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Welcome to Chryston High School SENIOR OPTIONS EVENING.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Chryston High School SENIOR OPTIONS EVENING."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Chryston High School SENIOR OPTIONS EVENING

2 New Information

3 Programme for the Evening  Options Process to Date  Options Form  Routes of Progression S4 » 5 » 6  Qualifications  Completing the Options Process  Expectations of Senior School Students

4 The Options Process To Date  January: S4 Parents’ Consultation Evening 22 nd January Prelims February: S4/5 Parents’ Information Evening – 12 th February Trial run completed & option form constructed Option booklet & form to S4 w/b 16 th February S6 pupils to talk to S4 about subject requirements S4 Interviews commence w/b 16 th February Issue of S4 reports – 26 th February  March:S4 Interviews completed by 6 th March S4 Option Forms returned by Friday 13 th March Process repeated for S5 two weeks later  April:Easter holiday 3 rd – 21 st April SQA exams start Tuesday 28 th April

5 The Options Process To Date  In S1/S2, pupils studied up to 16 subjects  In S3/S4, pupils studied 8 subjects  In S5/S6, students will study a maximum of 5 subjects  Subjects offered at different levels.

6 S3/S4 Curriculum A broad curriculum 8 subjects at National 3, 4 or 5  English  Maths  Modern Language  Social Subject  Science  Creative/Aesthetic  Technology  ICT.

7 S5/S6 Curriculum A narrower curriculum - less subjects - more time 8 subjects in S3/S4 English Maths Modern Languages Social Subjects Sciences Creative/Aesthetic ICT/Technology 5 subjects in S5/S6 No compulsory subjects, but Pupil Support staff will ensure that all pupils have a balanced curriculum which will suit their future plans.

8 S5/S6 Specimen Option Sheet

9 Additions to columns In order to provide additional subjects relevant to a larger number of pupils we are currently considering adding Horticulture Community Involvement Yearbook Performance and fitness Personal finance Life and Language for work Befrienders Photography Duke of Edinburgh Young Enterprise Each of these subjects would be available with another in 1 column and would amount to 3 periods per week Example Befrienders and Yearbook may be paired.

10 Example…Only an example Chryston S4 Parents Information

11 Routes of Progression S4 S5 S6 National 5 Higher Advanced Higher A or B National 4 National 5 Higher Progression in any subject is dependant on success at the lower level. It may however be possible, each year, to choose a different set of subjects at the lower level instead. Also Pupil Support staff will be able to advise if college or training may be a more beneficial choice.

12 Qualifications Courses and qualifications at up to 5 levels to allow progression from S4 to S6 Courses made up of units and the chance to gain recognition for units Internal and external assessment Core skills qualifications for all.

13 Terminology Unit  Part of a subject course.  Internally assessed.  Must pass each unit, although one resit is allowed Course  Made up of a group of units – usually 3.  Same study time regardless of the level (120 hours + revision and assessment time)  Nat 5, Higher and Advanced Higher are externally assessed – final exam

14 Assessment  Mixture of both internal – units external – final exam (Not National 3 or 4)  Students must pass both assessments to gain the full course award  One system and one certificate  All passes – units and final exam – certificated  National Certificate.

15 The Finishing Touches  Pupil Support staff interview every S4/5 pupil.  Once option forms are returned, SMT will consider timetable implications (which may restrict some choices).  Note, if forms are returned late, then choices may be limited.  Study leave will end just before the last exam  New courses will start at the beginning of June, so pupils must be in attendance at this time.

16 Expectations of S5/6 Students  S5 study 5 subjects, S6 study at least 4 subjects, for the duration of the year  S5/6 pupils should be setting example to others  Treated in a more mature way - Personal development  S6 Mentors

17 Expectations of S5/6 Students  Senior Contract  Good attendance and timekeeping  Education Maintenance Allowance  No Term time holidays  Part – Time Employment  New courses – June start

18 Other Information  SQA Results will received by post on 5 th August  I will be in school from 5 th August for any problems following results  SQA Information available at

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