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ABCs of Geography.

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Presentation on theme: "ABCs of Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 ABCs of Geography

2 BORDER The definition of border is a wall or line that seperates two countries or states.

3 Feature Feature: is a detail that helps you figure out what something looks like.

4 Legend Legend-is on the bottom left of the map. It will represent the features on the map.

5 ocean Definition: A big body of water that surrounds countries, island, and continents.

6 Border definition A border is a line or wall to divide a country and continent

7 Continent : any of the world's main pieces of land.

8 Latitude and Longitude are imaginary lines drawn on maps/globes to easily locate places or people and things on Earth. Latitude/Longitude

9 Part of speech : verb Other forms of adapt : adaptation , adapting
Adapt Definition : to make something work in your life or to make your own style. Part of speech : verb Other forms of adapt : adaptation , adapting

10 The ocean is a large body of salt water. By: Julisa and Gabriela

11 Geography The study of Earth and its natural feature such as mountains, rivers, lakes, and hills.

12 A rule determining distances between two marks.
scale A rule determining distances between two marks.

13 Legend A legend is a box on a map that tells you were to find specific things like states ,capitals, and cities.

14 Definition: imaginary lines that goes vertically and horizontally
Latitude/Longitude Definition: imaginary lines that goes vertically and horizontally

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