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P ETERSON ’ S D ATA L ICENSING : M ITIGATING R ISK I N P RIVATE S TUDENT L OANS Confidential and Proprietary – Please do not share or distribute outside.

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1 P ETERSON ’ S D ATA L ICENSING : M ITIGATING R ISK I N P RIVATE S TUDENT L OANS Confidential and Proprietary – Please do not share or distribute outside of your organization

2 W HAT U NDERWRITING C RITERIA S HOULD W E U SE ? 2 Over the past 12 months, we at Peterson’s have fielded this question more than any other in terms of helping to bring innovative solutions to our customers.

3 D ATA D RIVEN D ECISIONS = R ISK M ITIGATION 3 Number of Peterson’s data elements used in underwriting Amount of financial business risk Using cohort default rates and FICO scores may seem like the perfect combination but it’s not. Until you use the relationship between key indicators within an institutional profile and that of the school’s ability to graduate successful students can you then mitigate the risk associated with private student loans.


5 D ISPARATE D ATA E LEMENTS = U NRELIABLE R ESULTS 5 Let’s face it, there’s no shortage of data available in the market or even in your own repository. However, our findings show that the vast majority of educational lenders structure their data and subsequent underwriting in a fragmented and disparate way. The result, lower approval rates and increased risk levels.

6 S TRUCTURED D ATA = S USTAINED C OMPETITIVE A DVANTAGE 6 At Peterson’s, we help bring structure to your data. Our database of supplemental strategic variables on colleges and universities can be the key indicators for your markets. With our combination of current and historic databases, we simply are the most comprehensive and accurate higher education data provider in the industry.

7 U SING P ETERSON ’ S D ATA = S IZEABLE A NNUAL G ROWTH 7 Q1/2010Q2/2010Q3/2010Q4/2010Q1/2011Q2/2011Q3/2011 At Peterson’s, we’ve been doing this work for the past 45 years – let us help you bring immediate impact and success to your overall private loan profitability with increased approval rates and an overall reduced risk profile. Your market strategy, are you in it for the sprint or do you have a marathon approach? Ask any data analyst or statistician and they will tell you that it’s only over time that risk is mitigated by better understanding and leveraging your historical data and trends.

8 C ONTACT I NFORMATION Kevin Knotts Data & Content Licensing Peterson’s, Data Licensing Division 2000 Lenox Drive Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 1.800.338.3282 x53463 Please visit for further information on our complete line of higher education databases 8

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