control of the Mississippi River Valley Cassidy Reed

6 BATTLE OF SHILOH Bloody 2 day battle About 10,000 casualties Johnston was killed the first day Each side gained and lost ground Grant was the victor even though both sides claimed victory Cassidy Reed

7 THE FALL OF NEW ORLEANS Grant moving down the Mississippi River- Union Navy planned to meet him upriver 1 st obstacle- Port of New Orleans Largest city in Confederacy and gateway to Mississippi river David Farragut- 18 ship and 700 men approached New Orleans Attack took place on April 24, 1862 Sophia LaBianco

8 ATTACK ON NEW ORLEANS Could not get pass the port- decided to go in at night Steps to attack: 1. 1.Wooden ships wrapped in chains- protect from ironclads 2. 2.Put mud on ships- harder to see 3. 3.Trees were tied to masts- looked as if the ships were part of the shoreline Confederates Tried firing at the Union Launched burning rafts Sophia LaBianco

9 RESULT OF ATTACK Farragut’s troop successfully made it through New Orleans New Orleans fell to the Union on April 29, 1862 Union also took: Baton Rouge, Louisiana Natchez, Mississippi Farragut approached the city of Vicksburg, Mississippi Sophia LaBianco


11 DAVID FARRAGUT (1801- 1870) Born in Tennessee Spanish Father and American Mother Adopted to be trained to be in the navy 1 st Naval position- Midshipman Age nine Commanded first vessel at age of 12 Spent life in U.S. Navy Attacks were on Vicksburg and New Orleans Sophia LaBianco

12 THE SIEGE OF VICKSBURG Vicksburg is perched on 200-foot-high cliffs above the Mississippi River so invading the city was impossible Commodore Farragut's guns could not reach the city from the river Grant’s idea was to starve the city into surrender It began in mid-May, 1863 Maura O’Keefe

13 THE SIEGE OF VICKSBURG Residents and soldiers survived by eating - Horses - Dogs - Rats Confederate troops were sick and starving By late June, Confederate army was on the verge of mutiny Maura O’Keefe

14 THE SIEGE OF VICKSBURG On July 4, Gen. John Pemberton surrendered the Confederate army After the surrender, Gen. Grant sent food to the Confederate soldiers and civilians of Vicksburg Gen. Grant believed Vicksburg was so important that when it fell, “The fate of the Confederacy was sealed”. Maura O’Keefe

15 Maura O’Keefe

16 Struggle for the Far West Renee Swider

17 Union halted attempts by Confederate armies to control lands west of the Mississippi in Colorado and Arizona in 1861. August 1861, a Union detached from Colorado turned back to Confederate force at Glorieta Pass Union Volunteers defeated rebel forces at Arizonian's Pichaco Pass Union Volunteers defeated rebel forces at Arizonian's Pichaco Pass Renee Swider Struggle for the Far West

18 THE BATTLE OF PEA RIDGE Confederates failed to take border state of Missouri, losing Battle of Pea Ridge in 1862. 1861 failed to seize federal arsenal at St. Louis – rebels fell back to Pea Ridge in northwest Arkansas In March, Confederates attacked again aided with 800 Cherokee Native Americans, hoping they would give them greater freedom Slavery was legal in Indian Territory & some Natives were slave holders & supported Confederacy Renee Swider

19 UNION Union forces outnumbered by Confederates and Cherokee, Native Americans Union forces won Battle of Pea Ridge Union defense of Missouri was still together Union strategy in the West centered on the control of the Mississippi river Renee Swider

20 STRUGGLE FOR THE FAR WEST Pro-Confederate forces remained active in region throughout war Forced Union commanders to keep valuable troops in their areas Attacked region throughout war Union forts and towns attacked and raided in Missouri and Kansas Renee Swider

21 THE BATTLE OF SHILOH Battle of Pittsburg Landing is it’s other name Confederates, led by Albert Sidney Johnston, launched a surprise attack on the Union on April 6, 1862, in Tennessee. When attacked, the Union soldiers, fled to Shiloh Church. As the day went on, Union soldiers were moving farther and farther back. The Confederate soldiers feeling of victory started to slow down as Grant’s command came. Katie Kenah

22 THE BATTLE OF SHILOH On the first day of the battle, in the afternoon, Albert Sidney Johnston, was shot in the leg and bled to death. After Johnston’s death, General Pierre G. T. Beauregard took control for the Confederates. General Grant started to lead some counterattacks, slowing the Confederates down. Union kept pushing the Confederates down back to Shiloh Church and finally fled the battle to Corinth. Katie Kenah

23 BATTLE OF SHILOH CASUALTIES More than 13,000 on Grant’s side. 62,000 troops were killed, wounded, or missing. Over 10,00 Confederate casualties out of the 45,000 that came. Vs. Katie Kenah

24 Kenah

25 VIDEO history/videos/the-battle-of-shiloh Katie Kenah

26 BIBLIOGRAPHY United States History Beginnings to 1877. Austin: Harcourt Education Company, 2009. Print. History. A&E Television Networks, 1996. Web. 15 May 2014..

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