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Presented by Kevin McCarthy Executive Committee PWC Tea Party Patriots.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Kevin McCarthy Executive Committee PWC Tea Party Patriots."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Kevin McCarthy Executive Committee PWC Tea Party Patriots


3 Culture and Media Institute : National Cultural Values Survey "America no longer enjoys cultural consensus on God, religion, and what constitutes right and wrong."

4 Every day in America 2,054 teens (age 15-19) become pregnant – (overall 46% of teens are sexually active) 24,657 young people (age 15-24) contract a sexually transmitted infection (STI) 89 Americans commit suicide 7,000 students drop out of high school 2,461 cases of child abuse reported 4,931 violent crimes committed 517 sexual assault incidents reported 7,000,000 fellow Americans are in the penal system 2,054 teens (age 15-19) become pregnant – (overall 46% of teens are sexually active) 24,657 young people (age 15-24) contract a sexually transmitted infection (STI) 89 Americans commit suicide 7,000 students drop out of high school 2,461 cases of child abuse reported 4,931 violent crimes committed 517 sexual assault incidents reported 7,000,000 fellow Americans are in the penal system No Consensus on Right & Wrong




8 “Fathers, Marriage, and Welfare Reform” 1997 Hudson Institute Study 70 percent of long-term prison inmates, 60 percent of rapists, 75 percent of adolescents charged with murder, grew up without fathers - Fatherless children are: Three times more likely to fail school, require psychiatric treatment and commit suicide as adolescents. 40 times more likely to experience child abuse compared with children growing up in two- parent families. “Fathers, Marriage, and Welfare Reform” 1997 Hudson Institute Study 70 percent of long-term prison inmates, 60 percent of rapists, 75 percent of adolescents charged with murder, grew up without fathers - Fatherless children are: Three times more likely to fail school, require psychiatric treatment and commit suicide as adolescents. 40 times more likely to experience child abuse compared with children growing up in two- parent families.

9 Self-governance Benjamin Rush: – Liberty requires virtue, and virtue requires faith. "The only foundation for a republic is to be laid in religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments.“ Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration of Independence and member of the Continental Congress

10 1. Founding Principles 2. The Constitution 3. The Political Process Educate the citizenry and our children:

11 E-mail: Web Site: Facebook: Eventbrite: How to Contact Us

12 Tea Party Volunteer It's not for the money; It's not for the fame; It's not for any personal gain. It’s not for a medal worn with pride, It’s for that feeling deep inside; It’s for love of our children and fellow man, It's to defend our country and where we stand; It’s to protect our faith, freedom and liberty, It’s to treasure and remember our American history; It’s to cherish our Constitution and for what it stands, It’s what we'll fight for while holding each other’s hands; It’s that feeling from deep inside our heart, Bringing all people together far and near, That makes you a Prince William County Tea Party Volunteer!

13 Thank You for Your Kind Attention

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